Results: 26Comments by: beastieboy442
File: LightHeaded09-05-18
Good news ... uninstalled completel...
Posted By: beastieboy442
Good news ... uninstalled completely, re-installed ... it works perfectly now. Thanks to those that took the time to help this geezer. And a big thanks to Cladhaire!!
File: LightHeaded09-05-18
No joy yet
Posted By: beastieboy442
Took the time to try disabling all but lh this AM (simply clicked Disable All, then checked off LH to enable it only) ... no LH window plus /lh config or /lh autodetails did nothing. No error messages either. Last ditch effort is to uninstall LH completely and install fresh. Any other suggestions welcome.
File: LightHeaded09-02-18
Yeah ... thought of that and procra...
Posted By: beastieboy442
Yeah ... thought of that and procrastinated. At 70 y.o. my play time for Wow, D3, etc is sorta limited and didn't wanna waste it "not" playing. But I guess it wouldn't take that long. Thanks for letting me know it's likely on my end.
File: LightHeaded09-01-18
Posted By: beastieboy442
What you may not hear enough is how much this addon/your work is appreciated. LH is likely my favorite addon!! No stuff, man! Will be glad when it works again ... give a shout if you think it's on my end ... haven't changed anything else, but ya never know.
File: LightHeaded08-31-18
Now no LH window opens at all ... /...
Posted By: beastieboy442
Now no LH window opens at all ... /lh config & /lh autodetails don't work .... even reinstalled and no luck.
File: LightHeaded02-11-15
A big thanks, Clad
Posted By: beastieboy442
Love the addon and appreciate all the work you smart guys put in to these. Had a feeling (even before I looked at these most recent posts) that you knew and were working on the one little glitch with pulling up the correct quest when its clicked. And we certainly can live with the *search for it* workaround to get the info that so...
File: Dugi Questing Essential 7.0501-23-15
Couple questions
Posted By: beastieboy442
Looks fairly active here so I'm thinking there will be help offered :) ... unlike some others. :( (currently using Carbonite ... pre-WOD it was great and is getting there, but still not even close to done IMHO ... btw, they are very active and working hard ... just looking at Dugi+++ as an already up-and-running, permanent option...
File: Bartender412-26-14
Re: Re: Reputation bar not showing
Posted By: beastieboy442
XP bar is fine ... got them stacked one atop the other ... checked settings comparing xp bar to rep bar and the rep bar just does not show. I must be missing something, but a previous alt had it and it showed (prior to WOD). Any suggestions or tips? Rep bar is not shown, unless you track some reputation. Standard behavior....
File: Bartender412-26-14
Interesting ...
Posted By: beastieboy442
Never did anything prior to WOD ... it was just there. Installed a nice little addon called Glance this morning and Voila ... the rep bar is OK now. Go figure ... Thanks again for the great addon and thanks for the reply. :)
File: Profession Leveling Guide12-25-14
Posted By: beastieboy442
First ... love the addon ... been using it several months now. Thanks for having it for us and all the work. I've tried it using Curse and Minion both for the latest download. Shortly after leatherworking lvl 400 ... I get nothing on tips but "Waiting for server..." I also see the *depends on" Blizzard_ TradeSkillUI" * ... ch...
File: Bartender412-24-14
Reputation bar not showing
Posted By: beastieboy442
XP bar is fine ... got them stacked one atop the other ... checked settings comparing xp bar to rep bar and the rep bar just does not show. I must be missing something, but a previous alt had it and it showed (prior to WOD). Any suggestions or tips?
File: CarboniteBr11-23-14
Posted By: beastieboy442
Available? Same as the original Carbonite?
File: 45611-07-14
One more question please
Posted By: beastieboy442
Do the following add something not in the new version of Worldmap? Atlas Cataclysm Atlas Wrath of the Lich King Atlas Burning Crusade Atlas Classic WoW Atlas Scenarios Atlas Battlegrounds Atlas Dungeon Locations Atlas Outdoor Raids Atlas Transportation and AtlasLoot A...
File: 45611-07-14
Thanks for the reply ... I had alre...
Posted By: beastieboy442
Thanks for the reply ... I had already removed everything Curse had put in the addons folder ... manually installed the worldmap folder and it looks and works great! Yeah, I see now that Minion and Curse both have no idea it's even installed. Great addon! Thanks!
File: 45611-06-14
Some quick questions: The instruct...
Posted By: beastieboy442
Some quick questions: The instructions say to delete any previous Atlas World Map instances. If they are *Atlas* but without the designation *World Map* ... do I leave them or delete them? When Minion updates Atlas in the future ... will that also require a manual assist to do the installation? (putting worldmap in the Interfac...
File: LightHeaded11-04-14
For me I have to do /lh show initia...
Posted By: beastieboy442
For me I have to do /lh show initially .... but after that for the remainder of the session it is attached until I Exit ... then next time I come on /lh show again just 1X.
File: LightHeaded10-31-14
Posted By: beastieboy442
Could you consider uploading to Curse? I use their client for all of my addons and the last manually updated addon I had to keep an eye on for updates was CTMod sometime earlier this year and it was taken up by a prominent Curse author. This looks like a fantastic addon, but not really inclined to revert to manual updating. If not, I...
File: LightHeaded10-28-14
That's the way Carbonite worked ......
Posted By: beastieboy442
That's the way Carbonite worked ... currently Rythal is working on version for new patch. Worth the wait IMO.
File: LightHeaded10-27-14
Could you consider uploading to Cur...
Posted By: beastieboy442
Could you consider uploading to Curse? I use their client for all of my addons and the last manually updated addon I had to keep an eye on for updates was CTMod sometime earlier this year and it was taken up by a prominent Curse author. This looks like a fantastic addon, but not really inclined to revert to manual updating. If not, I...
File: LightHeaded10-20-14
Not griping ... knew you were worki...
Posted By: beastieboy442
Not griping ... knew you were working on it. Just very grateful you take your time to benefit so many of us .... a big thanks for the addon and for you doing it. :)
File: LightHeaded10-20-14
FYI ... Added Legacy Quest ... a...
Posted By: beastieboy442
FYI ... Added Legacy Quest ... at first it didn't do anything to enable LH until I reloaded UI ... now it works great. Tried on wife's PC and still doesn't work ... weird ... we both have identical addons with the only difference she has Win 7 pro and I have XP pro. Not sure if it's her PC or if she just has to wait for the ne...
File: Profession Leveling Guide10-17-14
How cool! Thanks for the update .....
Posted By: beastieboy442
How cool! Thanks for the update ... and thanks for the hard work doing it. Love it!
File: LightHeaded10-17-14
Hmmm ... just noticed a few posts a...
Posted By: beastieboy442
Hmmm ... just noticed a few posts ago the LegacyQuest addon result and will try it tomorrow ... stuck with RL till then.
File: LightHeaded10-17-14
Broken here too
Posted By: beastieboy442
Carbonite doesn't work with the new patch (but worked great w/LH before) so I've installed Dugi, Atlas, bartender4, and a few minor addons. (poor subs for carbonite, but better than vanilla IMO, until carbonite is updated) ... I can't figure out - Lightheaded (really good addon) won't work. Anyone have a clue for a fix. Tried the pr...
File: Profession Leveling Guide10-15-14
Love the addon ... enjoyed it very...
Posted By: beastieboy442
Love the addon ... enjoyed it very much! Is it ... or is it gonna be ... updated for the new patch?