Results: 3Comments by: Gonkz
File: Altz UI08-10-16
Can't Export
Posted By: Gonkz
Hello, first let me tell you this is the first UI I enjoy in many years. So thank you for that. Now my question: When I try to export the settings to use them in another character, I select the whole text then there is no button to copy, and CTRL+C doesn't work, am I missing something here? Thanks
File: Skaarj UI04-21-14
Nothing? :\
Posted By: Gonkz
Nothing? :\
File: Skaarj UI04-09-14
Hello sorry for the noobest questio...
Posted By: Gonkz
Hello sorry for the noobest question ever, but how do I activate the other actions bars? Only have one, need at least 3.. thanks :confused: