Updated: 03-06-13 10:33 PM
File Info
Updated:03-06-13 10:33 PM
Created:12-05-12 09:28 PM
Categories:Mounts & Pets, Chat Mods

Pet Battle Reporter

Version: v1.21
by: crazysheep [More]

Do your friends want to see you as you fight other Pet Battle trainers?

Well you can't in normal WoW.

This will help fill in this gap by giving up to the minute information on what is happening. Each round, each blow, each heal, and every death is talked about as it happens!

If you are fighting alone, you can report to the people around you using /say, if you are in a party or raid it will send the messages there instead, so everyone can read what is happening, all automatically.

Just press the report button and the reporter does the rest, not going the way you want it, just press the button again and the message will stop, saving you the embarrassment.

•Easy to use Report button - Press it and it does everything for you
•In Options set a specific channel to output the chat too, (all channels start with PBR)
•Automatically reports to /Say(If no channel is specified in Options) /Party or /Raid depending on if you are in party/raid
•Stop reporting instantly, just press the "Reporting" button


- Added a few more adjectives in to add to the mix

- Updated for 5.2
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