Results: 28Comments by: Chrnotic
File: Lunar Unit Frames (Arena Edition)07-12-09
Re: Multiple replies
Posted By: Chrnotic
Sorry for the long post D:, and once again thanks for such an awesome layout and for being able to respond on such a short notice, you don't accept paypal perhaps? :o
File: Lunar Unit Frames (Arena Edition)07-11-09
Other than the window for logout/in...
Posted By: Chrnotic
Other than the window for logout/invite and loot/accept frames sometimes get stuck as mentioned below. It happens to go off screen even if i haven't bothered with it at all. Also if not such a hassle, would it be possible to completely turn off certain frames/modules? I love the arena frames but I don't use Arena targets/pets etc,...
File: oUF_Nivaya06-18-09
Love your layout! The only thing th...
Posted By: Chrnotic
Love your layout! The only thing that's slightly bothering is the option to modify the color for power bars. I see you added the option for class colors, but is there an option to modify power only? I'm only interested in mana and with my poor lua knowledge it's a pain in the ass figuring out what line(s) to modify.