Updated: 04-14-14 02:00 PM
File Info
Updated:04-14-14 02:00 PM

Achievement SS

Version: 5.4
by: Icecoldcoke [More]

Achievement SS is an addon that takes a screenshot whenever you get an achievement. The addon has a 1 second delay before taking the screenshot, it can be changed in the Lua file by replacing "local delay = 1" with whatever number you want.

There aren't currently plans to add additional features, this addon is solely for taking a screenshot when you earn an achievement, but feel free to make suggestions under the comment section and they will be considered.

5.4 - Updated TOC for patch 5.4
4.0 - Updated for 4.X
2.0 - Updated for 3.3.X and added a 1 second delay before the screenshot is taken.
1.0 - Initial release

5.4 - A couple of people posted that the addon still works with patch 5.4, so I updated the TOC for the addon to no longer have to enable out of date addons to use. :)
4.0 - Updated for 4.X
2.0 - Updated for 3.3.X and added a 1 second delay before the screenshot is taken.
1.0 - Initial release
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