Results: 2Comments by: BrewmasterRysu
File: Birg's Monk UI - BfA10-07-19
The Lich King, everywhere.
Posted By: BrewmasterRysu
Love this UI. I've spent a lot of time trying to make this work and a ton of research. It really seems to keep landing on the same topic: There seem to be textures missing. When clicking on a target (or anything) that might load the weak auras, it just shows the Lich King instead of whatever is supposed to be there. I've un...
File: GSE: Advanced Macro Compiler11-18-17
GSE Prompting about Macros
Posted By: BrewmasterRysu
I've been picking through some settings and I haven't been able to find it. Google didn't give me much either, so I thought I'd post here. If I use GSE for a macro of a particular spec (Monk), but don't use it for others, when I am playing those specs it'll say that there aren't any macros loaded. It does this literally every si...