Results: 3Comments by: kubito
File: BagSync10-31-14
Hello. New lines added and here are...
Posted By: kubito
Hello. New lines added and here are his translations. Brazil Portuguese localization "ptBR". Thank you. = "Cofre Etéreo: %d", = "Banco de Reagentes: %d", = "Casa de Leilão: %d",
File: BagSync10-23-14
Hello, has two small problems Bagsy...
Posted By: kubito
Hello, has two small problems Bagsync (Brazil localization). 1 - The correct is GetLocale () == "ptBR" no "PtBr". I'm Sorry for that. 2 - An error occurred while showing the number of items in each character is not displayed. Image: Possible problem with the translation? I reviewed the...
File: BagSync10-17-14
Localization: PtBr
Posted By: kubito
>> Small correction, translating "bag" Here is the translation to PtBr (Portuguese-Brazil). I will make a correction of text when it is applied, spelling / context. And thanks for the great addon! --] -- = "Bolsa", -- = "Banco", -- = "Equipado", -- = "Guilda", -- = "Correio", -- = "Pesquisar", -- = "Tota...