Results: 2Comments by: Morrow
File: LUI v221108-01-09
Originally posted by eniveparg My...
Posted By: Morrow
Originally posted by eniveparg My guess is you didnt do this: In-Game - Type /reflux switch LUI - Type /grid config, then go to Layout and Check if Solo Mode = None !IMPORTANT! - Type /rl to reload your ui. Now i feel kinda stupid... cant even read... sorry for the spam and nevermind mates!
File: LUI v221108-01-09
Wow, this UI looks awesome! I rly w...
Posted By: Morrow
Wow, this UI looks awesome! I rly want it, but uf i do exactly what u say (i even dont copy macros/keybindings) it ends like this: What am I doing wrong? cheers!