Results: 4Comments by: Viverra
File: Mono UI04-27-13
Just add information about ToT as a...
Posted By: Viverra
Just add information about ToT as an instance: local L = { = 824, = 896, -- instanceID 317, = 897, --330, = 886, --320, = 809, --322, = 930, and ] = { --jinrok = 4, -- Focused Lightning etc.
File: oUF_mono02-10-11
Posted By: Viverra
Спасибо за обновление. Не знаю как, но опять поломались р&...
File: oUF_mono10-22-10
Well, thx for answer. Think, you'r...
Posted By: Viverra
Well, thx for answer. Think, you're right, cause I "can" see debuffs like "poison" only when I translate them. But - he-he - my raid debuffs were and are written on ruRu... Ok, try to do something with them again))
File: oUF_mono10-22-10
raid debuffs
Posted By: Viverra
Hello, Monolit. Your raidframes are my favourite. I'm not sure, that my problem is connected exactly with raidframes... but i can't find the reason why I in 98% cases don't see raiddebuffs :( It's not comfortable to /rl ui during raid, so after it i select debuff "Weakened Soul", cut off most of my other addons and start to put th...