Updated: 01-02-15 01:10 PM
File Info
Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3)
Updated:01-02-15 01:10 PM
Created:01-02-15 01:10 PM

KegUI - Healer Compilation

Version: 1
by: Kegor [More]


This is a healer compilation that I thought I would share and see if people like it. I play a Restoration Shaman, however I feel it would work with any healer class. The main actions bars will only appear when in a group or combat, this is to reduce clutter when idle.

1) Find your World of Warcraft folder and back up "Interface" and "WTF" folders.

2) Copy over the "WTF" folder from the UI pack and rename the sub-folders appropriately. ("ACCOUNTNAME" to your account name, "SERVERNAME" to your server's name, "CHARACTERNAME" to your character's name.)

3) If the UI still doesn't look correct, the type "/elvui" into chat, go to profiles and select KegUI. Do this for Skada and MSBT too.

==Required Addons==
ElvUI Shadow and Light
Addon Skins
MSBT (Mik's Scrolling Battle Text)

==Optional Addons==
Weak Auras
Blood Legion Cooldown

==Keeping Your Own Macros==
If you want to keep your current macros then you will need to find the file called "macros-cache.txt", which will be in WTF>ACCOUNTNAME and for character specific macros WTF>ACCOUNTNAME>SERVERNAME>CHARACTERNAME. Copy these files from your WTF to the WTF provided in this pack.

==Changing Spells on the Action Bars==
To add or remove spells from your action bar you simply need to type "/elvui" into chat then go to:
Action Bars > Bar 1 / 2
- Then the box where it says "Visibility State", you want to remove all of what it says and then click accept.
- Once done type this "[petbattle] hide; show [group] show; hide [combat] show; hide" for bar 1.
- Or this "[vehicleui] hide; [overridebar] hide; [petbattle] hide; show [combat] show; hide [group] show; hide" for bar 2.
- You need to make sure than nothing else in the box. No spaces or extra lines, otherwise it will not work correctly.

There are also three more bars (two above the left chat box and one above the right). To add or remove from these bars, simply hover over them.

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