Results: 3Comments by: Nightwhisp
File: CCMark02-24-11
Good Work
Posted By: Nightwhisp
Everything seems to be working for the most part. The only things I've noticed is that it seems to lose settings when I log out and all the windows go back to where they were. . . I can never figure out why every addon author thinks we want his window right in the very middle the interface. . .lol The other thing I notice is that...
File: CCMark02-17-11
I play with the US English Client....
Posted By: Nightwhisp
I play with the US English Client. Definately not seeing Hibernate, just roots. I hope you can get this fixed soon. The other feature I am requesting is that you can assign a spicific raid icon to a spicific player: For example choose star for nightwhisp and moon for mightymage. is that posable? And ples make it so we can...
File: CCMark02-17-11
Posted By: Nightwhisp
Thanks for writing this add-on: I tried this last night in a five man and it was very exciting that there might finally be an add-on that will work like this. Unfortunately it isn't done! I was running with three Druids in Grim Batol, and not once did Hibernate show up as a valid CC. . . .If you play a druid you will know that a...