Results: 6Comments by: Cymrych
File: LUI v221105-02-10
Originally posted by imascorp911...
Posted By: Cymrych
Originally posted by imascorp911 yeah cause he is total going to pay people to work on his UI Just because you're a type of person that won't help without compensation does not mean others are like you. I do however agree with most of the sentiments here. There is a point where you are just trying to do too much and it's gett...
File: LUI v221104-24-10
Originally posted by Pheneom Just...
Posted By: Cymrych
Originally posted by Pheneom Just found this on the main LUI forum. Looks like I unwittingly missed the answer to the question. :( That's fine and all, we've been waiting long enough for this, however my issue is one of his other posts on the same forums: LUI v3 available for download, NOW! After thousends of working hour...
File: LUI v221104-02-10
Originally posted by Finmakin Hav...
Posted By: Cymrych
Originally posted by Finmakin Have downloaded it again, because i want to try it out. Have installed it and have done the WTF thing. All i get is the addons and frames.. but no graphics. Have checked KG panels but the needed Graphics are not in the Art Library. Is there someting i forgot or is it temporally broken.. Pls en...
File: LUI v221103-06-10
Re: paladin stance bar
Posted By: Cymrych
Originally posted by jstnc Just loaded the UI and it looks great. However, my paladin stance bar is huge and right in the middle of the screen. I can't figure out how to even open the options for Bartender or get the bar resized and moved. Any suggestions? /bt
File: LUI v221102-11-10
Re: After i updated everything i still cant find a fix for my problem
Posted By: Cymrych
Originally posted by jakekeatts Dont want to slow down the progress for 3.0 but Check to make sure that "Load out of date addons" is checked off. Sometimes, for some reason after a patch, the check mark gets removed.
File: LUI v221102-11-10
I'm trying to change the BT Bar des...
Posted By: Cymrych
I'm trying to change the BT Bar designation for the right bar panel from bar 2 to bar 4, however it's not exactly working out for me. I've tried going into kgpanels and changing everything that had BT4Bar2 to BT4Bar4, and I've also tried altering the .lua file in saved variables by changing all instances of BT4Bar2 to BT4Bar4. Any...