Results: 3Comments by: Ratking
File: Skada Classic09-19-19
Here are the missing icons (green b...
Posted By: Ratking
Here are the missing icons (green boxes). Replace Interface\\Icons\\ with Interface\\Addons\\Skada\\icons\\ Thanks dude:) These people complaining are just too dumb to understand what you have to do to get the icons to work...
File: nMainbar09-27-15
Damn, that didn't work. They just t...
Posted By: Ratking
Damn, that didn't work. They just turned full green when clicking/mousing over. Doing this worked tho: button:SetCheckedTexture(path..'textureNormal') button:GetCheckedTexture():SetAllPoints(normal) button:SetPushedTexture(path..'textureShadow')...
File: nMainbar09-26-15
Hey. I was wondering if there's...
Posted By: Ratking
Hey. I was wondering if there's any way to remove the blue frame you get when you mouse over an icon and the icon turning green when you click it. Mousing over: Clicking: