Updated: 04-27-11 03:26 PM
File Info
Updated:04-27-11 03:26 PM
Created:08-15-09 03:43 PM

oUF Nivea  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: r30
by: Dawn [More]

oUF_Nivea has been tested with oUF 1.5+ (required!). oUF_Nivea was formerly known as oUF_viv.

This is a personal layout, things changed and will change.

* easily customizable, with lots of options - frame size, fonts, textures, features ... and more see setup below
* moveable frames - via oUF_MoveableFrames by haste
* boss and main tank frames
* player, focus and target castbar
* Soul Shards, Holy Power, Runes, Eclipse bar
* Druid mana
* combo points
* optional portraits (player, target, focus, party)
* healthbar background is colored by class or (if it's an NPC) by reaction
* current health value is colored yellow between 35% and 25% health
* current health value is colored orange between 25% and 20% health
* current health value is colored red below 20% health
* built-in aggro highlight
* built-in debuff highlight
* advanced raid and party frames, with aura filtering and more ...
* vehicle support (incl. raid and party)
* featured hankthetank's raid icon textures

r24 Druid Eclipse Bar

Supported frames
* player
* player pet
* target
* target of target
* focus
* party
* party pets
* raid
* boss frames
* main tank
* main tank target
* arena frames + targets

Please read the changelog, it contains use-full information.

Plugin support
* oUF_CombatFeedback
* oUF_SpellRange - highly recommended
* oUF_Smooth Update - a customized version is included
* oUF_BarFader
* oUF_MoveableFrames - highly recommended
* oUF_TotemBar
* oUF_WeaponEnchant
* oUF_HealComm4

1.0 initial release
2.0 changed quite a lot of things, it may look a little grungy *cough*. You can make it look like 1.x, again.
3.0 new look - like always, textures and fonts of previous versions are still included.
4.0 new look, total rewrite, clean up, removed a lot of unused fonts and textures (except some fonts and bar textures) from the package
5.0 new look, separate party/raid layout, ...
6.0 new look, config.lua added, improved party raid and arena frames
after 6.0 oUF_viv got renamed to oUF_Nivea, new look and updated to work with oUF 1.4.x

*** latest previous versions (1.2, 2.9c, 3.8, 4.8d, 5.2 and 6.2c) are archived ***

The layout's setup code below can be found in "AddOns\oUF_Nivea\Nivea_Config.lua". You can edit and save your changes via Wordpad, Notepad or something similar. I recommend getting Notepad++ (it's a free editor, google it).


-- colors --
	cfg.maincolor = {44/255, 40/255, 67/255}				-- portrait BG, raid health bar, castbar color
	cfg.sndcolor = {248/255, 212/255, 186/255}				-- font color, ...
	cfg.trdcolor = {90/255, 110/255, 120/255}				-- castbar color
	cfg.brdcolor = {40/255, 40/255, 40/255}					-- border color
	cfg.infocolor = {50/255, 50/255, 50/255}				-- info panel color
-- media --
	cfg.HPtex = mediaFolder.."dM3"							-- health bar texture
	cfg.PPtex = mediaFolder.."d2P"							-- power bar texture
	cfg.CBtex = mediaFolder.."dM3"							-- castbar texture
	cfg.Itex = mediaFolder.."dO"							-- BG texture
	cfg.Auratex = mediaFolder.."dBBorderJ"					-- border texture for buffs/debuffs

	cfg.NameFont = mediaFolder.."Pixelway_Baseline.ttf"				-- font used for text (names)	- recommended: (hooge0655, size 8, "OUTLINE MONOCHROME") OR (Prototype, size 10, "THINOUTLINE")
	cfg.NumbFont = mediaFolder.."Pixelway_Baseline.ttf"				-- font used for numbers		- recommended: (hooge0557, size 10, "OUTLINE MONOCHROME") OR (Prototype, size 10, "THINOUTLINE")
	cfg.NameFS = 10											-- name font size
	cfg.NumbFS = 10 										-- number font size
	cfg.CastFS = 10											-- castbar font size	
	cfg.ComboFS = 20											-- combo point font size
	cfg.FontF = "OUTLINE"								-- "THINOUTLINE", "OUTLINE MONOCHROME" or nil (no outline)
	cfg.fontFNum = "OUTLINE"							

-- general settings --
	cfg.Numberzzz = 1					-- 0 will display 18400k as 18k, 1 = 18.4k, ....
	cfg.FadeOutAlpha = 0.3 				-- alpha for out of range units (oUF_SpellRange plugin, required)
	cfg.BarFadeAlpha = 0.0				-- alpha for oUF_BarFader (required) plugin (can be 0 - 1)
	-- switches -- true/false (on/off)
	cfg.useDKrunes = true					-- show/hide DeathKnight runes
	cfg.useCastbar = true					-- show/hide player, target, focus castbar
	cfg.useSpellIcon = true					-- show/hide castbar spellicon
	-- portraits
	cfg.usePortrait = true				-- show/hide player, target, focus portrait
	cfg.pAlpha = 0.4					-- portrait alpha (transparency)		

-- player --
	cfg.separatePortraitPlayer = true		-- separate player's portrait, instead of overlaying the healthbar
	cfg.MirrorPlayerPortrait = false		-- switch portrait from left to right side of the healthbar
	cfg.PlayerRightSideSpellIcon = true		-- switch player's castbars spell icon position from left to right
	cfg.PlayerBuffsOnPlayerFrame = false		-- put players buffs below the player frame instead of next to the minimap (cfg.HideBlizzardAuras = true, required)	
	cfg.PlayerBuffNumber = 8				-- buff number per row (player)	- only counts for buffs anchored to the player frame (PlayerBuffsOnPlayerFrame = true, required)
	cfg.PlayerDebuffNumber = 8				-- debuff number per row (player) 	

	-- only counts for buffs not anchored to the player frame	
	cfg.PlayerBuffSize = 28					-- buff size (player), cfg.HideBlizzardAuras = true (required)
	-- Player Buff Position
	cfg.PlayerBufParent = UIParent			-- can be any frame, common frames are Minimap or UIParent
	cfg.PlayerBufAnchor1 = "TOPRIGHT"
	cfg.PlayerBufAnchor2 = "TOPRIGHT"	
	cfg.PlayerBufOffset_X = -30				-- x Offset
	cfg.PlayerBufOffset_Y = -20				-- y Offset
	cfg.PlayerBuffInitialAnchor = "TOPRIGHT"
	cfg.PlayerBuffGrowth_X = "LEFT"
	cfg.PlayerBuffGrowth_Y = "DOWN"
-- target --
	cfg.separatePortraitTarget = true		-- separate target's portrait, ...
	cfg.MirrorTargetPortrait = true 		-- switch portrait from left to right side of the healthbar
	cfg.TargetRightSideSpellIcon = false	-- switch target's castbars spell icon position from left to right
	cfg.onlyShowPlayerBuffs = false 		-- only show buffs casted by player (target and focus)
	cfg.onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false		-- only show debuffs casted by player (target and focus)	
	cfg.BuffNumberTar = 8					-- buff number per row - target
	cfg.DebuffNumberTar = 8					-- debuff number per row - target
-- focus --
	cfg.separatePortraitFocus = true		-- separate focus's portrait, ...
	cfg.MirrorFocusPortrait = true 			-- switch portrait from left to right side of the healthbar
	cfg.FocusRightSideSpellIcon = false		-- switch focus's castbars spell icon position from left to right

	cfg.BuffNumberFoc = 7					-- buff number per row - focus
	cfg.DebuffNumberFoc = 7					-- debuff number per row - focus
-- party --
	cfg.PartyFrames = true 					-- set to false to disable party frames
	cfg.usePartyPortrait = false			-- show/hide party portraits	
	cfg.separatePortraitParty = true		-- separate party portraits, ...
-- raid --
	cfg.RaidFrames = true	 				-- set to false to disable raid frames
-- arena --
	cfg.ArenaFrames = true	 				-- set to false to disable arena frames
-- aura specific --
	cfg.HideBlizzardAuras = true			-- hide blizzard buff, debuff and weapon enchant frame AND replace them with oUF's buffs/debuffs
	cfg.HideAuraTimer = 180					-- spell timer is shown for shorter durations, than set value, hidden otherwise
	cfg.FilterAuras = true					-- filter arena, party and raid auras by applying a whitelist (the whitelist can be found in Nivea_AuraFilterList.lua)
-- framesize --
	-- height
	cfg.heightP = 22		-- player
	cfg.heightT = 22		-- target
	cfg.heightF = 22		-- Focus	
	cfg.heightM = 16 		-- MT, boss frames
	cfg.heightS = 22 		-- ToT, FocusTarget, pet
	cfg.heightPA = 14		-- party, party pet - arena
	cfg.heightR = 26		-- raid

	-- width
	cfg.widthP = 240		-- player
	cfg.widthT = 240		-- target
	cfg.widthF = 200		-- Focus	
	cfg.widthM = 120 		-- MT, boss frames
	cfg.widthS = 48 		-- ToT, FocusTarget, pet, party pet
	cfg.widthPA = 170 		-- party - arena
	cfg.widthR = 60 		-- raid
	-- scale 
	cfg.PlayerScale = 1.0				-- player, player pet scale
	cfg.TargetScale = 1.0				-- target, ToT scale
	cfg.FocusScale = 1.0				-- focus, focus target scale
	cfg.MainTankScale = 1.0				-- MainTan, MainTank ToT, boss frames scale
	cfg.ArenaScale = 1.0				-- arena, arena ToT scale
	cfg.PartyScale = 1.0				-- party scale
	cfg.RaidScale = 1.0					-- raid scale	

	-- hp|pp height, pp|info offset (optional)
	cfg.heightHP = 18
	cfg.heightPP = 6
	cfg.PPyOffset = 3
	cfg.InfoOffset = 3
-- oUF_WeaponEnchant settings --
	cfg.WeapEnchantIconSize	= 24			-- icon size
	cfg.WeapEnchantAnchor = "TOPRIGHT"
	cfg.WeapEnchantAnchor2 = "TOPLEFT"
	cfg.WeapEnchantParent = Minimap			-- can be UIParent, Minimap or any other frame
	cfg.WeapEnchant_X = -20					-- X offset
	cfg.WeapEnchant_Y = 30					-- Y offset

hankthetank - raid icon texture

* updated appearance, added a glow around frames, changed default colors
* replaced raid text tags with dot indicators, different colors for different buffs
* updated some more code
* tweaked arena frames, added castbars

* TOC update for 4.1
* removed pet happiness
* added more PvP relevant auras to the whitelist filter (Throwdown, Skull Bash, Hungering Cold, Ring of Frost, Smoke Bomb, etc.)
* improved right click menu code

* some visual tweaks (mainly class and totembar related)
* fixed string error on level up
* set/clear Focus via Shift + Left Click
* changed AnyDown to AnyUp

* oUF no longer included, get 1.5.4+
* enabled Ready Check for raid
* renamed playerClassbar frame to pClassbar - critical change, yey! seriously.
* class specific dispel highlight updated
* removed SetFocus and ClearFocus from right click menu to prevent errors...

* fix tag error for paladins ... RIP Sacred Shield

* Ready check element on raid disabled temporarily
* added/updated some Spell IDs (well, almost all of them changed...)
* updated all ICC spell IDs and added Ruby Sanctuum IDs
I can't test them all. I play paladin, priest and a lvl 7x druid, warlock ...
I need feedback on this and possibly the right/missing Spell IDs and names. :)

* Weapon Enchant is now movable via oUF_MoveableFrames and sticks to the player frame by default
* fixed raidhpname tag
* fixed druid mana tag
* fixed abbreviation tag (untested)
* added Eclipse bar element for Druids
* added ReadyCheck element to party
- it currently doesn't seem to work on raid frames, works for party "raids", though ... seems to be an oUF core related issue

Included modified oUF core to make the Eclipse bar element initialize correctly, until the fix is official

* class bar frame will now stick to the player frame (when moving the player frame), until you move it separately
- makes positioning easier
* player aura code tweaked
- blizzard auras are now hidden by default and player auras are anchored to the player frame ... you can change this via config, ofc
- keep in mind that ConsolidatedBuff display can be disabled in blizzards interface options ...
* removed player from party
* some clean up

* raid and party should work fine
* removed frame scale options
- not really needed anyway, since you can always change all frame sizes (width, height, etc.)
* added ReadyCheck element to raid (untested)

... all frames should work now, the code isn't finalized, though.

* player auras
* moveable TotemBar

r21 - interim release, most stuff will work
* updated for patch 4.x / Cataclysm - make sure to update oUF to 1.5.2+!
* heavily updated Pixelway_Baseline font (more glyphs, remade some, ...)

DISCLAIMER: Pixelway_Baseline is free for personal, non commercial use. You are not allowed to change, redistribute or sell the font.

* changed classification tag to smartlevel ...
* added options to disable main tank and boss frames
* added Phase Icon for target and party (untested)
* added Quest Icon for target and focus (untested)
* added LFG Role Icon to party
* Warlock and Paladin class bars added (Soul Shards, Holy Power) - this also affects Runes
- added an option to change the class bars height and width
- affects Holy Power, Soul Shards, Runes and TotemBar (oUF_Totembar required)
- Holy Power/SoulShards/Runes are independently movable via oUF_MoveableFrames!

* add an option to use a custom background color for the healthbar, instead of class/reaction colors (cfg.solidBGcolor = true)
* added an option to set a custom health background color, requires cfg.solidBGcolor = true
This is quite handy if you want to use a bright healthbar color, which wouldn't work well with certain class colors.

* changed class/reaction colored health backgrounds to be a little less "vivid"
* new bar texture
* new default color sheme

Notes / known issues:
Due to all the class/spell/talent changes, the aura filter list might be incomplete/lacking. Some feedback is appreciated. ;)
Raid frames are most likely not working ... needs testing
Boss, MT and Arena frames are disabled and not working, yet.

Party Portraits should stay disable due to this:
- Headers: Due to how RegisterAttributeDrive works on 4.0.x, clicking _can_ go void on frames. The solution to this is to use self:RegisterForClicks('AnyDown') instead of AnyUp. Another solution is to NOT use the visibility field in :SpawnHeader().
- Portraits: On header frames this will constantly reset their animation due to the bug mentioned above
* Worgen portraits show full body instead of the facial view. This is a blizzard side bug/feature/whatever ... issue
- If you are playing a worgen, keep in mind that you can disable portraits on a per frame basis.

* added options to switch the portrait from left to right for player, target, focus
* improved PostUpdateIcon code
* added some more Pixelway Baseline glyphs
* increased raid debuff icon size

* improved threat highlight (less code, nicer looking)
* remade Pixelway Baseline font ... fixed some glyphs and added some more
* added arena frames (and targets), currently using party's frame sizes ... no separate config, yet
* added an option to disable arena frames

* included custom version of oUF_Smooth

- add arena castbars
- add pvp trinket support
- add separate options for arena frames (framesize, etc.)

* added an option to change the combo point's font size
* fixed combo point display

* shaman totembar improved
* increased font size for class tags on raidframes
* changed default focus frame position
* re-structured the config a little, i.e. grouped some options per unit ... should be a little easier to read/understand/find something

I finally decided to go pixel perfect with this layout. The default settings are based on using the right UIScale for your screens resolution. To find it, use the macro below.
I highly recommended to create this macro and run it once - you don't need to, but without it you may end up with some slight visual glitches (no biggy, just not pixel perfect everywhere).
Without running this macro, you might also run into some issues with screen space (units being to big, due to the default settings). However, you can of course adjust framesizes/scale (mainly raidframes) manually via config and keep using the frames like before.

/run SetCVar("useUiScale", 1)
/run SetCVar("uiScale", 768/string.match(({GetScreenResolutions()})[GetCurrentResolution()], "%d+x(%d+)"));
/run SetMultisampleFormat(1)
* boss units will now also show a health percent value
* current health color gradient changed to
- between 35% and 25% yellow
- between 25% and 20% orange
- below 20% red
- otherwise normal font color
* info panel background is used for debuff highlight
* improved borders
* added options to change the number of buffs and debuffs for focus, player and target, separately
* several more tweaks ...
* removed unused textures and fonts
* added my own fonts Nivea.ttf (a normal font) and Pixelway_Baseline (a pixel font, with a size multiplier of 10.)

I had not much time to test the changes and there are quite a few. Bugs may happen. If you find one, report it please. ;)

* fix check for un-interruptable casts ...
* make the config a little easier to read, maybe group options per unit, ...

* flashing of auras, introduced in r13, is gone
- I might bring it back if enough people want it. I personally found it distracting, after a certain amount of time.
* changed visibility of aura timers for target and focus, should result in a clean display of aura timers, while still showing the duration of important non-player auras
- player aura timers are always shown
- non-player aura timers are hidden, EXCEPT for those that are whitelisted
... for example, you will be able to see how long that Mage's Iceblock will last, but other, not whitelisted aura timers are hidden

* included on more aura texture (dBBorderG) and border texture (dEBorderG), with a "smoothed" round border style
* fix raid frames only showing for full 40 people raids ...
* added an option (anchors, offsets, etc.) to change the PlayerBuff position, if cfg.PlayerBuffsOnPlayerFrame = false
- no longer sticks to the minimap by default, but to the topright corner of the screen
* some tweaks

* removed party/raid toggle function, replaced it with custom spawn conditions - should improve party/raid spawning performance
* added an option to only show buffs casted by player (target and focus)
* added an option to only show debuffs casted by player (target and focus)
* changed aura timer code to highlight (flash) auras @10sec duration and below - heavily borrowed from Zork ;) - changed to match Nivea's time format and update speed
* fix aura timer for target and focus
* oUF no longer included - you should update to the latest official version (1.4.2+)

* disable blizzards pet castbar if castbars are enabled
* fix healthbar for party frames if you enable separate portraits for them

* fix up target and focus healthbar mess if you enable separate portraits for those units...

* hide duration timer on target and focus for non-player auras
* added an option to change the info panel's color (background...)
* changed some default settings
* some tweaks
* added options to show separate portraits, instead of overlaying the healthbar for player, target, focus and party frames

* fix shaman Rip Tide tag
* fix error with disabled spell icon

* added an option to change player's castbar spell icon position (left or right side)
* added an option to change target's castbar spell icon position (left or right side)
* added an option to change focus's castbar spell icon position (left or right side)
* changed info panels height to fontsize+4 pixel (was fontsize+2 pixel), allows for a little bit more flexibility and looks better
* some more minor tweaks

* added master looter and leader icon to party
* fix buff position for shamans with oUF_TotemBar and "cfg.PlayerBuffsOnPlayerFrame = true"
* changed raidscale to 0.8 by default (aka 80% of original size)

* fixed an error with disabled partyportraits
* added classification (elite, boss, rare, eliterare) tag to focus and target ... somehow forgot to add it during the rewrite, D'OH!
* changed how buff, debuff sizes work (mostly for focus and target)
- their size is now dependent on the unitframes width and the number of buffs or debuffs you choose via config
- this will make them always fit perfectly in width compared to the units width
- might result in some slightly "aura-border-pixel-imperfectness" *cough* on certain resolutions, UIScale settings and/or unit width ... however, this is worth it
- you can still set a specific size for the player's buffs if they are NOT anchored to the player frame (which is the default setting)
- party buffs/debuffs are sized by ~1/2 of the party frames height
* changed default settings to my own (disabled portraits, reduced unit height) ;)

* changed available border textures
- dEBorderD = round edges, dEBorderE = solid 2px border + 1px inline and 1px outline (default), dEBorderF = solid 2px border

* oUF_TotemBar support
* oUF_WeaponEnchant support
- added some options regarding size and position to config
- including duration timer - note: it hides the timer the same way it does for all other auras > longer durations than 180 seconds are hidden, you can change the value via config
* oUF_HealComm4 support
- overhealing is hidden by default
- heals cast by player are hidden by default
* move Buffs below runebar for DKs, with enabled runebar and enabled PlayerBuffsOnPlayerFrame
* reduced maximum number of debuffs to 16 (should be enough to see all debuffs in PvP, without being to crowded in PvE)
* added a border around each rune on the runebar
* updated oUF_SpellRange support (to work with the latest plugin version, which is not backwards compatible ... you have to update the plugin)

* fix some typos in tag functions (druid, shaman) ...
* added party pets
* moved some code around
* some tweaks

* fixed some errors that appear after changing some options (for example, if you disable the castbar and/or spellicon)
* added class specific tags for raid frames that keep track of certain heal specific buffs, depending on the player's class - raid frames should be fully usable for healers, again - keep in mind that you can adjust framesize (and/or scale) via config
- for example: priests will be able to keep track of Guardian Spirit, Renew, PW:S, PoM
* some aura color tweaks
* buff and debuff filter is working again for party and raid

* added a customized oUF core, to allow for buff and debuff filtering - DON'T update oUF or use another version, for now!
- I will remove oUF from the package, once the offical version is fixed
- NOTE (to addon authors): The "fix" only works for .Buffs and .Debuffs, not .Auras. I don't embedded oUF, because this is a very interim solution.

* use oUF's range check for party and raid, instead of oUF_SpellRange plugin, should result in less need for resources and party/raid range check working without the plugin
* added an option to disable raid
* added an option to disable party
* added an option to put players buffs below the player frame instead of next to the minimap (cfg.HideBlizzardAuras = true, required)
* removed some unused fonts and textures

* initial release

NOTE: Some buff/debuff/aura positions are temporary, until aura filtering is fixed!

not yet implemented:
- Weapon Enchant support
- Totembar support
- aura filter ... needs a fix on oUF's side
- arena frames

- bring back some extra fluff, like minimap, clock and stuff ...
- better description text??!? :p
- finish layout ...

* combo points will now properly work for vehicles (think of Malygos...)

* fix player, target and focus raid icon with enabled portraits

* fix aura list for larger raid groups ... was missing a local, D'OH!

* some small tweaks, like:
- hp will be closer to pp, with portraits being disabled
- changed class and reaction colored MainTank health to use maincolor, instead
* added some Icecrown Citadel spells to the PvE whitelist, thanks to Annanazz for providing them!
* added some more Icecrown Citadel spells to the PvE whitelist ... there might be some missing ...
* added Trial of the Crusader, Vault of Archavon and Ulduar spells to the PvE whitelist - NOTE: ENGLISH CLIENT ONLY - to much spellIDs for 10, 25, 25H, for my taste ... maybe later
* as a result of the extended PvE spell list, the whitelist filter will be enabled by default - NOTE: if you are doing old content (Naxxramas and even older raids) or if you don't have an english client, you might want to disable this feature in the config, look for FilterAuras = true,

* default config settings are seri0uz buissinezz ........

* fixed CombatFeedbackText Error for users without the CombatFeedback plugin installed
* fixed ClassIcon Error for users without the ClassIcon plugin installed
* fixed AuraTracker Error for users without the AuraTracker plugin installed
* fixed threat nil error
* anchor Percent value to hp, when portraits are disabled

optional addon changes:
* viv_viewport added - separate addon, dependent on oUF_viv - creates a viewport - based on rFov by Roth
- the viewport settings can be found in oUF_viv\config.lua (just like all the other unitframe settings) - including an option to enable/disable the viewport and to change the values
- you might have to adjust the panelscale, depending on your screens resolution and/or UIScale

panelscale is !IMPORTANT! for people that use an UIScale, to make the overlay texture match the viewport
For example, the lower your UIScale is set the higher the value should be.
You have to play around with some values, mostly between 1.1 and 1.5.
note: The viewport is disabled by default.

* new layout
* improved party and arena layout
* different raidframes for up to 10 people and larger raids
* lot's of tweaks and improved functionality of certain features (like improved aura timers)
* optional whitelist that allows to only show user defined buffs and/or debuffs - this feature is disabled by default
* removed some unused textures, fonts, etc.
* oUF_AuraTracker support for party and arena frames

*** config.lua added - all important options can be found here! ***

* PvP buff/debuff whitelist might be incomplete - All important PvP buffs and debuffs should be there, though.
* PvE buff/debuff whitelist is not implemented, yet
* the viewport is gone for now, minimap might change in the next update, same goes for some default textures

optional addon changes
* minimap has changed
* rActionButtonStyler has been changed to match the dark aura texture

* raidicon texture created by Hankthetank :)

* mirror'ed target's layout compared to player's layout
* added an option to mirror target's layout or not (like before)
* added castbar background for target ... should make the castbar a little bit more visible for NPCs without a power bar
* reduced number of buffs/debuffs per row to 9 (down from 10), which slightly increases buff/debuff size for increased visibility
* fixed party and raid's raid icons

* improved arena frames:
- oUF_ClassIcon support
- oUF_Trinkets support (shows PvP Trinket CDs)
- more and larger debuffs
- changed buff position
- default ArenaScale is set to 1.2 (aka 120% of normal size)

* some of the group layout tags that indicate buffs (like HoTs) only show buffs applied by the player
This will be the case for buffs that can be applied multiple times, only (like Renew, ...).
It will not apply to buffs that can be applied only once per target. In this case it should simply show the buff's tag, no matter who applied it.
You should also note that this is untested, yet. Feedback is welcome.

* updated oUF_BarFader support for the latest version of oUF_BarFader (30200.22)
* reverted the changes to raid frame anchors ...

* added Riptide, Earthliving and Earth Shield to the shamans tag list for party/raid (untested, but should work)
* changed buff/debuff positions to the top of player/target
* added 3 debuffs to the main tank frame
* minor threat border color code changes
* changed default hp texture from dO to dZ
* new aura texture dBBorderH
* updated dBBorderG
* nicer raid icon position on all frames
* castbar spark added and castbar's color changed
* added BigNoodleTitling font

* boss frames added - Untested! I need screenshots, feedback ... They should be spawning below main tank frames and basically look like them.

* WeaponEnchant border color "fixed"
* moved rested, leader, combat and master leader icon to prevent overlapping issues with totem and rune bar
* reduced size of rested, leader, combat and master leader icon
* changed default name font
* removed some unused fonts

optional addon changes:
* renamed rTimeToDie to viv_TimeToDie, to highlight the dependency on oUF_viv ... all credits to Rothar/Zork!
* made viv_TimeToDie and viv_Clock dependent on oUF_viv5 (they were dependent anyway, it wasn't properly addressed in the toc, though)
* changed viv_TimeToDie and viv_Clock default font to the new name font used for the unitframe layout

* fix rTimeToDie and viv_Clock font error
* fix rActionButtonStyler showing a white border sometimes

* new style!
* simplified some code
* removed raid and party pets - they aren't really needed anymore, since oUF 1.3.27 handles vehicle switch'ing pretty nice
* added ToT, focus target and player pet debuffs
* new aura texture
* separate party/raid layout (oUF_viv5_group) - just disable "oUF_viv5_group" if you want to use a different party/raid addon/layout
* added class specific buff tags to party/raid frames, you can add up to ~5 (depending on the number of cases you use) buffs per class - thanks to tekkub (oUF_tek) for the idea!
- priest, paladin and druid supported by default - you can add more, ofc
for example:
- Prayer of Mending shows as "PoM(x)" (while x is the number of stacks)
- Beacon of Light shows as "BoL"

NOTE: I'm using spell IDs and spell names! However, I'm only using the spellID of the highest available rank of said spell.
That means, everyone with an english client can see ALL ranks of a supported spell (like Renew rank1-14), while everyone with another client can only see the highest rank of said spell (aka Renew rank 14, but not 1-13).
I will most likely not add support for all spell ranks, for all clients. The highest rank should do it, anyway.

* added Exhaustion, Recently Bandaged and Arcane Blast (if it's the right spell id ...) to raid debuff blacklist
* removed portraits, less is more and they are bugy sometimes, anyway
* some minor tweaks
* added an option to disable the raid debuff
* disabled hp and pp smooth'ing for raid frames
* added glow around castbar icon, the glow is used to show whether the cast is INTERRUPTABLE or not.
> an UN-INTERRUPTABLE cast's glow is colored in a bright CYAN
> an INTERRUPTABLE cast's glow is colored BLACK

* improved party and raid hide/show thingy - should make it possible to hide party and/or raid independently without issues. Even though party will still be hidden in raids.
* hide power bar's glow for NPC targets without power
* spawn party pets via xml, which should prevent party pets from appearing in raid *crosses fingers* :p
* added "Weakened Heart" to raid debuff blacklist

* hide raid in party ... forgot to switch it off after testing ...

* fix raid pet position with enabled power bars, changed power bar position and made power's orientation vertical

* added a blacklist for raid debuffs (which makes it possible to hide unwanted debuffs on raid frames)
current list: Chill of the Throne, Sated, Sunwell Radiance, Anub'arak (Naxx) - Locust Swarm 10, Locust Swarm 25, Anub'arak (ToC) - Leeching Swarm 10, Leeching Swarm 25, Leeching Swarm 10H, Leeching Swarm 25H, Twin Val'kyr Dark Essence, Twin Val'kyr Light Essence, Hypothermia, Forbearance, Strange Aura, Ghost, Deserter, Dungeon Cooldown, Dungeon Deserter
- you can add more ...
* added glow around power bars
* added debuff highlight @powerbar's glow
* removed oUF_DebuffHighlight support

* added leader icon to party
* slightly changed party (and arena frame) debuff position
* smaller aura timer for party and arena frames
* added an additional alpha setting for party portraits (set to 0 = hidden by default - party portraits kinda suck for healing classes ...)
* slightly darker bar color

* add some kind of black-/whitelist for raid debuff ...

* hide timer on raid debuff
* adjust stack number position for raid debuff
* hide raid pet debuffs ...
* initially hide party pets when a 5-man group with pets is extended to raid, hopefully ... if not, damn it! :p
* tweakZz ... oh yeah
* re-added portraits ... yes plz!?!?
* added an option to change portrait's alpha (transparency), 0 = hidden

* code-clean-up ... yey fun! ... not.
* added names to MT frame
* 2 new fonts: Snow, Insight Issue ... damn, I like fonts (old fonts still included)
* added 1 debuff to raid frame

* party pets added
* arena ToT added
* remove player from party ... test code is test code ...

* oUF_Healcomm4 2.x plugin support
* introduced options to change initial frame sizes (width, height)
note: Things like totembar, runebar, combo points, etc. will adjust their size based on the initial sizes, automatically. However, you shouldn't stress the system to much (You shouldn't choose extraordinary different sizes than the default ones). Remember, there are also options to scale frames, which keeps their ratio.
* added an option to hide party
* party and raid improved (new tags)
* slightly brighter font color (same one, just a little brighter...)

optional addon changes
* rTimeToDie font changed
* viv_Clock added (shows time, zone, lag, fps and memory on mouseover), based on nClock by Neal

* raid icons added
* master looter, leader, combat and resting icons replaced with custom textures
* "useCastTime = true" requires "useSpellIcon = true", now
* party and arena debuffs repositioned and resized
* changed how scaling works to prevent issues with frames being spawned in combat
* optimized some code

* add party pets
* add arena targets

* show (unitframe) glow around buffs and debuffs, too
* added an option to disable glow around buffs and debuffs
* added options to scale unitframes

* new look, total rewrite, clean up ... latest previous version (3.8) is working and archived
* removed a lot of unused fonts and textures (not all though) from the package

* bring back arena target and party pets
* bring back unit frame scale options

optional addon changes:
* rFrameRotater removed
* rTimeToDie (customized) added
* Alien_Mini removed
* viv_Mini added

* oUF_MoveableFrames 1.x by haste "support"
- new command to lock/unlock moveable frames is /omf
- note: this will most likely break oUF_MovableFrames by Derkyle ... 2 addons doing the same, but different :p
* another minor update for Alien_mini
* removed CombatFeedback from the package, since an offical (working) version is available, again

* updated Alien_mini (LFG system minimap button, etc. ...)

* portraits are disabled for now, until there is a fix for transparency

* fix power and health value's frame strata (power value no longer hides behind the portrait)

* toc updated for 3.3
* minimap (Alien_Mini) fixed
* fixed version of oUF_CombatFeedback included ***optional addon***

* abbreviate long names (e.g. Sunreaver Guardian Mage >>> S.G. Mage), target and focus have a 20 character limit before the name becomes abbreviated, all other frames 10
* truncate player names for raidframes to 6 characters max
* changed health display for raidframes to show current healthvalue instead of health percent and status (ghost, offline, rip) if "available"
* re-added the old leader, combat, master looter and rested icons to media folder (still using the new ones by default)

* tapped units will be flagged as "TAPPED"
* fixed right-click-ability on target, player and focus frame
* fixed powerbar class color for NPC
* powerbar background color is now at "70% brightness" of the choosen color ... should result in more visible power values

* removed some redundant code
* reduced font size on arena frames
* added a little "select helper frame" for player's pet, easily select your pet by clicking on it's health/power value
* new leader, combat, master looter and rested icon
* death runes are purple, now

* oUF_Totembar support

* "fixed/beautified/whatever" player's cast time text offsets
* new number and name font
* new default powerbar texture

* changed fontsize code to prevent a glitch on scaled frames
* added an option to change raid scale
* added an option to change main tank scale
* changed warrior's rage color ... to something visible! Woohoo ... since power bars are class colored, this means warriors class color has changed a little

* got the wrong default setting for viewport textures uploaded, while messing around with things ... meh
* slightly restructured setup, you can now change the viewport panel's overlay textures from within the setup
* added Alien_BottomPanelOverlayB and Alien_TopPanelOverlayB texture (white/grey, instead of dark grey/black)

* removed DebuffHighlight from arena's target
* added buffs to arena frame (up to 10)
* ignore oUF_HealComm4 for player pet, ToT, focus target and party pets
* changed scaling code to something that makes more sense ...

* removed oUF MoveableFrames 1.3 from the package ... you should get oUF MoveableFrames 1.4! It can now lock/unlock movement for all frames via /mvf !
* hide combat feedback text for player pet, party pets and raid
* added arena frames ... since gladius bugs now and then
* added an option to show/hide arena frames
* added arena target frames
* added an option to show/hide arena target frames

* a lot of changes, some code cleanup ...
* if FilterTargetDebuffs is set to false (aka unfiltered), debuffs are a little bigger, no space in between them and color/desaturation updates properly now
* changed target debuff filter from "HARMFUL|PLAYER" to "self.Debuffs.onlyShowPlayer"
* changed party buff filter from "HELPFUL|RAID" to "self.Buffs.onlyShowPlayer" ... which should hopefully no longer filter some things like Prayer of Mending... *crosses fingers*
* resized party buffs and debuffs to be slightly bigger
* added some rune frames, based on oUF's build in runes ...
* added an option to change rune textures to setup
* added 4 rune textures (dRuneA, dRuneB, dRuneC, dRuneD) - they can be used for combopoints, too - if you want

* added an option to disable runes (if you want to use another rune addon or whatever)
* changed combopoint code to add a backdrop (zork ftw)

* removed party, raid and maintank frame move functions
* added support for oUF MoveableFrames 1.3, which supports moving headers (like party, raid, maintanks). It adds headers to those frames that you can move.

When you upgrade to oUF_viv 3.2 (this version), make sure you do not have "oUF_MoveableFrames.lua" in your "YOURCHARACTERNAME\\SavedVariables" folder.
In order to see the headers on the screen, the users must use the slash command /mvf. The header frames are hidden by default.
You can move all frames with ALT + CONTROL, but keep in mind that you NEED to unlock party, raid and maintank frames via /mvf and use those headers to move them OR they will reset their position!
To lock them, type in /mvf again.

oUF_MoveableFrames 1.3 is included, because I changed the keys you need to hold down to move frames, which are ALT + CONTROL (instead of just ALT).

* if FilterTargetDebuffs is set to false (aka unfiltered), debuffs that do not belong to the player are now desaturated
* changed dBBorderE and made it the default buff and actionbutton border

* ToT and FocusTarget names are now classcolored
* added an option to show/hide party
* added an option to filter/not filter target debuffs
* added some options to set viewport top/bottom size to setup
* added some options to set viewport textures height for and top/bottom to setup
* added some options to show/hide overlay textures for top and bottom viewport textures

If anyone wants to write a "Load on Demand GUI" for the setup part, your very welcome. :)

* added MainTank and MainTankTarget (and MainTankToT, which is disabled by default)
... you can promote (show) or demote (hide) Main Tanks via Blizzards raid interface > right click on player
* added a move frame for MainTanks which sits on the RIGHT side of the first 3 MainTank's healthbars (Alt+Control to move)
* added an option to hide MainTanks ...
* some tweaks

* rFrameRotater(003) updated

* new default texture layout and font (as always, you can revert anything back, everything is still in the media folder)
* some fixes
* oUF_Smooth included (better version from zork)

* rActionButtonStyler, Alien_Mini (minimap), rFrameRotater included (they all match the new 3.0 look)

* added pet health and power value ("healthvalue . power value")
* toc update ... *woohoo*

* some fixes for raid pets (castbar hidden, frame size fixed)

* added raid pets
* added buffs and debuffs to focus
* removed party targets and added party pets instead (you can disabled party pets just like party targets before, see setup)
* portraits are enabled by default

* added focus target
* added a little "select helper frame" to focus target, easily select focus target by clicking on it's name

* added an option to enable/disable player buffs/debuffs
* added focus castbar
* castbar for vehicles
* combopoints for vehicles
* party move frame sits on party members health values now, instead of covering the whole party, this fixes clickabilty issues for party members (you still need to hold down ALT + CONTROL and click on the health value to move it)
* raid move frame sits on the left side now, instead of covering the whole raid, this fixes clickabilty issues for raid members (you still need to hold down ALT + CONTROL and click in the empty space on the left of the first group)

* added a little "select helper frame" to target of target, you can now more easily select targets target by clicking on it's name - thanks to Waverian for his help
* added some more panel textures
* changed aggro indicator from using a tag to texture highlight

* real oUF_WeaponEnchant support (icons are skinned)
* WeaponEnchant frame is moveable via ALT + CONTROL (just like party/raid)

* new debuff highlight border for player, target and party
* some tweaks (castbar, background texture changed, ....)
* textured combopoints

* added an option to show/hide the AGGRO warning
* replaced aggro indication code with oUF threat tag
* added 4 fonts
* default fonts changed (I'm on a grungy trip! ... forgive me ...)

* move frames should hide/show properly in all situations
* PvP tag be gone! (I hate to see it 24/7 in BG/arena, even though I do a lot of world pvp ...)
* aggro indicator for player, focus, party and raid members

* hide raidmove frame when not in raid (this will fix some interaction problems with the world frame)
* hide partymove in raid (need to figure out an easy way to hide it out of a group in general, but not today ... *sleepy*)

* oUF_Ready Check support
* party and raidframes are now more easily moveable, since you can show a background to help you hit the right space (you still need to click aside of the bars, however) and the size of the movable frame has been increased
* raid frames also show player's status, now (dead, ghost, offline)
* portraits are back, including an option to turn them on/off (error fixed that appeared when you turned them off, previously)

* party targets are back
* several small tweaks (power bar bg set to sndcolor, party hides again in >5 man raids, etc.)
* fixed debuff highlighting
* added some basic 'grid-like' raid frames (raid frames are moveable)
* added option to turn the raid frames on/off
* added option to turn the raid's power bars on/off (disabled by default)

* layout changed
* party is now moveable (mouseover healthtext and hold down left mouse button + Alt + Control to drag them)
* new textures
* some tags have changed (i.e. PvP icon hidden, PvP tag added to target name, ...)
* party targets are disabled by default (need to fix positioning)
* power bars are now class colored

* aura code change (cooldown spiral hidden, aura duration shown for timeleft < 60s)

* hide weapon buffs (TemporaryEnchantFrame)
* aura cooldown spiral fixed

*initial release
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Unread 07-28-15, 12:21 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Not working?

Hi, I hope there is something that I've missed, and it's an easy fix, but when I install this layout, nothing changes in game? Layout shows in the Addons list, as well as oUF, so they are loading correctly.

Any ideas why this might be happening?
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Unread 10-03-11, 07:06 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Got this error in Arathi and Eye of Storms.

1x oUF-1.5.14\elements\tags.lua:543: <unnamed>:SetFormattedText(): Font not set
oUF-1.5.14\elements\tags.lua:543: in function `UpdateTag'
oUF-1.5.14\elements\tags.lua:372: in function <oUF\elements\tags.lua:367>

self = <unnamed> {
 parent = oUF_RaidUnitButton15 {}
 UpdateTag = <function> @ oUF\elements\tags.lua:535:
 0 = <userdata>
parent = oUF_RaidUnitButton15 {
 0 = <userdata>
 __tags = <table> {}
 PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> @ oUF\ouf.lua:134:
 Range = <table> {}
 UnwrapScript = <function> @ Interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:710:
 InfoBG = <unnamed> {}
 UNIT_PET = <function> @ oUF\ouf.lua:154:
 UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT = <function> @ oUF\elements\health.lua:67:
 UNIT_MAXHEALTH = <function> @ oUF\elements\health.lua:67:
 __elements = <table> {}
 InfoPan = <unnamed> {}
 Power = <unnamed> {}
 UNIT_POWER_BAR_SHOW = <function> @ oUF\elements\power.lua:88:
 FrameGlow = <unnamed> {}
 UNIT_THREAT_SITUATION_UPDATE = <function> @ oUF_Nivea\Nivea.lua:368:
 READY_CHECK = <function> @ oUF\elements\readycheck.lua:89:
 Health = <unnamed> {}
 UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE = <function> @ oUF\ouf.lua:154:
 UNIT_CONNECTION = <table> {}
 Debuffs = <unnamed> {}
 UNIT_POWER = <function> @ oUF\elements\power.lua:88:
 Execute = <function> @ Interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:699:
 READY_CHECK_CONFIRM = <function> @ oUF\elements\readycheck.lua:89:
 RAID_TARGET_UPDATE = <function> @ oUF\elements\ricons.lua:19:
 unit = "raid15"
 UNIT_MAXPOWER = <function> @ oUF\elements\power.lua:88:
 UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER = <function> @ oUF\elements\power.lua:88:
 SetFrameRef = <function> @ Interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:715:
 Name = <unnamed> {}
 Status = <unnamed> {}
 RaidIcon = <unnamed> {}
 UNIT_AURA = <table> {}
 UNIT_FACTION = <table> {}
 PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED = <function> @ oUF\ouf.lua:134:
 WrapScript = <function> @ Interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:704:
 UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE = <function> @ oUF_Nivea\Nivea.lua:368:
 READY_CHECK_FINISHED = <function> @ oUF\elements\readycheck.lua:89:
 id = "15"
 Text = <unnamed> {}
 Mouseover = <unnamed> {}
 ReadyCheck = <unnamed> {}
 Glow = <unnamed> {}
 ThreatHlt = <unnamed> {}
 menu = <function> @ oUF_Nivea\Nivea.lua:362:
 UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE = <function> @ oUF\ouf.lua:154:
 Info = <unnamed> {}
 UNIT_POWER_BAR_HIDE = <function> @ oUF\elements\power.lua:88:
 style = "Nivea - Raid"
 colors = <table> {}
realUnit = nil
_ENV = <table> {
 Hex = <function> @ oUF\elements\tags.lua:11:
 ColorGradient = <function> @ oUF\colors.lua:45:
 _COLORS = <table> {}
 _TAGS = <table> {}
format = "%s"
args = <table> {
 1 = <function> @ oUF_Nivea\Nivea_Tags.lua:101:

Epiria, level 100 Ret/Holy Paladin
Simkin level 100 Combat Rogue
Feldeemus, level 100 Arcane Mage
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Unread 04-04-11, 04:51 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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focus target

great layout! thx!

how can i disable focus target?
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Unread 04-02-11, 01:59 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Cancelling buffs?

So I'm woefully unfamiliar with lua or even playing around with the config files, but I've managed to at least move the buffs from the player frame back to the upper right corner where I prefer them.

But has there been any further work in how to right click them off? I read in the comments several pages back (and around 5 months back) about how Blizz had changed some of its UI behavior so that it was protected or some such, but know that some other buff addons have been updated to allow right clicking off the buffs.

Failing a solution, how exactly would I go about using another buff addon with Nivea? Nothing I seem to do allows me to actually display any other buff addon, and I've tried several. I'd love to resolve this, as the unit frames are gorgeous, and exactly what I need to perfect my UI's look.
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Unread 02-06-11, 11:32 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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anyway to add a hp number or %
like 3.5m/6.5m 50% kinda thing. or move the hp text to the middle of the HP bar.
also how do u change buff/debuff icon size on target and player
Last edited by Eternia : 02-07-11 at 12:47 AM.
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Unread 02-06-11, 07:52 PM  
A Molten Giant
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Originally posted by Naem
Can you add a GUI to configure this with ease? I hate having to close and re-open everytime I changed something in the config.LUA
You can have Notepad (or your editor of choice) and WoW open at the same time, just Alt + Tab between them. And use /reload ui in game to "update" changes.
Rock: "We're sub-standard DPS. Nerf Paper, Scissors are fine."
Paper: "OMG, WTF, Scissors!"
Scissors: "Rock is OP and Paper are QQers. We need PvP buffs."

"neeh the game wont be remembered as the game who made blizz the most money, it will be remembered as the game who had the most QQ'ers that just couldnt quit the game for some reason..."

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Unread 02-06-11, 12:21 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Can you add a GUI to configure this with ease? I hate having to close and re-open everytime I changed something in the config.LUA
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Unread 01-26-11, 09:47 AM  
A Molten Giant
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Originally posted by Reshka
How would I do to change the now blueish colour on the healthbar/borders to a more gray tone?
Rock: "We're sub-standard DPS. Nerf Paper, Scissors are fine."
Paper: "OMG, WTF, Scissors!"
Scissors: "Rock is OP and Paper are QQers. We need PvP buffs."

"neeh the game wont be remembered as the game who made blizz the most money, it will be remembered as the game who had the most QQ'ers that just couldnt quit the game for some reason..."

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Unread 01-26-11, 08:33 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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How would I do to change the now blueish colour on the healthbar/borders to a more gray tone?
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Unread 01-23-11, 05:28 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Hi everybody!
Does anybody can "re-update" addon "oUF_viv5" (and also "oUF_viv5_group") to the version of "Cataclysm 4.0.3"
New addon not so pleasant to me I would like to the old version of this addon. But I'm not so strong in "LUA" language.

Best regards,
It is a GOOD day to DIE
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Unread 01-04-11, 12:44 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Great layout.

Just a quick question, is there anyway for it to show the target's debuff/buff icons/auras actual color instead of it being greyed out if the debuff/buff isn't mine?
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Unread 12-24-10, 07:04 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Heya Dawn, just looking for two options.

I am trying to add the following to the party & raid frames:

"showPlayer", true,
"sortMethod", "NAME",

"sortMethod", "NAME",

So I can obviously add the player to the party frame and then organize the party and raid frames by names.

I know this is possible since I have done it with other oUF layouts. I just cannot find in your UI where or how to do this, since it's done with the cfg.command or w/e.

Is it possible for you to just tell me which line I need to add code to do this?

Thanks heaps for the great UI.
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Unread 12-21-10, 10:53 PM  
A Molten Giant
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Originally posted by reppgoa
hey Dawn, love the addon.

Quick question. With OmF, how do I move the raid frames as a whole and not 25 individual unit frames? I hate that when I try to move them, I have to spend hours making them all perfectly lined up again, huge pita. Any better way to handle raid frames?
Err, moving group 1, unit 1 should move all the others along with it.
Rock: "We're sub-standard DPS. Nerf Paper, Scissors are fine."
Paper: "OMG, WTF, Scissors!"
Scissors: "Rock is OP and Paper are QQers. We need PvP buffs."

"neeh the game wont be remembered as the game who made blizz the most money, it will be remembered as the game who had the most QQ'ers that just couldnt quit the game for some reason..."

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Unread 12-21-10, 01:11 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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hey Dawn, love the addon.

Quick question. With OmF, how do I move the raid frames as a whole and not 25 individual unit frames? I hate that when I try to move them, I have to spend hours making them all perfectly lined up again, huge pita. Any better way to handle raid frames?
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Unread 12-18-10, 10:03 PM  
A Molten Giant
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Originally posted by ckramme
What are your xCT settings?
Err, my Pixelway font, size 10 (or 8 not sure, atm), Monochrome Outline

What chat addon are you using? Never seen one that puts that good an outline on a font. This could of course be due to the font.

What font are you using for the chat? Looks very good.
My own (unreleased), font is comfortaa, Thin Outline, size 12

What buttonskin is that? I tried quite alot with this layout, but never been able to find one I thought looked perfect.
rActionButtonStyler with the button border that comes with my oUF_slim layout

And what tooltip addon is that?
my own (unreleased)
Rock: "We're sub-standard DPS. Nerf Paper, Scissors are fine."
Paper: "OMG, WTF, Scissors!"
Scissors: "Rock is OP and Paper are QQers. We need PvP buffs."

"neeh the game wont be remembered as the game who made blizz the most money, it will be remembered as the game who had the most QQ'ers that just couldnt quit the game for some reason..."

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