Results: 2Comments by: dariuslloyd
File: ArkInventory07-08-07
It's very hard to manipulate some o...
Posted By: dariuslloyd
It's very hard to manipulate some of the menus. It seems after I use a slider once, then I can no longer move the mouse over to the drop down menus. Its a pain in the ass and basically either im not in the 'sweet spot' with the cursor or its just not working properly. Please take a look.
File: SpellAlert (modified again)12-16-06
Posted By: dariuslloyd
Looking good so far, the most rebost SA outthere atm. But it does need a few improvements. 1. The "Target Only Option" needs to be frame independant. That way a user could make 1 frame for putting ONLY their target and all of what hes casting. And set up a second frame that allows other nearby players. To expand on this, to pre...