Results: 3Comments by: Aeidian
File: Clique09-26-07
Originally posted by Naru I don't...
Posted By: Aeidian
Originally posted by Naru I don't know if it is a bug but , before I could perform the action with the cursor on my portrait , health bar , mana bar on the normal frame (world frame) but since the new patch , I downloaded the new version of Clique and it seems that I can only perform the action when I have my cursor on the portrait...
File: Clique09-26-07
Xperl and Clique.
Posted By: Aeidian
I have absolutely 0 access to WoW right now, and cannot even test to verify this is a problem. If you can click-cast on some frames, but not others there is most likely an issue with the way those frames are registering for click-casting support. Clique is deterministic, doing the exact same thing for every frame. There's some ki...
File: Clique09-26-07
Pet Unit Frames?
Posted By: Aeidian
Post on X Perl's comments too, but thought it might help here as well. Bug related to Patch. I use Alt and Right Click and Alt and Left Click for buffing, but it won't do anything when I mouse over the pet in the party unitframes. Targeting them and then mousing over the target frame it works, but not from the party HuD. I have di...