Updated: 11-30-18 07:44 PM
File Info
Tides of Vengeance (8.1.0)
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Legion (7.0.3)
Updated:11-30-18 07:44 PM
Created:03-04-17 06:53 AM


Version: 1.0.0
by: PJizzle [More]

Alt Helper loads various auras into WeakAuras to help the player play their alt characters. The primary goal of this is to suggest to the player which spells to use next once the player enters combat. Although, it may help improve some player's output, the real intention of this addon is to aid in smoother transitions between alt characters, reducing having to research how to play the class/spec.

Requires: Weak Auras 2

** The goal is to have a set for each class and spec -- so continue to check back as I work through getting each class and spec implemented.
** If you want me to prioritize a certain class/spec, please mention in the comment ( donations welcome )

Current Classes/Specs Available:
Warlock: Destruction

v1.0.0 -- Re-worked addon to work with current patch. Redesigned so it's easier to update and added documentation comments. Initial release, only destruction warlock.
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