Updated: 04-03-24 06:57 PM
File Info
Plunderstorm (10.2.6)
Updated:04-03-24 06:57 PM
Created:04-03-24 06:57 PM

KSH Portals

Version: 1.0
by: worstprgr [More]

KSH Portals
Searching the spellbook for specific teleports from the Keystone Hero achievement can be
quite annoying, and keybinding them consumes more space on your action bar.

This tool allows you to invoke the teleports from the chat, via a tiny command:

"/tp fh" -> which teleports you to Freehold.

After the command, a button shows up, under the cursor, where you have to confirm the spell. (This approach is due to Blizzards API restrictions)

Supported Portals
Currently, this addon supports KSH teleports from Dragonflight S3+.
Older teleports are not supported right now, because some some teleports spells
using two different spell id's. And respecting two different id's for the same
dungeon, requires some bigger refactoring of the code. This might be change in
the future.

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