Updated: 05-07-14 03:07 PM
File Info
Updated:05-07-14 03:07 PM
Created:05-07-14 02:55 PM

Darktyden's BM hunter Guide

Version: 1.0.1
by: Darktyden [More]

Darktyden's BM Hunter UI

This UI was built around a beast mastery Hunter, So all its configurations and other such addons like Weakauras are all created to support BM.

However You can easily configure these addons to suit other spec/ classes.

Addons Included
1. Elv UI (This will have to be downloaded separately)
2. Skada
3. Weak Aura
4. JSHB (Focus Bar)
5. Mik Scrolling combat text
6. SCT

All these addons are specific to BM so if you are willing to change and edit setting to support other classes then it will be a great compilation for you.

1. Sort Weakauras for other specs (SV/MM)
2. Clean up unwanted addons.

Hope you enjoy

To Install, Copy and Past the WTF and Interface into your WoW folder. (Back Up Old UI first).
Next you will need to go into the WTF and Rename the folders Specified (account name, Server, character)
Then once you have all the files correctly set up you will need go and download:
2. ELV UI Shadow and Light
3. ELV UI Addon Skins

Any problems please contact me: @marksims98 or

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