Updated: 07-18-10 02:14 PM
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Updated:07-18-10 02:14 PM


Version: 2.2.0
by: Breezze [More]

RaidSnapshot allows you to save snapshots of the raid setup and to restore
them at a later time to its original group setup and raid assistants.

* Take snapshots of the raid setup (group layout and assistants)
* Restore the snapshot after the raid has changed (e.g. in the battlegrounds)
* Name your snapshots for easy switching between PvP/PvE tactics
* Snapshots are saved when you log out
* Auto restore raid in battlegrounds


Type /rss or /raidsnapshot to get a list of available commands.

/rss <command>
or /raidsnapshot <command>

/rss save [<id>]
Stores the current configuration. e.g. "/rss restore" or "/rss store tactic1"

/rss restore [<id>]
Restores the raid configuration. e.g. "/rss restore" or "/rss restore tactic1"

/rss list
Lists the id's of all snapshots.

/rss view [<id>]
View the contents of the snapshot (player names per group)

/rss remove <id>
Removes a snapshot. e.g. "/rss remove tactic1"

/rss clear
Removes all stored raid configurations. Use with caution.

/rss bgauto enable
Enable/disable autorestoring the raid in battlegrounds.

/rss rename <id> <new-id>
Rename the snapshot. e.g. "/rss rename tactic1 wintactic"

/rss viewinparty [<id>]
/rss viewinraid [<id>]
View the contents of the snapshot in party or raid chat.
e.g. "/rss viewinparty tactic1"

/rss viewinwhisper <id> <person-to-whisper>
Send the contents of the snapshot in a whisper.
e.g. "/rss viewinwhisper tactic1 Legolas"

/rss import who
Import from current /who list and save as "default" snapshot.
e.g. "/who Wintergrasp" "/rss import who"

/rss import cal
Import non-declined from calendar and save as "default" snapshot.
Note: open the calendar event and type "/rss import cal"

/rss import call
Import ALL from calendar (also declined) and save as "default" snapshot.
Note: open the calendar event and type "/rss import call"

/rss import calll
Import confirmed and accepted from calendar and save as "default" snapshot.
Note: open the calendar event and type "/rss import calll"

/rss invite [<id>]
Invites everyone in the snapshot to the raid
e.g. "/rss invite" or "/rss invite tactic1"

/rss channel [<id>] <channelname>
Invite everyone in the snapshot to a channel
e.g. "/rss channel tactic1 mychannel"
Note: you must be the owner of that channel.

/rss merge <id> <other-id>
Merges the two snapshots into <other-id>.
e.g. "/rss merge lastnightsraid mybigsnapshot"

Example usage:
PVP (automatic):
Turn on the auto restore by typing /rss bgauto enable.
Enter a battleground with your group.
RaidSnapshot will automatically restore the raid setup.

PVP (manually):
Manually organize players into groups for an AB tactic
Type /rss save maintactic
Move the players around in a different setup for a backup plan
Type /rss save planB
After entering the battlefield, type "/rss restore maintactic"
or "rss restore planB", depending on the desired tactic.

At the start of the raid, sort the players according to the
fights encountered in a dungeon with /rss save <fightname>
Before each fight, run /rss restore <fightname>.


2.2.0 - 2010/07/18
Import from calendar and from /who results.
Invite the people that were saved in the snapshot to the raid.
Invite the people that were saved in the snapshot to a channel.
Added new commands: viewinparty, viewinraid, viewinwhisper

2.1.0 - 2008/08/13
Added command "/rss bgauto enable", which enables/disables autorestore in battlegrounds.
Autorestore now works when joining a battleground from within another one.

2.1.0_beta1 - 2008/08/07
Copy and rename commands: /rss copy and /rss rename.
Autorestore raid in battlegrounds.

2.0.3 - 2008/08/03
More verbose output. Fixed a bug that prevented 2.0.2 to work.

2.0.2 - 2008/08/03
Added copyright and updated the description.

2.0.1 - 2008/08/03
Internal code changes. Changed libs directory a bit.

2.0.0 - 2008/08/02
Rewritten using Ace-3.0 and RosterLib


No known bugs.

* Invite people saved in a snapshot
* Add a graphical interface (GUI)


Copy the RaidSnapshot directory to your World of Warcraft AddOns directory.


Copy the RaidSnapshot directory to [WoW installation directory]\Interface\Addons\RaidSnapshot

Make sure the directory looks something like this: (depending on your WoW installation directory)
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\RaidSnapshot\RaidSnapshot.toc
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\RaidSnapshot\RaidSnapshot.lua
... etcetera ...


2.1.0 - 2008/08/13
Added command "/rss bgauto enable", which enables/disables autorestore in battlegrounds.
Autorestore now works when joining a battleground from within another one.

2.1.0_beta1 - 2008/08/07
Copy and rename commands: /rss copy and /rss rename.
Autorestore raid in battlegrounds.

2.0.3 - 2008/08/03
More verbose output. Fixed a bug that prevented 2.0.2 to work.

2.0.2 - 2008/08/03
Added copyright and updated the description.

2.0.1 - 2008/08/03
Internal code changes. Changed libs directory a bit.

2.0.0 - 2008/08/02
Rewritten using Ace-3.0 and RosterLib
Optional Files (0)

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Unread 07-18-10, 02:58 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Interesting idea/concept. I'll play with it this week for our raids and see if it can remember better than I can about who was in what raid :d
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