Updated: 10-31-16 07:27 PM
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Return to Karazhan (7.1.5)
Updated:10-31-16 07:27 PM
Created:08-28-15 04:30 PM

Item Stats Compare

by: cazzbr [More]

This addon does not compare item that have procs like trinkets and legendaries, only pure stats items.

Update for Legion pre patch with major improvements (see the change log for details).

Very simple addon to compare items and find which one is better for you!
You must set the weights for all stats on the proper Windows (weights can be found on askmrrobot or you can set them by yourself).

to open the addon main Windows type:

/isc or /itemstatscompare

if you find any bugs, please report on the comments section.
- New default stats weights values gattered from askmrrobot ;
- The addon should now ask if you want to update the stats weights or keep yours.
- Corrected a bug that prevented custom stats weights to be saved to restorarion druids. changes:
- New default stats weights values gattered from askmrrobot (the stats will be set to default on first login);
- Corrected a bug on has socket function to correct change the checkbox for legion itens; changes:
- Changed the default font to FracoisOne to correct a bug on the size of the text with another fonts; changes:
- Updated for Legion pre patch;
- Minimap Icon Added;
- Corrected a bug that display a lua error if a non item was mouseover;
- The addon now has default stats weights gathered from
- Modified the windows textures;
- Added a feature for gems slots;
- The addon check the best item for all specs at the same time;
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