Results: 3Comments by: Simca
File: Frenemy11-07-22
To fix the latest version posted on...
Posted By: Simca
To fix the latest version posted on CurseForge for 10.0, make the following changes to the file Frenemy/Frenemy.lua: On line 146, replace `BNet_GetClientEmbeddedTexture` with `BNet_GetClientEmbeddedAtlas`. The arguments are the same; the function was just renamed. On line 167 and line 173, replace `RAID_CLASS_COLORS` with `C_Cl...
File: Battle Pet BreedID07-02-21
Hi, Clue. Sorry for the very slo...
Posted By: Simca
Hi, Clue. Sorry for the very slow reply. Pets rarely showing up as '???' is intentional; it's a limitation of the information provided to us by Blizzard. I added a basic explanation of why to the addon description here on WowInterface.
File: Clique09-23-14
Fix for spellbook binding issue is...
Posted By: Simca
Fix for spellbook binding issue is very simple. Change line 151 of BindConfig.lua from "if enabled and button.spellbutton:IsEnabled() == 1 then" to "if enabled and button.spellbutton:IsEnabled() then". Button:IsEnabled() only returns true/false values in WoD, so the buttons are never being enabled because IsEnabled() is never '...