Updated: 11-22-10 06:46 PM
File Info
Updated:11-22-10 06:46 PM
Created:11-22-10 06:46 PM


Version: 0.1
by: ZergRael [More]

You can't find the needed rogues for your "Turkey Lurkey" achievement ?

Try this mod !

Set it on with " /pilgrimrogues " and go mouseover people !

The mod will tell you if you mouseover any rogue you didn't already get for your achievement.

You'll get a targeting macro and it will put a huge star (if you're able to) on any rogue you need to blast.

This is a very spammy addon, but eh, don't wanna miss that f*ckin rogue ?

Whenever the mod indicates there's a rogue somewhere, press the target macro and here it is

Note : It hasn't been tested that much, because I get my achievement in like 10mins with this mod, so it might be very dry coded, but it works

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