(166 b)
Updated: 01-03-14 11:55 PM
Updated:01-03-14 11:55 PM
Created:12-31-13 01:44 PM

Killing Streaks - Alternate Sound Engine

Version: 1.0
by: TULOA [More]

Please see back to Killing Streaks. The fix here was integrated into another manner to fix the playback issues that we were experiencing. Report bugs from it there as well.

To make it simpler:
This Patch has been replaced by Killing Streaks Version 1.5.

Enjoy it up and running perfectly. I will work on adding more support based on getting permission for using them.

The File uploaded has been replaced with a archive housing a notice it was discontinued.

Killed as of 1/3/2014. See Killing Streaks for the latest version.
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