Updated: 07-27-08 12:29 AM
File Info
Updated:07-27-08 12:29 AM

Tankadin Threat

Version: 0.1
by: devomorph [More]

Estimates your threat per second based on your current spell damage. It assumes a typical 10 second threat cycle, including JotC, SoR, JoR, Consecration, and Holy Shield, plus white damage. It displays the estimated TPS whenever you change equipment.

Known Issues:
- Due to the event processing I used, the mod is currently very spammy. I plan on releasing an update soon to fix this, my apologies in the meantime.
- The mod doesn't take minor extra stats such as Spell Crit and Spell Hit into account. I'm not very worried about fixing this though, since Tankadin itemization is changing drastically in the expansion. Thanks to the fine folks here at WoWInterface I should hopefully be able to start rewriting the threat formula for the new WotLK itemization soon.

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