Updated: 01-23-17 02:51 AM
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Return to Karazhan (7.1.5)
Updated:01-23-17 02:51 AM
Created:03-30-13 09:24 AM


Version: 7.1.5b
by: shamby [More]

EZTrap is a small addon that allows you to display some abilities on a separate frame. It NOW supports Explosive Trap, Freezing Trap, Tar Trap, Steel Trap as well as and your Flare and Concussive Shot (if you have it). Trap Launcher has been replaced by Mend/Revive Pet. All buttons should correctly cast the correct spell regardless of the icon displayed.

All newly learned or unlearned spells WILL NOT be displayed correctly until you relog or reload your UI. (/reload). If you have Steel Trap (Survival) – you must reload for it to show properly after you log in. I am working to fix that.

You can move EZTrap by right clicking an edge and dragging. To resize EZTrap, Shift + left click a corner or edge and move cursor and adjust to desired size.

*Note: Changing specs from BM to Marksman and vise versa should require no reload.

5.2.1 - Changed buttons and added resize with Shift + left click.
5.3.1 - Trap Launcher button now reflects activation.
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