Results: 2Comments by: thaelion
File: Lazy Raider07-22-10
Re: Re: Possible improvments?
Posted By: thaelion
Originally posted by xDD Yes, that happens when you invite someone without the addon knowing what role they are. As a temporary workaround you can try this: /run LazyRaider_PlayerRole = { heal = true/false, tank = true/false, dps = true/false } There will probably be a way to specify roles either manually or through a UI in t...
File: Lazy Raider07-21-10
Possible improvments?
Posted By: thaelion
Hi, Seems there is a error when there are already people in raid group, Tries to get the roles for the existing people in the raid, fails, and gives a lot of errors, maybe there is a way around this, or even to gracefully handle this? Maybe manually setting people's roles in the raid ? something like /lr add ?(...