Results: 10Comments by: Tensho
File: oUF_Mlight(MoP)10-21-13
Why would you need an update? Works...
Posted By: Tensho
Why would you need an update? Works like a charm.. also, is there any way to disable the Chi bar? Thx I get errors on my alts, but not my main toon, so it's kinda frustrating trying to heal and listening to the error sound every two seconds. Also, some of the debuffs in SoO are missing.
File: oUF_Mlight(MoP)10-16-13
Posted By: Tensho
I love your addon! Is there any hopes of updating to 5.4? I really love the look and feel, and I don't wanna change to another raid frames addon. Please, please please update <3
File: oUF_Mlight(MoP)08-22-13
Posted By: Tensho
I fixed the warlock resource bug. But I didn't find anything wrong with priest and paladin. I edited oUF slightly to fix the name bug of boss frames. You may find that version of oUF in AltzUI. World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\AltzUI\lib\oUF Actually, this update fixed my problem. Thank you very much! :banana:
File: oUF_Mlight(MoP)08-21-13
Still Problems!
Posted By: Tensho
Please download oUF at it's github and see if these bug still occur. I downloaded the newest version from GitHub and I'm still having my problem. :(
File: oUF_Mlight(MoP)08-19-13
Class Bar Problem
Posted By: Tensho
I have a problem when I log on a Priest or Paladin. There's 5 class bars on the top of the Player frame when there is no resource there. I tried logging onto another class, but this only occurs with my Paladin and multiple Priests. Looks like this: Please help! :)
File: oUF_Mlight(MoP)03-13-13
having problems with my raid frames
Posted By: Tensho
Ever since patch 5.2, my raid frames have been acting funny. First, it shows the master looter on every box as well as an icon that shows the person is being rezzed, on every box. Next, every time i enter a new group, every box is white until some sort of dmg is done. Also, the indicators for raid buffs and some hots show up some of...
File: Aurora12-30-12
So it's a visual bug caused by modi...
Posted By: Tensho
So it's a visual bug caused by modifying some of the chat's visuals. There's not much Aurora can do about that because there are several things to consider: the chatframe's size, its font, font scaling, string/post length etc. Try if this also happens with other chatframe (e.g. ChatFrame3). kk, thanks for your help. i'll see if...
File: Aurora12-29-12
first off, i wanna say that i love...
Posted By: Tensho
first off, i wanna say that i love your addon. i just have a problem with one of my guildies that has the mod incognito. i noticed that i couldn't see what he was saying on the chat line just his name and ( where the incognito stars. he's the only one in my guild that i'm having problems seeing his chat. i tried changing my chat mod...
File: Aurora12-27-12
first off, i wanna say that i love...
Posted By: Tensho
first off, i wanna say that i love your addon. i just have a problem with one of my guildies that has the mod incognito. i noticed that i couldn't see what he was saying on the chat line just his name and ( where the incognito stars. he's the only one in my guild that i'm having problems seeing his chat. i tried changing my chat mod...
File: oUF_Mlight(MoP)10-11-12
Mana Bars
Posted By: Tensho
Just wanna say that i love your add-on! The only things I miss is mana bars in the raid frames. Is there a way to add them on my own, if not, are there any plans on adding them in the future? Thanks so much!