Updated: 07-19-18 05:35 AM
File Info
Battle for Azeroth (8.0.1)
Updated:07-19-18 05:35 AM
Created:04-08-10 01:02 AM

Merchant Helper  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: V3.5
by: Zalitharia [More]

Merchant Helper V3.5

Automatically repairs gear, sells items, and opens/closes all your bags. Also has the ability to delete unwanted items on demand.
Type /merch or /merchanthelper to bring up the menu box.
Type /merch help for Vendor List and Safe List options.
Please see ReadMe file for more information.

Longer description:
Sells junk and other nominated items at vendors, and prints totals to the chat frame. Repairs automatically at repair merchants with the option to repair from guild funds (if you can), and prints totals. Opens and closes all of your bags. It is highly configurable, you can choose for the addon to print as much or as little information as you want and you can choose at which types of vendors/objects you want your bags to open.

New to Version 2.1

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where guild leaders were having issues with automatically repairing using guild bank funds.
New Feature: Safe List
– Items added to this list will NOT be sold automatically at a vendor or destroyed via the Destroy Junk feature.

Version 2.0
- Prints amounts items have been sold for
- Prints the total profit for the sale of the items
- No longer attempts to sell items with no sell value to the vendors (no more annoying error messages)
- Option to limit the sale of items to 12 each time (the buyback limit)
- A Vendor List has been implemented. Items added to this list will now also be sold automatically upon interacting with a vendor.
(accepts all items of any quality, please use with care for higher quality items)
NB: The Vendor List is based on Item Ids so if you add an item with a random component (eg. Raider's Boots of the Whale), the vendor list will just add [Raider's Boots] and will then sell any version of Raider's Boots you have.
- A Destroy function - allows you to destroy items up to a value selected (between 5s and 5g)
- will destroy junk items and items on the Vendor List up to that value
- will also destroy any items with no sell value that are on the Vendor List

By default, all settings will be off when first downloaded. Please make sure to bring up the menu to set it up. As Merchant Helper saves separately for each character, you will need to do this a few times at the start.

If you find any bugs or have any questions, please let me know and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Updated for 8.0 (Battle For Azeroth prepatch)

Update for 7.03 (Legion Prepatch)

Update for 6.02 and WoD

Update TOC file and fix minor bug issue

Update TOC file for 5.04, no known issues

Version 2.3b
Update TOC file only

Version 2.3a
Update TOC file only

Version 2.3
Some coding changes to fix some errors. No change in functionality.
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