Updated: 08-24-10 05:54 PM
File Info
Updated:08-24-10 05:54 PM
Created:02-21-10 08:05 PM

Mono UI  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 8.3.14
by: Monolit [More]


Short Information:
specially for TL/DR people

What it is:

  • Easy to set-up,
  • Lightweight & CPU-friendly,
  • Minimalistic Interface with support for multiple resolutions.

What it's NOT:
  • easy to configure (all configuration options are located in .lua files);
  • SUPER-MEGA-OMFGWTFBBQ-lightweight (because sometimes usability > memory usage);
  • single add-on UI (I like to keep it sort of modular).

1) *IMPORTANT* Back up your Fonts, Interface and WTF folders before you even look at any of the files inside the package.

2) Unpack this archive into your WOW folder

3) Start the game and run the following command:
  • /config then press "YES" - this will set up all the saved variables for included add-ons;
You may remove m_UIconfig addon now or just leave it disabled.

Few useful slash commands
Add-on sets:
/ouf 8 - spawn group 6, 7, 8
/ouf 5 - restore 5 groups raid layout
/radisband - remove everyone from raid/party
/en ADDONNAME - enable specific add-on
/dis ADDONNAME - disable specific add-on
/rc - ready check
/rl - reloadUI (/кд works to for ruRU)
/gm - open GM ticket

/pnl - spawn grid on your screen to adjust position of your addons
/gn - print frame name under your mouse
/gp - print parent frame of the one under your mouse

/setchat - sets your chat window to default position
/setbars - loads default dominos profile

My universal Mount macro:
/script Mountz("your_ground_mount","your_flying_mount")
the addon will pick a propper mount depends on the location you are in.

Extra information:
Do not ask me any questions about this interface, use it at your own risk.
Do not use auto-updaters to download new versions of add-ons.
  • m_media folder stores shared textures and fonts for multiple addons in this UI,
  • so if you plan to use just some particular addon(s) from this pack you will have to include elements from this folder.
  • hovering your mouse with ALT key pressed over an itemlink, achievement or ability in chat window will bring up the tooltip
  • you can set custom auto-invite word in m_UISettings\Settings.lua

  • Q: How can I move _insert_random_broker_plugin_ (such as DPS, gold, fps, latency display etc.)?
  • A: Those positions are set in layout.lua of m_BrokerStuff add-on.
  • Q: How can I hide my cloak or hat?
  • A: Hover your mouse over the top of your screen and when the bar comes up click required button combination (read the tooltip).
  • Q: How can I change my UIScale?
  • A: By default the UIScale sets automatically based on your resolution, however you can disable this feature by changing "local autoUIscale" parameter to "false" in Settings.lua in m_Tweaks add-on.
  • Q: Could you add XXX, YYY, ZZZ add-ons to your UI? I can't live without them.
  • A: No.
  • Q: Can you change XXX, YYY and ZZZ?
  • A: No. You gotta try to explain me WHY should I do that and HOW will it improve MY interface.

AddOns list:
  • !BaudErrorFrame - errors catcher
  • alDamageMeter - minimalistic damage meter
  • alTooltip - Simple tooltip modifications
  • Ampere - Addon management panel
  • aThreatMeter - minimalistic threat meter
  • caelNamePlates - minimalistic name plates
  • Dominos - action bars add-on
    - Dominos_Config - configuration module for Dominos
  • iActionButtons - Styles the standard ActionButtons/Dominos
  • m_Bags - All in one lightweight bag add-on based on cargBags and cargBags_Simplicity
  • m_BrokerStuff - compilation of Broker plug-ins based on cargoShip lib
    - BaudErrorFrame - LDB launcher for BEF
    - Durability - StatBlockDurability - durability display
    - FPS - no comments
    - Hatter - simple plug-in to toggle hat/cloak
    - Latency - ping display
    - Memory - addon memory usage display / collects garbage on click
    - Money - displays tiny gold earned/spent statistics
    - NameToggle - easy name/tittle toggling
    - Volumizer - Volume control plugin
    - Equipment - plugin for built-in Equip Manager
  • m_Chat - chat modifications based on BasicChatMods by Funkydude
  • m_CombatText - lightweight add-on for tweaking default combat text
  • m_Loot - Butsu + MasterLoot + sGroupLoot compilation with some stylization
  • m_MailGet - Get all the mail items in your mailbox
  • m_Map - minimalistic WorldMap modification
  • m_Minimap - Minimap tweaks (modified version)
  • m_Panels - minimalistic panels add-on
  • m_Tweaks - some UI tweaks/improvements, read comments in lua files
  • m_UIconfig - THE addon for initial UI configuration.
  • NugRunning - Buff/Debuff tracking
  • OmniCC_basic - Cooldown count for everything
  • oUF - lightweight UnitFrames framework
    - oUF_mono - layout for oUF
Extra add-ons
move the ones you need from !extras to your AddOns folder
  • aTotemBar - stripped down (without in-game config) version of a simple totems bar for shamans
  • eXPertia_basic - lightweight experience bar add-on
  • ruRUTT - tooltip fix for ruRU locale (based on snt_rufix by Don_Kaban)

Optional add-ons:
Following addons are not included in this package, however I find them useful so I'd like to highlight few here:

Set of specific Auction add-ons:
use /aucon to enable or /aucoff to disable those
  • Auctionator - add-on to help manage auctions
  • Panda - Prospecting/Disenchanting/Milling
  • Fence - auction house tweaks
  • Allez, Cargor, FatalEntity, funkydude, Caellian, p3lim, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Arimis, Tuller, Freebaser, d87, Rabbit, Ammo, Adys, Zarnivoop, Iceblink, Curney, Torhal, Baudzilla - for your amazing add-ons and code.
  • Tenelov, ALZA, Don_Kaban, alekk - for help and support with learning lua.

====== v. 8.3 rev 14 ======
aTotemBar: no longer listens to VARIABLES_LOADED event, pure lua-only config
m_Panels: raid background frame shows only if there are more than 5 people in the raid group
m_Panels: added option to disable raid background
m_Panels: updated raid background sizes for groups 1-5
m_Panels: raid background should be only spawning if oUF_mono raid frames are on (dummy proof!)
oUF_mono: disabled debuff and enabled buff types highlight for arena frames (yeah that makes more sense)
oUF_mono: Runebar's border adjusted a little to look a bit sharper
oUF_mono: added oUF_TotemBar support
oUF_mono: added oUF_AuraTracker support and it's also been integrated into arena frames
oUF_mono: added few options to set font size and icon size threshold for aura timers
oUF_mono: added option to turn raid frames off if there are less than 5 people in the raid group (cfg.raid5ON)
oUF_mono: reworked combo points display method (now mimicking rune- and totem bars)
oUF_mono: target auras will move up when combo points are being displayed
oUF_mono: few minor code optimizations
oUF_mono: adjusted raid marks' frame level so it doesn't overlap unit's name
oUF_mono: partypets reworked and now properly attach to their owners
oUF_mono: added Leader, Assist and ML icons for party and player frames
oUF_mono: changed the way frames recieve their names so be careful and make sure to check cfg.lua and edit frames' position
oUF_mono: removed old CP texture

====== v. 8.3 rev 13 ======
oUF_mono: oops.. ToT and pet frames are back again!
oUF_mono: cleaned up some cfg vars

====== v. 8.3 rev 12 ======
oUF_mono: more config varriables
oUF_mono: custom position for focus cast bar
oUF_mono: removed abbility to set position via dragging for some frames
oUF_mono: ability to set size and opacity for raid marks
oUF_mono: disable Blizzard party and focus frames when cfg.showparty and cfg.showfocus are set to false
oUF_mono: reworked sizing method for castbars and icons (now even more precies)
oUF_mono: and even MORE config options

====== v. 8.3 rev 11 ======
m_Map: major code revamp
m_Map: enabled quest blobs on the MiniWorldMap
m_Map: and now they actually work and give no errors!
oUF_mono: eh.. decreased square indicator size :S
m_Tweaks: added options for CaptureBar and ScoreFrame positioning

====== v. 8.3 rev 10 ======
oUF_mono: adjusted castbar icon size and position

====== v. 8.3 rev 9 ======
m_Panels: proper coords and scale detection for /pnl function
m_Tweaks: removed /pvpon and /pvpoff functions
oUF_mono: casting bar moved to the bottom of the arena frame
oUF_mono: added debuff icons for arena frame
oUF_mono: fixed color for vehicles with ammo and fuel
oUF_mono: fixed castbar fading
oUF_mono: fixed channeling castbar for targets
oUF_mono: fixed a glitch that would inappropriately show uninterpretable cast bar for interruptible abilities
oUF_mono: reduced the amount of aura icons you can see on player/target frames
oUF_mono: changed size and positioning for target's aura icons
oUF_mono: removed few unused functions, code clean up

====== v. 8.3 rev 8 ======
m_UIconfig: added localization for Skada broker display text

====== v. 8.3 rev 7 ======
oUF_mono: level/classification tag events fix

====== v. 8.3 rev 6 ======
m_Chat: duplicate timestamps fix
m_BrokerStuff: fixed DPS display for Skada users

====== v. 8.3 rev 5 ======
m_Panels: removed fake target and handlers from layout.lua
oUF: core update to version 1.4.3
oUF_mono: group 6-8 position is now relative to group 1-5
oUF_mono: now even more precies group 6-8 positioning!
oUF_mono: fake target frame added + option in cfg.lua
oUF_mono: added proper right click menu for player frame while in vehicle
oUF_mono: tags clean up
oUF_mono: fix to avoid partypet frames from showing if party frames disabled
oUF_mono: consolidated raid textures in a single media folder thus raid\media removed
oUF_mono: debuff icon border adjustments so it looks more clear
oUF_mono: added few explanatory comments in cfg.lua
oUF_mono: experimenting with overlay texture for aura icons: cd frame doesn't overlap the border anymore

====== v. 8.3 rev 4 ======
oUF_mono: added option to toggle aura timers
oUF_mono: added option to toggle small aura frame for player
oUF_mono: fixed aura timers so the numbers don't show up on small icons
oUF_mono: new position for small player auras for Deathknights (due to rune bar)
FreebTip: removed
alTooltip: added
alTooltip: fixed error that happens when destructable object's hp bar is shown
alTooltip: added position and guild text color options
alTooltip: added option to scale tooltips
m_Chat: fixed buttons for multiple chat windows

====== v. 8.3 rev 3 ======
oUF_mono: fixed self display in grid party frames

====== v. 8.3 rev 2 ======
oUF_mono: media path location fix
m_Map: option to disable group icons

====== v. 8.3 rev 1 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: removed
oUF_mono: added raid module based on oUF_Freebgrid
oUF_mono: major structure rework
oUF_mono: added more config options in cfg.lua
oUF_mono: tags update
oUF_mono: fixed group 6-8 positioning
oUF_mono: raid tags updated, replaced symbol font with normal one so you can actually see the specific buff stack at bottom right indicator
oUF_mono: the ammount of auras you can see on focus target frame now redusced to 10
oUF_mono: added raid mark icons to other than player frame
oUF_mono: fixed partypets frame sometimes not disappearing upon entering raid group
oUF_mono: all media files are now embed within add-on
oUF_mono: when player is controlling a vehicle raid frames will show his name instead of vehicle's
m_Chat: updated with few fixes
m_Chat: chat window can be resized without min/max limits
m_Chat: removed copy chat button from the bottom right corner (double click a chat tab to access this feature)
m_Map: fixed stack overflow error
m_Map: locals...well... you know that variable scoping thing...
m_Map: WorldMapUnit_Update function fix in attempt to diminish fps lag when toggling map on and off

====== v. 8.2 rev 5 ======
m_Map: fixed miniWorldMap border to inherit map's opacity
m_Map: tiny frame and text position adjustments
m_Map: new background and border texture
m_Map: close and sizeup buttons repositioned to the topright corner of the whole frame
m_Map: levelup/down and zone level dropdown buttons now also inerit map's opacity
aTotemBar: added positiion and scale settings to the very top of aTotemBar.lua
cargoShip: now embed as lib in m_BrokerStuff
m_BrokerStuff: properly structurized and now easier to configure
m_BrokerStuff: updated to LibCargoShip-2.1
oUF_mono: added new current target indicator for party and arena frames
oUF_mono: added pvp trinket support (oUF_Trinkets) for arena frames
oUF_mono: code clean up and more comments!

====== v. 8.2 rev 4 ======
m_Map: fixed coordinates OnUpdate script so it doesn't draw any CPU usage when map is hidden
m_Map: coordinates code reworked, general code clean up
m_Tweaks: added slash commands for switching specs /ss or /spec
all m_* add-ons: *.toc updated

====== v. 8.2 rev 3 ======
oUF_mono: runes backdrop rewrite so it looks a bit better
m_Map: added map special blips for party/raid members (inspired by Mapster!)
m_Tweaks: removed silly mistake with local names for autoaccept duels/invitation

====== v. 8.2 rev 2 ======
oUF_mono: conditions to spawn party frames adjusted (thx Sojik), in a nutshell party frames will be visible until your raid exceeds 5 members (yay party frames in arenas!)
oUF_mono: small fix for value shortening function in tags
oUF_Freebgrid: tag fix (same thing as in oUF_mono)

====== v. 8.2 rev 1 ======
eXPeritia_basic: minimalistic simple experience bar added to the !extras folder
m_Panels: /pnl function rewritten, and works better than evah!
m_CombatText: text anchor moved slightly to the bottom
oUF_mono: fixed anchor for party frames so it doesn't overlap the chat frame at lower resolutions
oUF_mono: party frames grow upwards
oUF_mono: added druid mana tag (when shape-shifted)
oUF_mono: arenaenemys, arenatargets, partypet and boss frames are back, boss frames aren't tested though
oUF_Freebgrid: fixed anchor for MT frames so they don't overlap the minimap
oUF_Freebgrid: few tag fixes to avoid errors when raid rooster changes
m_Map: fixed an issue with mispositioned arrow on MiniWorldMap (where did this glitch come from?!)
Skada: removed, however options are still in m_UIconfig, so you may use it if you like it
alDamageMeter: minimalistic damage meter added, credits to Allez
cargoship: layout modified to display DPS feed from alDamageMeter
NugRunning: Deathknights ... err.. emm.. well.. Unbreakable Armor! (no idea what would that mean)

====== v. 8.1 rev 2 ======
oUF_mono: custom castbars modification added, such as letency display, tick detection, fading etc.
m_UIconfig: NugRunning recieves proper position if player is shaman (so it doesn't overlap aTotemBar)
m_Chat: new patterns for channel replacements (added locale support + fixed GEN/LD patterns for ruRU client)
m_Bags: scaled down both bank and bag frame + few display tweaks so it meets general UI layout design
m_Bags: it's now possible to drag bags by alt-draging main backpack, however position will reset each time UI is loeaded, i.e. you still have to set up bags position manually via editing m_Bags.lua
m_Map: moved WorldMapLevelDropDown to the appropriate position
m_Tweaks: auto duel decline + auto accept invites options

====== v. 8.1 rev 1 ======
m_ChatMods renamed to m_Chat (screw long names)
m_Chat: more options added, such as fontsize, enable/disable mouseclicks on editbox etc.
m_Chat: /chatmove command renamed to /setchat (cause it does more than just moving!)
m_Chat: SetChat() function now always performs when interface is loaded, however you can disable this (AutoApply=false)
m_Chat: timestamps coloring
m_Chat: removed few unused options and textures
m_Chat: few improvements in replacing channel names logic
m_Chat: added workaround for editbox to be clickable when active and not clickable when inactive (FIXED!)
oUF_mono: default castbar color is now set to match player's power type
oUF_mono: added option to set specific color for uninterruptable casts
oUF_mono: FIXED the problem with vehicles, when player frame was incorrectly appearing as pet's.
oUF_mono: proper style and position for pet's castbar
m_Panels: small fix for fake target frame sometimes not showing up after zoning
cargBags_mono: renamed to m_Bags
cargBags: sripped down all the unused modules and now embed into m_Bags
m_Bags: repositioned bagframes slightly
m_Settings: renamed to m_Tweaks
m_Tweaks: some settings clean up
m_Tweaks: added function that sets default dominos profile when you run /config for the first time
(so you actually don't need to run /setbars manually when you load this interface for the first time!)
m_UIconfig: petbar position and scale changed to fit new unitframes position, removed some old unused functions
(remember, you have to enable this addon and run /config for those changes to take place)
aTotembar: (extras) fixed error with initial positioning of the totembar

====== v. 8.0 rev 2 ======
oUF_mono: temp enchant frame fix + new style (sexier than evah!)
oUF_Freebgrid: debuff filtering fix
oUF_Freebgrid: raid_debuff.lua updated and now can define debuffs for specific instances
oUF_Freebgrid: HP display fix for MT frames
oUF_Freebgrid: MT targets are back!

====== v. 8.0 rev 1 ======
oUF: core update to version 1.4
oUF_mono: complete rewrite, new add-on structure
oUF_mono: oUF 1.4 support
oUF_mono: added raid icons
oUF_mono: highligh on mouseover
oUF_mono: tag system
oUF_mono: new overlay texture for Debuff hilights
oUF_mono: added interruption detection for castbars
oUF_mono: new smooth update behaviour
oUF_mono: added Trinkets module
oUF_mono: fixed runebar
oUF_mono: properly stylize Mirror Casting Bar
oUF_mono TODO: (fix (de)buff timers on pet/vehi frame, boss/arena/ppet frames not spawning, possibly HealComm support)
oUF_Freebgrid: oUF 1.4 support
oUF_Freebgrid: major rework
oUF_Freebgrid: new tag system
oUF_Freebgrid: removed tweaked range check (temporarily untill i find a fix)
oUF_Freebgrid: rescomm re-added
oUF_Freebgrid: new way of spawning power bars
oUF_Freebgrid: removed options for pets (FFFFFFFFFFFUK PETS) and reverse color display
oUF_Freebgrid TODO: workaround raid layout switch
m_ChatMods: ChatTabs behave as pre 3.3.5, i.e. completely fade out when not mouseovering
m_ChatMods: adjustments/fixes to channel name replacements
m_ChatMods: position adjustment for BNet notification
m_ChatMods: added BNet whispers pattern to channel replacements
m_ChatMods: sticky channels system updated
m_ChatMods TODO: (editbox clickable)
m_Panels: few panel adjustments in layout.lua
m_Panels: added fake target script
m_Map: framelevel fix so it always overlaps unitframes
cargBags_mono: BagBar texture color

====== v. 7.9 rev 3 ======
m_ChatMods: fixed for 3.3.5
m_ChatMods: /chatmove should work for everyone
m_ChatMods: still WIP, but it's stable and fully functional

====== v. 7.9 rev 2 ======
oUF_mono: Runebar repositioned (to stop it from overlapping with aThreatMeter)
oUF_mono: some minor size'n'shape fine tunning
m_Loot: close button position adjusted
m_ChatMods: fixed editbox error, /chatmove command should be fully functional now
FreebTip: tooltip scale increased

====== v. 7.9 rev 1 ======
oUF_mono, oUF_Freebgrid, m_Panels: adjusted to propperly fit HD resolutions
m_Panels: tiny cluster adjustments in main layout
oUF_mono: fixed runebar position
oUF_Freebgrid: fixed bad arguments for range check for Mages and Warlocks
oUF_Freebgrid: added ResComm
oUF_Freebgrid: reworked several things: add-on structure, frequent updates for indicator timers, res/healcomm lib update
m_Map: tiny fix for coords overlapping checkbox
Skada: updated to the latest versions
m_ChatMods: minor update to fix 3.3.5 issues
cargBags: updated to new version (2.0)
cargBags_mono: Work In Progress: rebuilding my layout (for cargBags 2.0) based on cargBags_Simplicity, basic functionality is available

====== v. 7.8 rev 4 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: fixed range bug for mages and warlocks

====== v. 7.8 rev 3 ======
aTotemBar: updated with with cooldown frames allowing to spawn timers via OmniCC
oUF_Totembar: removed
oUF_mono: removed support for oUF_Totembar
oUF_mono: added option to enable glowing backdrop
oUF_mono: added castbar feature to recognize uninterruptable casts

====== v. 7.8 rev 2 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: small update for cooldown frames on
m_Panels: added 'option' to adjust width of bottom cluster panels (xadj value)
Broker_DBM, Buffet, Clique, Examiner, ncSpellalert removed from extras! folder

====== v. 7.8 rev 1 ======
MikScrollingBattleText: replaced with m_CombatText
aTotemBar: removed from main pack (still exists in extras!)
Buffet: removed
cargoShip: layout update to fix top panel
Various Broker plugins now moved to the new single add-on
AraBrokerMoney: replaced with brand new Broker plugin based on VertiBroker_Money
m_UIconfig: removed few unnecessary config functions

====== v. 7.7 rev. 9 ======
Dominos: updated
oUF: core update
NugRunning: added nontargetopacity option, anySource and target options added, deathknight module for tracking blood plague and frost fever
oUF_Freebgrid: makes use of oUF's own vehicle switch module, updated HealComm and fixed Ready Check icons
m_Map: swapped Player and Cursour coordinates' positions

====== v. 7.7 rev. 8.3 ======
m_Settings: new position GM ticket frame
oUF_Freebgrid: new debuffs
NugRunning: new debuffs

====== v. 7.7 rev. 8.2 ======
m_ChatMods: added Party Guide abbreviation as [PG]

====== v. 7.7 rev. 8.1 ======
m_Map: removed WorldMapBlobFrame from showing, therefore no more taint issues when you open map with POIs during combat.

====== v. 7.7 rev. 8 ======
oUF_mono: thicker Health bar for player and target frame
m_Panels: fake target frame update to fit new unit frames' atributes

====== v. 7.7 rev. 7.5 ======
MikScrollingBattleText: updated to the latest version
m_Map: uninterractable size up button in combat
m_ChatMods: new option to disable timestamps

====== v. 7.7 rev. 7.4 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: (bugfix) fixed reversecolor display

====== v. 7.7 rev. 7.3 ======
m_UISettings: autoscaling function updated

====== v. 7.7 rev. 7.2 ======
oUF_mono: minor fix for 3d portraits updates
m_Map: ... i actually dont remember

====== v. 7.7 rev. 7.1 ======
oUF_mono: small fix for 3d portraits alpha on target frame

====== v. 7.7 rev. 7 ======
m_ChatMods: Editbox border is now part of this addon, Editbox itself adjusted to be <more> in the middle
m_ChatMods: few new options in the config "section"
m_ChatMods: (bugfix) "scroll to the bottom" button is back to it's old position!
m_Panels: tiny modifications to the bottom cluster
m_Panels: Editbox panel removed
Dominos: updated
Broker_Durability: the value turns red when you are below 20% dura, just so you never miss it
oUF_mono: added 3d portraits (EXPERIMENTAL!!!)

====== v. 7.7 rev. 6.8 ======
m_ChatMods: further code optimisations, few new options now available + spammfilter is off by default (yet again)

====== v. 7.7 rev. 6.7 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: raid debuffs update

====== v. 7.7 rev. 6.6 ======
m_ChatMods: (bugfix) new fix for /tt function, it now works propperly even if the target is out of range
oUF_mono: (bugfix) fixed the error on boss targets frames despawn
oUF_mono: (bugfix) tot and pets debuffs are back!

====== v. 7.7 rev. 6.5 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: more pets tweaking: it's now a seperate header with its own position;
it's also possible to disable/enable pets for just party frames;
check config.lua for new options

====== v. 7.7 rev. 6.4 ======
m_ChatMods: fixed small issue which caused garbage leak (3rd time is the charm!), spamm filter is off by default
m_ChatMods: /tt will not give error when used without a target

====== v. 7.7 rev. 6.3 ======
m_ChatMods: fixed small issue which caused garbage leak (again)

====== v. 7.7 rev. 6.2 ======
m_ChatMods: fixed small issue which caused garbage leak

====== v. 7.7 rev. 6 ======
oUF_mono: fixed pets/arenaframes' targets not coloring propperly
m_Minimap: fixed strata issue for minimap itself and LFD tooltip
m_UISettings -> m_Settings: added some quick options
m_Loot: autoacceptDE function moved to m_Settings
m_BasicChatMods -> m_ChatMods: few code and structure modifications, added some general options
m_ChatMods: new option to filter spamm in chat channels
m_Map: fixed glitch with positioning of coords when WorldMap's locked

====== v. 7.7 rev. 5 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: raid debuffs update
oUF_Freebgrid: vehicles now shown as raid units
m_UISettings: fixed /pvpoff command
oUF_mono: few modificaions to boss target frame, attempt to fix minor bug on boss targets despawn
oUF_mono: reworked (cleaned up) auras code
oUF_mono: combopoints belong to target frame now
m_Loot: autoacceptDE option is set to false by default

====== v. 7.7 rev. 4 ======
OmniCC_basic: added few options for coloring/setting cooldown treshold
oUF: core update
oUF_Freebgrid: code cleanup
oUF_Freebgrid: new way of handling pets (beta state, so yes its buggy)
oUF_Freebgrid: added oRA3 MT list sorting support from original freebgrid
Broker_Equipment: updated
m_Loot: added new option to group loot module for auto accepting DE roll in partys
NugRunning: (updated) now propperly handles haste buffs and recast mark, slightly modified looks and position
m_UIconfig: minor position updates for NugRunning options
oUF_mono: health text on target boss frames now displayed as shorten values (i.e. 1k,2m etc.)
m_Minimap: difficulty flag strata changed so it doesn't hide behind minimap

====== v. 7.7 rev. 3 ======
m_Minimap: fixed Minimap strata so it's not beign overlapped with panels
m_UISettings: some code cleanup
m_BasicChatMods: reworked(fixed) telltarget func, removed some unnecessary code
OmniCC(+Options): replaced by OmniCC_basic
m_UIconfig: removed OmniCC data
m_Loot: more texture specifications

====== v. 7.7 rev. 2 ======
oUF_mono: Removed glowing texture behind frames :S
m_Panels: Removed glowing texture behind fake target frame
oUF_Freebgrid: Disembed (removed) oUF core
m_Loot: local textures can be set in the very top of .lua files

====== v. 7.7 rev. 1 ======
oUF_mono: added glow backdrop to the unitframes
m_Panels: (core change) added the abbility to set blend mode for panels and fixed a propper backdrop for gradient and advanced panels
m_Panels: major layout change, restylized bottom cluster
m_Panels: commented out support for multiple resolutions, since noone actually uses it :S
oUF_Freebgrid: fixed an issue with wrong size/position updates for groups 6,7,8 when they spawned

====== v. 7.6 rev. 8 ======
m_UIconfig: slightly modified DBM settings

====== v. 7.6 rev. 7 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: debuffs texture updated/fixed so it never distorts
oUF_Freebgrid: target/focus/mana border frame also fixed from distorting at any size
oUF_Freebgrid: debuffs size got slightly increased
oUF_Freebgrid: slight code cleanup
oUF_Freebgrid: updated with a new features (see config.lua): threatborder option enables/disables threat
borders for oUF_Freebgrid, this however disables tiny dot indicator in the middle of the frame

====== v. 7.6 rev. 6 ======
m_Loot: fixed border texture for group rolls

====== v. 7.6 rev. 5 ======
m_Loot: (bugfix) error when looting chests
m_Loot: the announce function can now identify chest loot (sort of)
m_media useless textures removed

====== v. 7.6 rev. 4 ======
m_Loot: new texture for loot frame, close/link buttons restylized
cargBags_mono: close button changed
m_UISettings: added quick option for turning autoloot on and off at the very top of the file
m_Panels: fixed alignment grid

====== v. 7.6 rev. 3 ======
m_Panels: fixed updater for raid backgrop NOW FOR REAL!

====== v. 7.6 rev. 2 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: (bugfix) applyAuraIndicators() now in place and spawns indicators propperly
FreebTip: changed guild tag color
m_Panels: fixed updater for Freebgrid backgrop

====== v. 7.6 rev. 1 ======
m_Minimap: anchor is set to "BOTTOMRIGHT"
cargoShip: bottom plugins now spawn from corners
m_Panels: layouts are now sepparated from the core in, layout.lua now contain all the user created panels
m_Panels: brand new background for bottom broker plugins
Clique: moved to !extras folder
Readme.txt updated with some clarifications

====== v. 7.5 rev. 1 ======
oUF_Smooth: merged with oUF_mono
oUF_AuraSort: merged with oUF_mono
oUF_mono: oUF_Totembar propper support
(extras) oUF_Totembar: updated
(extras) aTotemBar: code cleanup, removed the abbility to set position and scale ingame, lua config only
NugRunning: removed totembars timers
aTooltip: removed
FreebTip: added with some code modifications
m_UISettings: added autogreed on greens
m_UIconfig: updated with new OmniCC and NugRunning settings
Readme.txt update

====== v. 7.4 rev. 1 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: reworked spawning function, added propper toggle for 25/40 man raid layouts
oUF_Freebgrid: options for operating with Healcomm slightly changed, see config.lua
oUF_Freebgrid: oUF core and Healcomm4 updated
Readme.txt update
m_Panels: Grid background now appears when there is at least one raid member in group 3 or higher

====== v. 7.3 rev. 9 ======
m_Map: fixed background frame's strata level so it doesn't get overlapped by other UI elements
m_UISettings: added /radisband slash command for group disbanding
Skada: updated
m_UISettings: fixed typo

====== v. 7.3 rev. 8 ======
m_Map(I hate it already): fixed POI frames position after map restore.
Buffet: Updated
oUF: core update
oUF_mono: added LFD iconds for players role to party frames
m_UIconfig: cooldowns font outline changed to normal in OmniCC

====== v. 7.3 rev. 7 ======
aLoot: added filter for suppressing detailed loot info and it doesn't require localization
m_Map: removed "Big map stylizing" to fix taints :S
NugRunning: updated
Skada: updated

====== v. 7.3 rev. 6 ======
m_Minimap: removed old LFG option from "right click menu" and added new LFRaid and LFDungeon

====== v. 7.3 rev. 5 ======
m_UISettings: removed WorldMap code
m_Map: (added) addon that handles WorldMap stilization
aLoot: code cleanup
MikScrollingBattleText: updated

====== v. 7.3 rev. 4 ======
aLoot: "NEED" and "DISENCHANT" buttons swapped their places

====== v. 7.3 rev. 3 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: partypets option removeed from config file, use grouppets instead
aLoot: fixed group roll counters FOR REAL!

====== v. 7.3 rev. 2 ======
aLoot: added a little fix for group roll parser on other than enGB/US locales (untill I figure out a better way)
m_UISettings: added WorldMap stylization

====== v. 7.3 rev. 1 ======
toc updates
aLoot: added disenchant button in group loot module
aMinimap renamed to m_Minimap (the reason for that is that I actually merged 2 versions of this add-on and added some custom code)
m_Minimap: repositioned new LFG button and InstanceDifficulty icon
cargoShip: adjusted top show_on_mouseover panel
Dominos: updated to most current version
m_BasicChatMods: added "Party Leader" shortcut ("P")
MailGet renamed to m_MailGet to avoid problems with autoupdater users, adjusted button position and size
MSBT: updated to most current version
cargBags_mono: default frames position adjusted a bit
NugRunning: removed VE from priests spells
oUF: core update
oUF_Freebgrid: healcomm and core updates
OmniCC: updated to most current version
Snoopy: removed
Buffet: moved to the !extras folder
m_UISettings: removed world Map stilization
Readme.txt updated

====== v. 7.2 rev. 1 ======
oUF update (v.1.3.24)
oUF_mono: - removed temp enchant timers (screw that, use default icons)
- added timers for player's buffs/debuffs (so we don't need OmniCC for that anymore)
- added quartz-like safezone to the castbar which shows the actual delay for your casts
- changed castbar color to lighen up things a bit!
Fonts: got rid of Citynova font (skurri.ttf replaced with Calibri_Bold), so now it's one and only font for entire interface

====== v. 7.1 rev. 3 ======
oUF_mono: fixed focustarget position
oUF_Freebgrid: fixed MT frames positioning and size
oUF_Freebgrid: added MTsize option to config file
m_Panels: action bars background frames adjusted (again)

====== v. 7.1 rev. 2 ======
m_Panels: action bars background frames adjusted

====== v. 7.1 rev. 1 ======
Broker_Threat replaced with aThreatMeter
oUF_mono, m_UIconfig(Dominos): Adjusted positions of unitframes and actionbars
m_Panels: removed few unused panels

====== v. 7 rev. 1 ======
aMinimap: removed "N"
Broker_Threat: threat bar modified to fit new layout
cargBags_mono: code clean up
cargoShip: changed position of all visible elements in layout.lua
m_BasicChatMods: editbox repositioned
m_media: border.tga texture updated
m_Panels: new panels layout (pixel-perfect sort of)
m_UIconfig: initial configuration function updated for new layout
m_UISettings: removed some not necessary crap
NugRunning: new position, fixed spelltext position to be more in "center"
oUF_Freebgrid: bigger raid frames (YAY!)
oUF_mono: alot of elements got changed to fit new looks!
God Bless Russia!

====== v. 6.6 rev. 12 ======
added ncSpellalert as optional addon (find it in !extras folder)
NugRunning: updated + fixed the issue with laggy multi targets tracking updates

====== v. 6.6 rev. 11 ======
aLoot: (new feature) "Link" button when you loot anything allows you to list those items to guild or raid chat

====== v. 6.6 rev. 10 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: pets disabled (by default) for greater fucking good
m_Panels: MiddleBG panel (under raid frames) now changes it's height dynamically for 10/25 man raid groups
aMinimap: clock module rewrite, clicking on game time frame will bring up standart clock manager options
iActionButtons: (bugfix) implemented function to fix action bar grid color when you move a button (credits to zork)
oUF: updated

====== v. 6.6 rev. 9 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: party pet display options reworked (see config.lua)
oUF_Freebgrid: by default grid doesn't show up if player's in party
m_Panels: fixed raid background spawning to fit Freebgrid changes
oUF_mono: (bugfix) tot debuffs now grow towards left

====== v. 6.6 rev. 8 ======
m_BasicChatMods: added LinkHover functionality, credits to Adys
m_BasicChatMods: removed LibSharedMedia support from font.lua module
oUF_mono: no longer require oUF_Runebar to spawn rune bars
oUF_mono: changed player pet's and tot buffs/debuffs display
oUF_mono: arena and party frames look and position changed
oUF_Runebar: removed from extras

====== v. 6.6 rev. 7 ======
oUF_mono: added arena tarrget's targets

====== v. 6.6 rev. 6 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: (bugfix) earth shield tag for shamans
cargBags_mono: added new functionality - dynamic item types sorting by pressing alt + right click on the item
cargBags_mono: general code clean up

====== v. 6.6 rev. 5 ======
aMinimap: (bugfix) Minimap cluster doesn't intercept mouseclicks (in top left corner)
oUF_Freebgrid: updated with new features, such as raid pets and party pets (see config.lua)
oUF_Freebgrid: cleaned up spawning function
oUF_Freebgrid: enlarged MT(T) frames
m_UISettings: default Blizzard error frame (red text) now always hidden
oUF_mono: removed MT frames code since oUF_Freebgrid handling that
oUF_mono: reworked partypets, now spawns a tiny pet frame next to the party unit frame
oUF_mono: added fully functional arena frames (with auto disabling if Gladius loaded)

====== v. 6.6 rev. 4 ======
oUF_Freebgrid: (bugfix) healcomm bars will actually be horizontal if you set vertical = false in config.lua
oUF_Freebgrid: (updated) oUF_HealComm4
oUF_Freebgrid: minor change to raid_debuffs.lua

====== v. 6.6 rev. 3 ======
Broker_Threat: merged threat bar functionality in threat display plug-in

====== v. 6.6 rev. 3 ======
Broker_Threat: removed background from the bar so it looks much cleaner in combination with small texture panel
m_UIconfig: adjusted position and size of NugRunning bars

====== v. 6.6 rev. 2 ======
Dominos: updated to fix the issue with patch 3.3
m_UIconfig: included Gladius settings
m_UISettings: added slash command for easy Gladius profile set up; Readme.txt updated
m_UISettings: removed some old unused functions, UIErrorFrame now hidden only in combat.
Skada updated
oUF_mono: reworked (fixed) pet casting bar
aMinimap: removed unused frames from hiding function (little fix for 3.3)
Broker_Threat: added visual threat bar
m_Panels: fixed threat bar border sometimes not appearing when player is present in threat list
oUF_mono: totembar positions adjusted
rActionButtonsStyler replaced by iActionButtons

====== v. 6.6 rev. 1 ======
aLoot: removed grouploot text replacements (aparently in some cases it caused the client to crash)
oUF_Freebgrid: removed trans.tga and statusbar texture from a dummy frame to avoid the UI error in upcoming patch
cargBags_mono: adjusted default position of player's bags and bank frame so it actually look inplace without additional movements
NugRunning updated: Sync between UNIT AURA and CLEU, added commanding shout; added refresh timer indication to several casts
Variety of included addons got updated: aTotemBar, Broker_Equipment, Dominos, OmniCC, Skada
m_UIconfig: MikScrollingBattleText has its scrolling zones' position changed; variety of (useless) notification triggers are now disabled
m_UIconfig, m_Panels: adjusted dominos visible bar position + panel under it (so it even might work for orther resolutions)
m_UIconfig, Skada: changed bar colors to fit UI style
oUF_mono: fixed player's debuffs positioning (so they don't overlap 3rd row of buffs)
oUF_mono: adjusted runebar position
oUF_mono, m_Panels: changed the color of health bars
oUF_mono: power/race/lvl values position slightly readjusted
Deadly Boss Mods: removed, people may feel free to install whatever boss mod they like/want
Broker_DBM moved to !extras folder

====== v. 6.5 rev. 4 ======
oUF_mono: removed UTF8 lib and reworked function for names updates
oUF_Freebgrid: likewise removed UTF8 lib

====== v. 6.5 rev. 3 ======
oUF_mono: general code clean up, reworked some color update functions

====== v. 6.5 rev. 2 ======
fixed player's debuffs position in oUF_mono
some (class) specific addons now moved to the !extras folder, just move the ones you need to AddOns folder
applied small fix to oUF_Smooth to correctly update bars with forced value

====== v. 6.5 rev. 1 ======
m_Panels updated so it _might_ work on other resolutions
removed gradient from some panels in the middle block
NugRunning is updated with spells for shamans
ADDED: m_UIconfig addon for initial interface configuration
REMOVED: WTF folder, since m_UIconfig now contains all the options for included addons
Updated Readme.txt with new installation manual (READ IT! The installation process is now literally trivial)
Replaced old version of DBM broker plugin with official one + modified cargoship layout to properly display it @ top panel.

====== v. 6.4 rev. 5 ======
doh! I accidentally removed m_BasicChatMods, it's there now!
oUF_mono is updated and now fully supports oUF_WeaponEnchant
Mirror cast bars will be stylized propperly now
DBM update (Onyxia)

====== v. 6.4 rev. 4 ======
small adjustments of temp. enchant frame in oUF_mono
added changelog (yaaay!)

Lets see if i'll be patient enough to propperly log all the changes..
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Unread 01-24-20, 02:28 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Which command to call the settings m_CombatText ?
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Unread 12-29-12, 08:30 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Привет, отличная сборка, для меня так идеальная. Хотел спросить, осталась ли сборка под ВоТЛК и если осталась, то какая это версия?
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Unread 04-27-12, 02:25 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hello Mono,

I've been using your UI since mid wrath, and all i can say is thank you. It's the best and it exactly what i need.

I started to get an error, each time im /rl or loginf in:

Date: 2012-04-27 23:12:50
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\m_Tweaks\elements\StyleNRun.lua line 125:
hooksecurefunc(): BarFrame is not a function
[C]: ?
[C]: hooksecurefunc()
m_Tweaks\elements\StyleNRun.lua:125: in main chunk
Swatter, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
alDamageMeter, v40000.7
alTooltip, v
AtlasLootLoader, vv6.05.04
AucAdvanced, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
AucFilterBasic, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
AucFilterOutlier, v5.13.5258.5187(5.13/embedded)
AucMatchUndercut, v5.13.5258.5232(5.13/embedded)
AucStatHistogram, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
AucStatiLevel, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
AucStatPurchased, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
AucStatSales, v5.13.5258.4838(5.13/embedded)
AucStatSimple, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
AucStatStdDev, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
AucStatWOWEcon, v5.13.5258.4828(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.13.5258.5133(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilAppraiser, v5.13.5258.5241(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilAskPrice, v5.13.5258.5160(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.13.5258.5224(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilCompactUI, v5.13.5258.5254(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.13.5258.5241(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilFixAH, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.13.5258.5224(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.13.5258.5241(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilScanButton, v5.13.5258.5153(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilScanFinish, v5.13.5258.5153(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilScanProgress, v5.13.5258.4979(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilScanStart, v5.13.5258.5153(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilSearchUI, v5.13.5258.5254(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.13.5258.5210(5.13/embedded)
AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.13.5258.4828(5.13/embedded)
Auctionator, v3.0.0
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded)
BeanCounter, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
Configator, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded)
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded)
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.319(/embedded)
mActionBars, v4.2.2
mBags, v2.3
mBrokerStuff, v1.5.3
mBuffs, v1.2.3
mChat, v2.4.3
mLoot, v2.1
mMap, v3.6
mMinimap, v2.1
mNameplates, v2.2
mPanels, v2.4
mTweaks, v4.3.7
NugRunning, v
NugRunningUserConfig, v
oUF, v1.5.16
oUFmono, v4.4.3
Postal, v3.4.13
Stubby, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot)
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.315(/embedded)
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.3.4.40300 <eu>

and the timer bars look different:

thanks for your help
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Unread 09-19-11, 04:26 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: &#1087;&#1086;&#1076;&#1087;&#1080;&#1089;&#1080; &#1082;&#1085;&#1086;&#1087;&#1086;&#1082;

Originally posted by rhctn
Пользуюсь сборкой вот уже почти полгода, не нарадуюсь. После выхода 4.2.0 появилась проблема - я не вижу подписей на панелях, то есть надписи с биндами. Например - 1,2,3,4,5,6,Q,E,V,R.
Так как я только вчера вернулся в игру после двухмесячного перерыва, для меня это является большой проблемой.
Как можно вернуть подписи обратно?


--ButtonsStyler config
  cfg.hide_hotkey = false		-- remove key binding text from the bars
  cfg.hide_macro_name = true	-- remove macro name text from the bars
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Unread 07-08-11, 03:12 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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&#1087;&#1086;&#1076;&#1087;&#1080;&#1089;&#1080; &#1082;&#1085;&#1086;&#1087;&#1086;&#1082;

Пользуюсь сборкой вот уже почти полгода, не нарадуюсь. После выхода 4.2.0 появилась проблема - я не вижу подписей на панелях, то есть надписи с биндами. Например - 1,2,3,4,5,6,Q,E,V,R.
Так как я только вчера вернулся в игру после двухмесячного перерыва, для меня это является большой проблемой.
Как можно вернуть подписи обратно?
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Unread 06-11-11, 03:38 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Я воспользовался парочкой адонов из твоего УИ Возник вопрос насчет чата: Постоянно висит кнопка перемотки чата до конца вниз. Раньше стоял BasicChatMods, такого небыло.
Вот собсна сабж:

Хотелось бы что бы кнопочка пропадала, когда чат снизу.
Так же не работает URL copy:

Полный текст ошибки:
[spoiler]Message: Interface\AddOns\m_Chat\m_Chat.lua:426: attempt to index local 'editBox' (a nil value)
Time: 06/11/11 12:25:07
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\m_Chat\m_Chat.lua:426: in function `OnShow'
Interface\FrameXML\StaticPopup.lua:3495: in function `StaticPopup_OnShow'
[string "*:OnShow"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnShow"]:1>
[C]: in function `Show'
Interface\FrameXML\StaticPopup.lua:3326: in function `StaticPopup_Show'
Interface\AddOns\m_Chat\m_Chat.lua:413: in function `ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow'
[string "*:OnHyperlinkClick"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnHyperlinkClick"]:1>

Locals: frame = StaticPopup1 {
0 = <userdata>
hideOnEscape = 1
itemFrame = StaticPopup1ItemFrame {
button3 = StaticPopup1Button3 {
extraFrame = StaticPopup1ExtraFrame {
icon = StaticPopup1AlertIcon {
maxWidthSoFar = 0
button2 = StaticPopup1Button2 {
moneyFrame = StaticPopup1MoneyFrame {
moneyInputFrame = StaticPopup1MoneyInputFrame {
text = StaticPopup1Text {
editBox = StaticPopup1EditBox {
timeleft = 0
numButtons = 1
maxHeightSoFar = 0
button1 = StaticPopup1Button1 {
which = "BCMUrlCopyDialog"
editBox = nil
(*temporary) = "StaticPopup1WideEditBox"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "StaticPopup1"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'editBox' (a nil value)"
currentLink = ""[/spoiler]
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Unread 05-20-11, 04:32 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Mono UI. Grid?

I got a fast question about the UI..

For 10man i use Grid as healing layout. the bars from oUF is simply too small for me.. BUT
ive installed Grid. got into a 10man raid, and then a grid appeared up behind the actionbars ín the right corner size..
Please help me. am i able to get that grid moveable and configureable?
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Unread 02-17-11, 01:34 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by zartakuz
in what file i find to move the raid frame because i wanna put my action bars on bottom and put my raid frames to left side, please help me!
go into the ouF_mono addon folder, open thwe cfg.lua and find these lines and adjust the frames to ur preference x left to right y is top to bottom i believe-
"-- Frames position
cfg.Ppos = {"TOP","UIParent","BOTTOM", -235, 275} -- player

cfg.Tpos = {"TOP","UIParent","BOTTOM", 235, 275} -- target

cfg.PEpos = {"TOPLEFT", "oUF_monoPlayerFrame", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -37} -- pet

cfg.TTpos = {"TOPRIGHT", "oUF_monoTargetFrame", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -37} -- ToT

cfg.Fpos = {"TOPLEFT", "oUF_monoTargetFrame", "TOPRIGHT", 3, 0} -- focus

cfg.PApos = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", 95, 352} -- party

cfg.PAspacing = 40 -- spacing between party units
cfg.ARpos = {"BOTTOMRIGHT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -117, 392} -- arena

cfg.BOpos = {"BOTTOMRIGHT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -117, 392} -- boss

cfg.ABspacing = 56 -- spacing between arena and boss units"

as far as the raid frames go scroll down after moving the player/target/focus frames find this line -
"cfg.pos="TOPLEFT","UIParent","BOTTOM",-156,177} -- raid frame (group 1-5) position"

then change the numbers to where u want them on screen.
Second now to move action bars go to m action bars addon folder and open the cfg.lua file. And find this line to move AB's

"[1] = { a= "BOTTOM", x= 0, y= 218 }, -- MainBar
[2] = { a= "BOTTOM", x= 0, y= 189 }, -- BottomLeftBar"

When u move the ab's make sure u move them on y the same as the player and target frame.

EDIT:BTW honestly man if u dont understand whati typed IMHO u shouldnt be using this interface. U need to customize it thru lua code. I will not explain further someone else may. Sry about that but its the pure truth.
Last edited by dethmetaldan : 02-17-11 at 01:40 AM.
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Unread 02-02-11, 01:46 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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in what file i find to move the raid frame because i wanna put my action bars on bottom and put my raid frames to left side, please help me!
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Unread 11-22-10, 04:42 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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role check


How do you make a role check? cant find it at all
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Unread 10-20-10, 09:56 AM  
A Black Drake
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Originally posted by Zopaka

any chance we can get this updated ?

I know there are similar versions of this UI out there, but i was wondering.

Well, there's really no point in keeping 2 similar copies of my interface up to date, since beta version is working properly on live realms.

So for now use MonoUI (Cataclysm)

And once Cataclysm comes out I will move my UI from Cataclysm to Suites category.
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Unread 10-20-10, 09:42 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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any chance we can get this updated ?

I know there are similar versions of this UI out there, but i was wondering.

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Unread 10-10-10, 10:35 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Dear people,

Is there any way to show the health percentage the target? Where in the lua files might that be?

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Unread 10-08-10, 01:08 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hy Mono,

Can u tell me why this error happens

m_Chat blocked from using SearchLFGLeave()
Call Stack:
[C]: in function `SearchLFGLeave'
Interface\FrameXML\LFRFrame.lua:389: in function `LFRBrowseFrame_OnUpdateAlways'
[string "*:OnUpdate"]:7: in function <[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1>
It appearance shortly after i signed in the LFG Tool

Otherwise all works fine and Thumbs up for ur great UI i really love it =)
Last edited by Mordin : 10-08-10 at 01:17 PM.
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Unread 10-06-10, 10:53 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Love the custom UI. Tested it on beta and wanted it on live. My only issue is when I try to keybind (via dominos) on live, it binds the entire BAR to that key. Its an error I've never seen before.

Any ideas on a fix?
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