Results: 2Comments by: Hullnyx
File: Roth_UI Classic WoW10-05-19
Re: Re: Target of Target
Posted By: Hullnyx
Hey there, found your UI from r/classicwow. Loving it. Just a few things. Is there a way to seperate my unitframe from my groups? Is there a target of target frame? And are there going to be raid frames? The player's unit frame is the health and mana orbs, it only shows another unit frame for you when you're in a raid or party...
File: Roth_UI Classic WoW10-04-19
Target of Target
Posted By: Hullnyx
Hey there, found your UI from r/classicwow. Loving it. Just a few things. Is there a way to seperate my unitframe from my groups? Is there a target of target frame? And are there going to be raid frames?