Updated: 12-08-15 11:06 AM
Minor patch (6.2.3)
Updated:12-08-15 11:06 AM
Created:12-08-15 11:06 AM


Version: r24
by: ModuloJ [More]

MUF is a collection of useful functions for use in custom WeakAuras, primarily intended for private use when testing new encounters. These functions can be found in the functions.lua file and easily accessed with, for example, MUF.f.Function(foo,bar) within the WeakAuras custom text field. All functions are documented in the file only since .docmeta has been broken forever.

The addon is provided as-is. Questions or concerns should be sent to modulo[at]teamtenacity[dot]co[dot]uk. Included are two fonts (Ubuntu and Ubuntu Mono) and in a future version a couple of sound files that are added into SharedMedia.

Also contains a small element to track the time since your last naval cache mission on your level 100 characters, since none of the most popular Garrison helpers do it sufficiently in my opinion.

"/muf cache" - Prints the time since your previous mission if you had the addon installed whilst collecting it.

"/muf coin" - Prints coin availability for this character.

Currency Competition format:
Add a line in the following format to the Guild Information page (without spaces):

where 20151106 is the start date (in YYYYMMDD format) and
823 is the currencyID of the currency to be competed over.

"/muf comp" - Opens up the Currency Competition UI.

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