Updated: 01-05-11 06:08 PM
File Info
Updated:01-05-11 06:08 PM
Created:01-05-11 06:08 PM

angry Durability

Version: 1.0
by: Saithir [More]

What is angry_Durability?

Angry_Durability is an LDB data broker. The broker itself will show an average of how damaged your items are, and if you mouse over it, it will show you a tooltip with a detailed list of your equipment and damage on it.

It doesn't do anything more than that - no auto-repairs, no repair costs, no options. Just the percentages. The reason for that is quite simple - I don't need anything like that and there are already brokers that can do all that for you. I did need a simple addon that will just show me the damage, and here it is.

Because it's just a data broker, obviously you will need some kind of an LDB-enabled container to use it - I use NinjaPanels myself.

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