Updated: 09-17-16 04:13 AM
File Info
Legion (7.0.3)
Updated:09-17-16 04:13 AM
Created:09-16-16 11:56 AM

Cecile LootPreference

Version: 2.0.1
by: latok [More]

This addon it’s a simple tool for set loot preferences using the Blizzard’s dungeon journal interface.

The preferences are share to your guild, so anyone could see each other preferences.

The main porpoise of the addon is to make guild officers duties easier, they could quickly check which member has a preference for the next boss or the full instance/raid.

To setup a preference just open the dungeon journal, go to the boss/raid, click on the loot icon and set your preference for each item. Alternatively you could click on the boss icon in the dungeon map that will launch the dungeon journal for that boss and then click on the loot icon.

To check the guild preferences in the dungeon journal window click on the Gear Filter button and select: My Preferences, Guild Preferences or any player that it’s on the list. Alternatively you could mouse over an item icon, o click in an icon link to see in the tooltip the guild loot preferences for that concrete item
(If your guild uses EPGP the list will be sorted by PR)

In the in Dungeon/Raid map you could mouse over any the boss buttons to see a list of player that has a preference for this boss, sorted by priority.
(If your guild uses EPGP the list will be sorted by PR).

The guild preferences are shared will you use the addon and store in your local saved variables so you could check the preference for player that are actually offline.The stored data experied after 14 days to no recieve data from a player

If you loot any of the items marked as a preference its will removed automatically from your preferences list.

The addon will notify the player when he has a outdated version.

Cecile - Natus Vincere - EU Zul'jin

- Fix some bugs with boss icons on the map
- Now compatible with legion
- Unintended globals, minor string garbage & optimization by Dridzt
- Delete old data after 14 day without getting data for that player
- Fix GetInstanceDifficulty been removed in 5.2, now using GetInstanceInfo
- Update toc for 5.2
- Boss loot preferences in Dungeon/Raid map when mouseover a boss button.
- The addon will notify the player when he has a outdated version.
- Auto remove preference for an item if its looted.
- EPGP Sorting included
- Initial release
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