Results: 2Comments by: eleve
File: gHUD02-05-08
picking nits :)
Posted By: eleve
ljI think this is a very useful and good addon and it's the only HUD I use. That said I echo DarkKnight1713s points plus a niggle that has disturbed me: The Outline font is unreadable for me so I'd like to change it to normal or bold and bump the font size a bit but these 2 changes don't stick; on every zoning or restart, everythi...
File: Talent Planner03-22-07
talent trees branches side by side?
Posted By: eleve
In the course of setting up my own ui, I came across your mod and I like it a lot! But I am terrible in remembering the choices and switching back and forth and only seeing 1 branch at the time didn't do it for I ended up using Talented which displays the branches side by side. Now, I can compare better but I can't plan prope...