Updated: 05-13-24 05:20 PM
File Info
Dark Heart (10.2.7)
Updated:05-13-24 05:20 PM
Created:05-13-24 05:24 AM


Version: 0.3
by: Estasleyendoesto [More]

HideUI Addon for World of Warcraft

Version 0.3 compatible with WoW 10.2.7

HideUI is a World of Warcraft addon designed to allow players to customize and control the visibility of their user interface for a more immersive experience. With HideUI, you can clear your gameplay screen, keeping only the essentials visible and enjoy the world of WoW with pleasant transition effects and adaptive functionality.

Key Features:

  • Easy Toggle On/Off: Activate or deactivate the interface from the addon menu or via a customizable keybind from the keybinding menu.
  • Opacity Control: Adjust the global opacity of the interface using a slider accessible from the options menu.
  • Automatic Hiding: The interface automatically hides when you are AFK, mounted, or in combat, providing a clear view of the surroundings. The addon now ensures that if the game is launched in any of these states, it will automatically apply the appropriate visibility settings.
  • Chat Visibility: Toggle chat visibility along with other UI frames. Chat can also be revealed by pressing Enter and hidden again by pressing Enter again or clicking away.
  • Reveal on Combat: The interface automatically reappears when entering combat, ensuring quick access to all necessary controls.
  • Individual Frame Customization: Customize the opacity for each individual UI element.
  • Mouseover to Reveal: Frames automatically become visible when you hover the mouse over them, making them accessible without compromising the game view.

  1. Download the ZIP file of the addon.
  2. Extract the contents into the Interface/AddOns folder in your World of Warcraft directory.
  3. Restart the game or type /reload in chat to load the addon.
  4. Open the in-game settings menu to customize your preferences.

To customize hotkeys and opacity options, navigate to the keybinding menu and the HideUI panel in the addon menu, respectively.

If you wish to contribute to the development of HideUI or report an issue, feel free to create an issue or pull request in this repository.

This addon is distributed under a license that allows free use and distribution within the World of Warcraft community. Its sale is not permitted.

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05-13-24 05:24 AM

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