Updated: 01-06-16 02:23 PM
File Info
Minor patch (6.2.3)
Fury of Hellfire (6.2)
The Adventure Continues (6.1)
Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3)
Updated:01-06-16 02:23 PM
Created:01-29-14 05:28 PM

Blammo! Gunshot sounds

Version: v2
by: Ashenglow [More]

------- V2

Finally updated with new sounds and compatibility with 6.0+ . I am aware they are not loud, the eardrum-shattering quality of the vanilla sounds was one of the reasons to change them in the first place.

This folder now goes to a different directory: Extract to Wowfolder\Sound . If you don't have that folder, just create it.


------- V1

Hey! :d

So I'm a hunter, and I'm tired of bows. So let's mog guns, right? However, the standard gun sounds are as annoying as they have always been, and I couldn't find custom gunshot sounds that weren't annoying as well.

These here sounds are inspired by Q3A, and I did my best to make them have a lot of bass and "wham!", without being too loud, intrusive, or so long that they'll clip too much. Hope you like them.

To install:

- Open zip file
- Copy the "Item" folder into your World of Warcraft\Data\Sound directory. If you dont have a "Sound" folder inside Data, just create it.

That's it. To restore everything to default, just remove its folder. (\Data\Sound\Item\Weapons\Gun\)

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