Updated: 12-13-20 09:53 AM
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Shadowlands patch (9.0.2)
Updated:12-13-20 09:53 AM
Categories:Shaman, Casting Bars, Cooldowns

TotemTimers  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 13.0.6
by: Xianghar [More]

Show timers for totems and shaman spells (duration, cooldown).

There are 5 bars where you can place you spells as buttons, similar to action buttons. Those buttons will show timers for a spells cooldown or the duration for a spells buff if it is active.

Totems show their durations. Also supports timers for Windfury Weapon and Flametongue Weapon as well as a cooldown timer for reincarnation.

Shows a movable power bar and a bar for Flameshock duration on your target.

TT supports ButtonFacade and rActionButtonStyler for customizing its appearance.

A big thanks to all who kept the localization of TT up-to-date.

- Fix Flameshock timer
- Fix error on unlocking bars
- Update for Shadowlands
- Added timer for totem duration
- Fixed timer for shields, atm Earth Shield can only be tracked on yourself
- Added timer for weapon enchants (Windfury Weapon and Flametongue Weapon)
- Added button to put reincarnation timer back on your bars if you removed it
- Hide addon during Arcane Leylock minigame
- Update for BfA
- Fix Flameshock debuff timer
- Changed default bar positions
- Changes for Legion
- Timers come on 5 individually configurable bars
- Timers are enabled/disabled by dragging spells from the spellbook / draggin spells from the bars
- Removed totem menus since totems are no longer bound to elemental schools
- Removed several things like totem duration, flameshock duration, or keybinds, these will be added back in
- Maelstrom Bar shows Mana for Restoration

- Fixes for 6.2
- Fixed Lua Error on 12 active enhancement timers (thx to Vialuny)
- Fixed Searing Totem timer keeping wrong textures after using Fire Elemental or Magma Totem
- Feral Spirit timer should update correctly with T17 2pc, untested since I do not have T17 pcs
- Fixed Ascendance for 6.1
- Small bugfix
- Added Fire Elemental on right button and Magma Totem on middle button to Searing Totem timer
- Changed Capacitor Totem warning to 2 seconds
- Fixed clickthrough not working for first totem timer
- New totems should show up without having to reset settings
- May contain fix for long cooldown timers getting tiny
- Fix typo
- Add totems to cooldown bars
- Removed debug message
- Added new WoD spells
- Added Unleash Flame for Elemental
- Bugfix
- Timer text on buttons is now independent again from new blizz cooldown text
- Lightning Shield shows charges again for Elemental
- Fixed Flame Shock bar
- Fixed Water Shield tracker
- Fixed Unleash Life
- Fixed Ascendance
- Changes for patch 6.0.2
- Added Chain Heal for Resto
- Sounds should play through the master sound channel
- Added Lava Lash overlay glow on 5 Searing Flame stacks
- Fixed loading totems
- Ascendance cd updates for Ele T15 4pc
- Cooldown clickthrough option now also works for long cooldown bar
- Fixed earth and wind totems not showing for low level shamans if only totems from talents are learned
- Fixed tooltip errors
- Fixed scenario errors
- The Flame Shock button in Elemental spec now casts Earth Shock and Frost Shock (rightclick/middle button) properly
- The Earth Shock button in Resto Spec now also casts Flame Shock and Frost Shock (rightlick/middle button)
- Fixed totem sets
- Fixed casting/reordering Earthgrab Totem
- Fixed wonky timers
- Fixed Earthgrab/Earthbind
- Corrected opacity for some buttons
- Replaced destroying single totems with Totemic Recall
- Better hiding in pet battles, vehicles and out of combat
- Fixed timers disappearing in CRZs
- Hide properly in pet battles
- Allow negative totem timer spacing
- Long cooldown's ability durations are not clickable
- Fixed "loose" arrangement of totem timers
- Fixed Call of the Elements
- Adjusted flash and warning times for totems with short duration
- Fixed timers disappearing in scenarios
- Fixed errors when leveling up in combat
- Added Spirit Walk to Enhancement cooldowns
- Middle mouse button on a totem timer casts Totemic Recall
- Stormlash Totem and Capacitor Totem cooldowns display properly
- Fixed Lava Burst and Flame/Earth Shock buttons to glow on Lava Surge and Fulmination procs
- Purify Spirit is no longer displayed as on cooldown when it does not dispel anything
- Timers should color properly again when out of range or out of mana
- Fixed more leaking globals
- Fixed textures
- Fixed totem menus not draggable
- Fixed glyph ui taint
- Fixed Searing Totem and Lightning Shield
- Fixed options for cooldowns
- Fixed long cooldown buttons not casting spells
- Removed Chain Lightning and Fire Nova from Elemental cooldowns, added Purify Spirit to Restoration cooldowns
- Fixed timers stopping randomly
- Removed Water Shield count
- Fixed weapon buff timers
- Fixed lock up when changing specs
- Fixed "loose" timer and tracker arrangements
- Added profiles
- Added bar containing spells with longer cooldowns
- Added new totems and spells
- Removed multicast bar/spells
- Removed buff checking for determining totem range, now uses coordinates only
- Removed small totem cast buttons
- Removed dot for player totem range, will color whole icon instead
- Added more localizations
- Hide in pet battles
- Added single options for enabling Hex/Bind Elemental
- Show Hex/Bind Elemental only if these spells are available
- Added keybindings for most buttons

- Fixed wrong texture coordinates on active totem timers when using Masque. Requires Masque ver. 4.3.378 or higher.
- Fixed weapon buff tracker only showing one buff
- Added cooldown for Spirit Link Totem
- Fixed timer bars
- Fixed time on buttons disappearing if totem cooldown is shown
- Totem range now properly accounts for buffs overwriting totem buffs
- Fixed taint
- Fixed Lava Surge aura display for T12 4pc
- Flame Shock updates on target change
- Fixed time text color
- Fix for new T12 2pc
- Tooltip fix
- Fix for Masque
- 4.3 update
- Fixed Flame Shock bar
- Bugfixes
- Fixes for Patch 4.2
10.4 Beta 2
- Added buttons/timers for Hex and Bind Elemental:
Both buttons work as follows:
Left Button: Hex target
Right Button: Hex focus
Middle Button: Focus target
- Added "border timers", small vertical bars to the side of a button, for specific spells, currently Hex cooldown and Unleash Flame duration (shown at Earth/Flame Shock CD timer).
Can be changed in width or enabled/disabled in TT General Config.
If you use ButtonFacade or smth similar to display round buttons check "Round Buttons" in TT General Config
10.4 Beta 1
- Loads through AddonLoader (untested)
- Fixed totem bars not movable if set to "always visible"
- Fixed range check for Stoneskin Totem
- Enabled CD for Tremor Totem
- Added Spirit Link Totem
- Fixed combat log parsing for 4.1.

- Fixed error messages on loading localization files
- Fixed other timers not working if the four totem timers are disabled
- Timer positions are now saved separately for each spec
- Bugfixes
- Added clickthrough options for Timers and Trackers
- Added option for ES Tracker to show only charges instead of a timer
- Fixed keybind for second weapon enchant
- Added back canceling weapon enchants by crtl-clicking the weapon buff tracker: left button for mainhand, right button for offhand
- Cooldown order is now changed by shift-dragging one cooldown onto another
- Added Unleash Elements and Spiritwalker's Grace to cooldowns for all specs
- Added Searing Totem to Elemental cooldowns
- Added shocks and Flame Shock duration to Restoration cooldowns
- Cooldown spells and order had to be reset for above changes
- Improved cooldown layout code
- Added option to show Flame Shock duration and Maelstrom above cooldowns
- Added option to make cooldown buttons clickthrough
- Added main tank menu to Earth Shock tracker and several options for it
- Fix for totem menu keybinds
- Bugfix for inspecting group members
- Removed settings for Fulmination aura display since it is now built-in
- Fixed reordering totems in totem menus by shift-dragging
- Fixed dragging totem menus if totem menus set to be permanently visible
- Bugfix for range check
- Fixed error on load
- Maelstrom bar is no longer active without the talent
- Removed some outdated keybinds
- Fixed keybinds for opening totem menus
- Fixed detecting new spells on learning them
- Enabled totem range check for group
- Bugfix for weapon buff menu direction
- Bugfixes
- Added options for Wind Shear on Elemental and Resto Cooldowns
- Fixed multicast menu
- Fixed Earth Shield target name not hiding
- Earth Shield target name is now better visible and can be turned off
- Fixed Maelstrom stack display on weapon tracker
- Added aura for Fulmination
- Lava Surge aura and Fulmination aura are not tied to Elemental cooldowns, moved options to general options
- "Glow" option for auras now extends to action buttons on the default action bar, Bartender4, and Dominos
- Fix for applying totems set by RaidTotems
- Fix weapon tracker for shamans below lvl 75
- Lava Surge: Lava Burst cooldown timer resets on proc, can optionally glow and show an aura around your character using the built-in aura alert
- Several bugfixes
- Bugfix
- Updated for Patch 4.0.1
- Added Cooldowns for Restoration: Riptide, Healing Rain, Water Shield Charges
- Changed Magma Totem for Enhancement cooldowns to Searing Totem
- Temporarily disabled checks for party totem range

- Bugfixes
- Fixed trackers sometimes showing while being disabled
- Fixed hiding cooldowns out of combat
- Added Flame Shock bar to Enhance CDs
- Added Fire Nova, Magma Totem, Shamanistic Rage, Lightning Shield, Feral Spirit Duration and Wind Shear to Enhancement Cooldowns
- Added Cooldowns for Elemental: Flame Shock (+duration), Lava Burst, Chain Lightning, Thunderstorm, Elemental Mastery, Fire Nova
- The option to show the Shield Tracker is now separate for each spec, so you can avoid redundancy with enh. cds
- Cooldowns can be toggled individually
- Cooldown order can be changed
- Changed Shock CD Button to have Flame Shock on rightclick and Frost Shock on Middle Click
- All Cooldown options are now separate for each spec (except frame position)
- changed totem range detection:
Totems that give buffs are still checked for their or a similar buff
For totems that dont give buffs range is calculated by coordinates if coordinates are available
Range is not checked for totems that only affect mobs and not players
- Buttons in totem menus indicate to which multicast spell totems are assigned
- Multispell menu buttons show totems assigned to their sets
- Colors of warnings can be changed
- Sounds can be assigned to warnings
- Optional big pulse effect if timer expires
- Timers continue flashing for 5 secs after expiring

- Temporary 3.3.3 bugfix
- Yet another ES bugfix
- Additional small ES bugfix
- Bugfix for ES tracker
- Small bugfix and localization update
- Changed Reincarnation max cd to 30 min
- Removed Fire Nova from internal totem list,
that may or may not fix the problems some people are reporting regarding the fire totem timer
- String splitting for Earth Shield target display should now be unicode aware
- Fixed some maelstrom bar scaling issues
- Added self-only Icy Talons buff of DKs to Windfury buff check
- Fixed Earth Shield tracker
- toc update for 3.3
- Bugfix for weapon tracker
- Bugfix, added missing file
- Introducing new cast buttons which change their spells according to selected totems, configurable in options gui.
Manual on curse and wowinterface.
- Added option to hide TT in vehicles
- Added name of the person having your Earth Shield to tracker
- Readded hiding of totems from the menus
- Readded rightclick spell to weapon tracker (refer to tooltips on how to set it up)
- Ctrl-Leftclick removes weapon buffs
- Added option to show timers on buttons instead of separate bars
- Readded additional totem sets to ankh tracker
- Added usage info to tooltips
- If enhanced/detailed tooltips are enabled (wow interface options) the whole spell information is shown
else only spell names are shown
- Tooltip placement at buttons is now optional, if turned off, tooltips show in the lower right corner
- Hopefully fixed "you aren't in a party" spam
- Fixed weapon tracker showing wrong buffs with two equal weapons equipped
- Hopefully fixed ankh tracker showing its cooldown frame while reincarnation is not on cd
- Added options to change timer font colors and timer bar colors
- Added PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED-event to Earth Shield Tracker unit update for recast
- Localization moved to localization system
- Added French localization, thx to ckeurk

- Fixed menus not closing in combat
- Several bugfixes
- Updated zhTW locale, thx to a9012456
- TT can replace the new totem bar, you select one of the new multicast spells with the new multicast button,
Totems selected by rightclick in the totem menus are assigned to the selected multicast spell.
A rightclick on the multicast button casts Totemic Recall (middleclick if menu is set to open on rightclick.)
- Weapon Buff button now has a menu to choose buffs with a rightclick from
instead of its old GUI settings, atm this menu opens on rightclick only
(choose a weapon buff by rightclicking, cast it by leftclicking the weapon buff tracker,
if you selected one of the buff combos (wf/fl, wf/fb) cast twice).
- Spell assigned to the Weapon Buff button is saved for each talent spec and is changed on
talent spec switch
- Set totem order by shift-dragging, you should even be able to drag a totem onto your actionbars
- Frame positions saved in settings instead of cache only
- Reenabled textures for warnings
- Warnings now sent through LibSink
- The range checker should consider buffs with the same effect as the active totem's buff
(e.g. a player with Horn of Winter buff is considered to be in range of Strength Totem)
- Updated ruRU, koKR, and zhTW localization, thanks to StingerSoft, Sayclub, and a9012456
- Removed TT-Macro, the new multicast spells do a better job
- Removed "Recast last totem", totems are chosen by rightclick only (would be awkward to select a totem by casting it
when you're selecting it to be cast with other totems at once)
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Unread 08-09-08, 06:23 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Just updated

got this error 73 times

[2008/08/09 20:16:58-1919-x73]: TotemTimers-8.1\Trackers.lua:271: Usage: TotemTimers_MainHandTimerBar:SetMinMaxValues(min, max)
TotemTimers-8.1\Trackers.lua:271: in function <Interface\AddOns\TotemTimers\Trackers.lua:257>
TotemTimers-8.1\Trackers.lua:401: in function `TotemTimers_UpdateTrackers'
<string>:"*:OnUpdate":1: in function <[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1>

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Unread 08-10-08, 02:25 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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should be fixed now
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Unread 08-10-08, 09:53 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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How do I hide Blizzard's timers??? I take you talking about the ones up right next to minimap. Like I always see the 2 for my weapons.
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Unread 08-10-08, 11:57 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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With Blizzard's timers I mean the 4 totem timers at your player portrait.
Last edited by Xianghar : 08-10-08 at 11:57 AM.
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Unread 08-10-08, 05:28 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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version 8.1b is throwing errors at a voluminous rate. the culprit is aparrently like 76 of Targets.lua:

74> local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(TT_REINCARNATION)
75> if duration ~= 0 then
76> TotemTimers_FormatTime(AnkhTime,start+duration-floor(GetTime()), true)

the shaman i am playing currently is level 12, just a baby. the char does not have reincarnation yet. apparently the call to GetSpellCooldown() on line 74 is returning a non-zero (i.e. nil?) value for duration, and a nil value for start?

i have tweaked line 75 to:

75> if duration ~= nil and duration ~= 0 then

things seem to be better, at least on the level 12 char; timer bars show up on the tracker display now. note i have not tried it on my level 70 shaman to make certain there are no side effects. have not seen anything else "bad" happening with the level 12.

edit, feature request: a scroll capability on the timer font/texture selectors on the root configuration page; i have extra fonts and textures loaded, and there is no way to access many of them; when the selectors are opened, they are clipped by the game client window (too many of each to fit).
another edit: i will try 8.1c shortly here. thats cool about the drop-down scrolling... the texture i typically use was one of those that was visible without scrolling, and for the font i was able to tweak the TT saved variables file to find the right one in my various SharedMedia addon folders (though there may be some examples you could just lift from other ace-based mods, i am not certain you are using anything from ace that could simplify that). anyway, thanks for the prompt response.
Last edited by acapela : 08-11-08 at 09:59 AM.
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Unread 08-11-08, 03:00 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Fixed it. Trackers are only updated again if you possess the needed spells.

Settings are saved per character so it shouldn't be a problem to switch between a low and high level character even if there are errors with the low lvl one.

I'm not sure how to add a scroll bar to the built in dropdown menus, it will definitely have to wait for WotLK.
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Unread 08-16-08, 01:30 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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This looks like a very nice addon with a lot of features I would use, however there a couple of options I think you could add to make the addon more desirable!

First of all I thinking adding ButtonFacade support for your addon would be a huge plus, apparently it's "easy" to 'port' into your addon because the authors designed it that way after being frustrated with the CyCircled method that was forced on Authors.

I think you should allow the user to edit the font colors and whether or not the text has a border or not :P

Thanks for your time.
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Unread 08-21-08, 09:25 AM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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the version on the addon's page indicates a version 8.1d, but the file actually downloaded by default is named 8.1c (which is the version i already have installed). no popup is generated indicating pending changes, either.

has the mod in fact been updated?
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Unread 10-10-08, 05:08 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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8.1d bugs

I've noticed that there is a bug with the totems when you assign what ones are first or whichever spot in the totemtimers totem options list.

I have to place, for example, in the water totems, the Ancient Mana Spring totem first or whatever one I don't use and then the one that I want to place when I click on the button for that totem. So, for example, I want to place down the Mana Spring Totem the order I would have set in the options menu is Ancient Mana Spring totem then the Mana Spring Totem. This gets very aggravating when it happens and I'm in a hurry to setup my totems based on the group I'm placed in for raids. And I get switched between groups often so this is only causing me more down time while I am trying to heal and place my totems accordingly.

The water totems isn't the only one that this happens with. From time to time, the others do the same thing.

I love using this addon so I hope this can be fixed soon, otherwise I may need to start looking for a new totem timers addon like this one to use instead.
Last edited by Salerix : 10-10-08 at 05:09 AM.
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Unread 10-11-08, 06:33 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Why do you change the order of your totems?
To assign a totem to a timer button just rightclick it.

Anyway there is no need for bugfixes of TT8.1.
The next patch will most likely come out next week and break TT8.1 anyway, so you will have to use the TT9.0 Beta which is a complete rewrite.
Last edited by Xianghar : 10-11-08 at 06:34 AM.
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Unread 10-17-08, 02:35 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Updated to beta 10, I still appear to be having this problem where when I zone (particularly into instances) or go to the spellbook, the totem buttons turn into the image of the rockbiter spell, and the little bar with shields/rein/weapon spells disappears. I noticed a similar comment on curse.

constantly /reloading the ui

Anyway... Essential mod.. thank you so much for the time you've spent on it and please dont stop!
Last edited by Grenade01 : 10-17-08 at 02:36 AM.
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Unread 10-17-08, 09:58 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Beta11 should fix that, please tell me if it works, since I can not reproduce that behaviour.
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Unread 10-17-08, 10:08 AM  
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I am new user and not totally familiar with this addon. So if I missed something point me in the right direction please.

Anyway I have 2 requests for functionality. One is tooltips. I can't see where to turn them on, and I'd really like to have the option.

The second is a option to bind a key that cycles through the totems. For instance, in my previous totem addon, I could hit Num Pad 5 once for the air totem selected on the totem button, then hit it again and it would cast the water totem selected on that button etc.

So just switching a set, I could hit the num pad 5 four times and get all my totems down saving space for other keybinds.

edit incoming..

A limitation that I learned to love was the GCD. If you spammed the "assigned key" you would skip any totems you tried to cast during the GCD.

For instance: I manually dropped my Magma totem but my other totems are expiring. So I hit numpad 5 to drop air, wait for the GCD, hit numpad 5 to drop water, and then hit numpad 5 again real fast during the GCD to skip Fire, then wait for the GCD to finish hit numpad 5 again to drop earth.

I do not think the programmer intended this functionality of skipping via the GCD but it sure made the addon even better.

Is there any chance you can add tooltips and a 1-button-cycle feature?

Thanks for listening.
Last edited by Movarrin : 10-17-08 at 10:15 AM.
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Unread 10-17-08, 10:48 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Currently you have tooltips when holding shift, ctrl or alt while entering a totem button.

TT automatically creates a macro called TT in your character specific macro slots if there is a free slot. That macro contains a castsequence with the totems set to the four timer buttons. It's not skippin on GCD though, but you can control which totems are included in the "Timers1" part of the option window.
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Unread 10-17-08, 12:30 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Woop! totems no longer turn into rockbiter when i zone or spellbook. Thank you!!! Well I dont have time ATM to zone into an instance where it was a sure thing to happen, but I did zone into the city and hearthed which would occasionally produce that problem and spellbook which always produced it and neither produced the problem. so I'm fairly confidant instance zoning will be fine too... I'll try it in a couple hours when I get back.

Also.. Something in In either R11 or R10 fixed a weird visual lag spike I would get sometimes when I would interact with TT... like moving them around or some of the options. So whatever you did... awesome!

So... TT is now everything I ever hoped and dreamed for in a shaman mod.

you're my hero
Last edited by Grenade01 : 10-17-08 at 12:31 PM.
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