Results: 4Comments by: GeeQuu
File: Xanadar's Hunter UI11-14-12
I really enjoy your UI, but I got a...
Posted By: GeeQuu
I really enjoy your UI, but I got a problem now and I don't know which add on to "fix". I usually play on a damn good pc, but currently I am traveling and my laptop is not as good. So I am unable to run 1920 resolution. The problem comes in fights with lots of AOE damage and tasks to preform in game. The amount of heals simply "c...
File: Xanadar's Hunter UI09-05-12
Re: Re: Problem?
Posted By: GeeQuu
Most things now work...only thing not is serenity. :/ I just got quite a few updated addons and now I can't load the UI. Some things are still tehre, but the set up is completely jacked up. A lot of bars are there which shouldn't be (blizzard art bar etc) and chat, character (and target) "signs" missing.... Any idea if there...
File: Xanadar's Hunter UI08-28-12
Posted By: GeeQuu
I just got quite a few updated addons and now I can't load the UI. Some things are still tehre, but the set up is completely jacked up. A lot of bars are there which shouldn't be (blizzard art bar etc) and chat, character (and target) "signs" missing.... Any idea if there where updates which could have screwed it up?
File: Xanadar's Hunter UI05-31-12
Really enjoy your UI. It makes it a...
Posted By: GeeQuu
Really enjoy your UI. It makes it all very much more enjoyable! But I have a few questions...that might be very, very stupid but I'm fairly new at this game so why not ask :) 1. I am leveling now, but I can't find the teleport button (which was around the minimap before) on the UI? Am I blind? :D 2. Is it possible for you to add...