Updated: 08-28-12 06:51 PM
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File Info
Updated:08-28-12 06:51 PM
Created:11-15-10 06:51 PM
Categories:Plug-Ins & Patches, Mini Games, ROFL

TriviaBot QuestionMaker

Version: 1.3-50001
by: Dridzt [More]

is meant to provide an easier way for TriviaBot quiz authors
to create question lists in-game without having to
manually edit the question templates in external editors.

Having TriviaBot loaded in addition allows them to send the question list
they're working on to TriviaBot for testing how it plays out before saving and submitting it.

Usage (check the screenshot for any reference to specific fields)

  • /tbqm to bring up the questionmaker window.
  • Type in a New List name or select one from the dropdown if you're continuing an existing List.
    This name has to be unique for the current working lists.
    Press <Enter> to automatically move to the next field.
  • Type in the Set Description.
    Press <Enter> to automatically insert or update it and move to the next field.
  • Type in the Set Author (your name, nick or player name as you prefer)
    Press <Enter> to insert or update it and move to the next field.

    This completes the necessary input for the Question List Set.
    You will not modify these fields again until you want to work on or start a new list.

  • Type in the Add Category field.
    Press <Enter> to insert a category and continue typing and pressing <Enter>
    until you have all the categories you need for your Question List (eg. "Cataclysm", "Lore", "Encounters")
    Pressing <Enter> when the field is empty will assume you are done adding
    categories and move to the Question Field so you can begin adding questions.
  • Type in a Question:.
    Press <Enter> to move to the answers field.
  • Type in your Answers:.
    If you need to enter multiple answers separate them with a semicolon ;
    Example: two;2;second if you want to have all 3 as valid answers to your question.
    Press <Enter> to move to Points and again to move to Hints.
    Both of those fields are optional meaning you can leave them empty.
    The questionmaker will add the default value of 1 for the Points itself.
    You can also enter multiple hints by separating them with semicolons.
    Example: number;small
  • Pressing [Next] (the bottom right button)
    will insert that question to your list and move the focus back to the Question field for entering the next one.
    Tip: You can set a keybind to the Next/Update button
    from Game Options -> Keybindings -> Triviabot QuestionMaker,
    for mouse-free data entry. (for example Ctrl+Enter)
    That way you can keep typing and pressing enter to move between fields
    and Ctrl+Enter to insert the Question without touching your mouse.
    It speeds things up considerably.
  • Finally the Browse field and forward/backward buttons
    allow you to navigate to previous questions to make corrections/additions.
    When you use it the [Next] button will change to [Update].

  • When you are done editing your Question Lists press the [Save List] button at the bottom.
    This will Reload your User Interface and dump the Question Lists you were working on to the Addon SavedVariables.

Look into World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<youraccount>\SavedVariables\
for the TriviaBot_QuestionMaker.lua
This is the file you want to be zipping up and submitting
to the TriviaBot author for inclusion to the addon.

Using the [Test] button at bottom left
will send the question list currently selected in QuestionMaker to TriviaBot for testing it out.
(Test button will only appear if TriviaBot is detected loaded)

To return to your original TriviaBot Lists press the [Reload] button
that will appear on TriviaBot control panel when a QuestionMaker List is loaded.
Pressing it will reload the original TriviaBot Questions.
This doesn't affect QuestionMaker in any way, your working List
is still there unaffected to add to / edit or save.

Q: Can I add my saved QuestionMaker Lists to TriviaBot?
A: Yes, that's the whole point However since this is primarily intended
as a helper tool for submitting questions to the TriviaBot team it's recommended
to just zip up and post your saved variables and let them do the minor adjustments necessary.

Q: Can I add existing TriviaBot Question Lists to QuestionMaker so I can add/correct them in-game?
A: Yes again, but this will also require you to do some simple but nevertheless manual file operations.
The procedure will be described in comments if there's alot of requests for it.

Enjoy, and get cracking with those Cataclysm-ready Quizzes.

- Fix docking to TriviaBot 2.8.4+
- Some more helpful tooltips added
- .toc update, compatible with WoW 5.0.4/MoP.

- Some cosmetic changes (labels/tooltip hints)
- .toc update, compatible with WoW 4.2 Rage of the Firelands.
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