Results: 2Comments by: User1005273
File: XBar04-21-09
This is a great addon (my bank alt'...
Posted By: User1005273
This is a great addon (my bank alt's best friend). thanks for making it! :) Import broken with 3.1 (or 3.1.1?) Just an FYI post, This seems to be a known issue but I thought further error text can't hurt... Test: 1) I create a custom bar in Xcustombar containing the item "Tree Frog Box" (last updated today from 2...
File: Cirk's Chatmanager04-18-09
Strange Application/Issue
Posted By: User1005273
#1, Great Addons, this one and the Notebook are useful beyond words. But as you most likely have realized by now, people usually only post when there's a problem :-P so that brings me to #2... I'm trying to start a psudo-guild ( has a FAQ), but long story short I want people to be able to enter a passwor...