Updated: 10-25-16 01:43 PM
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Updated:10-25-16 01:43 PM
Created:03-05-13 05:26 AM
Categories:Action Bar Mods, Graphic UI Mods, Unit Mods

Conflict Unit Frames  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 22900.10.25.16
by: Belhatite [More]

Adjustments and Customizations to the Unit Frames
* Move the Player/Target/ Focus Frames. Alt+Drag the Pet, and Target of Target Frames
→→→→→ (right click frame > move frame > unlock frame) then right click and drag the frame to where you
→→→→→ want it located. to lock the frames so you don't accidentally move them during combat.
→→→→→ (right click frame > move frame > lock frame)
→→→→→ Please note there are additional changes that can be changed in this menu as well.
→→→→→ ie: Player Frame can have the cast bar moved to the bottom of the player frame.
* To add the cur/max health and mana information to the Player/Target/Focus frames.
→→→→→ (esc > interface > status text) and from the drop down menu choose [numeric values]
* For a Larger Focus Frame
→→→→→ (esc > interface > unit frames) and check [x] Larger Focus Frame
Percentages added to the Player Frame (when an active target is chosen), Target Frame, Focus Frame, and each of the Boss Frames
→→→→→ Added Faction Banner, and Class Icon to Player, and Target Frames, as well as enlarged and relocated the PvP Icon on the frames.
→→→→→ Class Colored Name Frames for Target and Focus that are player characters.
You can make additional adjustments at the top of the .lua files for scale, placement, and the such. But this AddOn is install and go ready.

Are you reporting a bug? Post a comment and please include:
√ Version number
► √ Check the .toc file if you're not sure!
√ WoW build number and language
► √ Check the login screen if you're not sure!
√ What seems to be the problem?
√ What steps can I follow to reproduce the problem?
√ Does the problem happen when all other addons are disabled?
√ Can you post a screenshot if it is a visual bug or issue you are reporting.
√ Do you have BugSack or Swatter installed? if not, do you have Display Lua Errors turned on?
√ Text of the first related error message. (if any)
► √ Please do not include lists of local variables or installed addons, if you wouldn't mind, Just the first 4-6 lines of the error message!

22900.10.25.16: Updated for Legion Patch 7.1 on 10OCT2016

20173.06.24.15: Updated for patch 6.2 Fury of Hellfire

19342.12.19.14: Updated a few back end items, adjusted place of the place the Faction Markers, as well as the

19116.11.06.14: Official Stand Alone Release. New name, same great AddOn!
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