Results: 52Comments by: Quicksand
File: IceHUD07-29-11
Re: Re: Hemorrhage, SpellIDs
Posted By: Quicksand
Originally posted by Parnic This has been requested before but isn't currently available in the mod. If you type a spell id into one of the 'spell name' fields in the custom modules, it will auto-replace it with the spell name. So your answer is "yes, but it won't do what you want." Alrights, what I'm doing right now is reverse...
File: IceHUD07-29-11
Hemorrhage, SpellIDs
Posted By: Quicksand
Hi there, Sorry for being the 1-Post-Guy but I've created an account specially to ask about this. Had to start somewhere yes? So here's my question: Is it possible to track skills through their SpellIDs instead of name? Although I've never found the option anywhere, maybe it exists, maybe not? The reason I need to track a skil...