Results: 2Comments by: Shellex
File: HBar09-03-08
Getting a taint: 9/3 14:57:19.25...
Posted By: Shellex
Getting a taint: 9/3 14:57:19.257 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from HBar - PossessButton1:Show() 9/3 14:57:19.257 Interface\FrameXML\BonusActionBarFrame.lua:278 PossessBar_UpdateState() 9/3 14:57:19.257 Interface\FrameXML\BonusActionBarFrame.lua:256 PossessBar_Update() 9/3 14:57:19.257 Interf...
File: Sage UnitFrames07-24-06
Getting this error on my rogue alt:...
Posted By: Shellex
Getting this error on my rogue alt: ...\AddOns\Sage_Target\target.lua:244:attempt to call global 'STarget_UpdateComboPoints' (a nil value) This happens each time I target something.