Results: 34Comments by: hid
File: Quick Auctions 302-10-09
The latest version (r1110) still ha...
Posted By: hid
The latest version (r1110) still hangs when posting. Including the whole QuickAuctionsDB table: QuickAuctionsDB = { = 1, = { = 500, }, = { = 30, }, = { = true, = true, }, = { }, = false, = true, = { }, = {...
File: Quick Auctions 302-02-09
Originally posted by Shadowed At...
Posted By: hid
Originally posted by Shadowed At the time of that, you said you had 4 in your inventory at the time of that? Not really sure why it's not working, looks fine to me and can't imagine whats causing problems. Yes, I had 4 in my inv, but I've tried it with any number between 1 and 10, and all it does if I have 1 is posting it, then...
File: Quick Auctions 302-01-09
Originally posted by Shadowed I c...
Posted By: hid
Originally posted by Shadowed I can't think of a reason why it would cause issues, try replacing the last Log with self:Log("Queued for auction in bag", bag, "slot", slot, "capping at", postCap, "total posted", totalPosted, "active auctions", (activeAuctions or 0)) = { " Starting scan post items 1", --...
File: Quick Auctions 302-01-09
Originally posted by Shadowed I'l...
Posted By: hid
Originally posted by Shadowed I'll look at the bid thing, stuff. If you can replicate it, try adding a self:Log("Queued for auction in bag", bag, "slot", slot) at line #610 below the table.inserts into auctionPostQueue, not sure why that would be happen. Will see about the ability to set defaults based on type as...
File: Quick Auctions 302-01-09
Another smart thing to do (feature...
Posted By: hid
Another smart thing to do (feature request) would be to allow configuration of minbid % of buyout, because of how the default AH UI sorts items, it will sort stuff with a higher buyout first if the bid is lower. Ie, a glyph at 20g BO 20g bid will be listed below a glyph with 25g BO, 15g bid.
File: Quick Auctions 302-01-09
Neon from IRC here. Trying to po...
Posted By: hid
Neon from IRC here. Trying to post 10 delicate scarlet rubies while having glyphs that are under the threshold in my inventory at the same time, results in the addon only posting 1 of the gems and then freezing the addon without any error messages (The "Post Items" button gets stuck greyed out at 9/10.) " Finished scan...
File: CooldownButtons09-29-08
On another note, seems like there's...
Posted By: hid
On another note, seems like there's some bug with the cooldown sorting function. Sometimes a cooldown will show up in the wrong position, only to sometimes be reordered to the right position after the next update (after a cooldown finishes, or after another cooldown is added). Seems random. This happens quite often as a rogue when...
File: CooldownButtons09-29-08
First off, great addon, and nice co...
Posted By: hid
First off, great addon, and nice coding style. :) It isn't often I find a new addon I haven't heard of before that immediately replaces an addon I've been using for years, but when I found this addon, I was so happy to finally be able to replace "Cooling". The only option I was missing from this addon was the ability to change the...
File: TickTock08-19-08
Feature request
Posted By: hid
The only thing that prevents me from switching from Tick to this addon is that I haven't found a way to align the bar text to the center. Please add the ability to justify text alignment to the left/center/right.