Results: 2Comments by: bladejerry
File: oUF_Freebgrid10-26-12
Try to add some code to tag.lua for...
Posted By: bladejerry
Try to add some code to tag.lua for my monk Line 303 --Monk oUF.Tags.Methods = function(u) local name, _,_,_,_,_,_, fromwho = UnitAura(u, GetSpellInfo(115151)) if(fromwho == 'player') then return "|cff00FEBF"..x.."|r" end end oUF.Tags.Events = 'UNIT_AURA' oUF.Tags.Methods = function(u) local name, _,_,_,_,_,...
File: oUF_Freebgrid10-22-12
How should I add Monk's spellᦁ...
Posted By: bladejerry
How should I add Monk's spell,for example,Renewing Mist? thx..