Updated: 01-11-16 03:57 AM
Minor patch (6.2.3)
Updated:01-11-16 03:57 AM
Created:01-10-16 09:55 AM
Categories:Utility Mods, Action Bar Mods


Version: 1.3.1
by: yovin [More]


An add-on provides amount of very customizable bindings for all actions in game World of Warcraft.


* Bind a key with skills, spells, items, macros, etc., which means wherever you place spell icons (or even drag out from action bars), you press the key your character cast the spell.
* Automatically enable/disable binding schemes based on game events (conditions), e.g. different races, different classes, etc., FlexBind enable different schemes.
* Embedded console for advanced features (e.g. Export current binding scheme, developing)

See details in etc/schemes/example.lua

Slash Commands

/flexbind list-schemes

Lists all loaded binding schemes.

/flexbind enable-scheme SCHEME

Enables the binding scheme named with SCHEME.

/flexbind disable-scheme SCHEME

Disables the binding scheme named with SCHEME.

/flexbind help

Shows help information.

/flexbind show-console

Shows console frame, press ESC to hide the console again.

FlexBind configurations are placed in file etc/config.lua, you can open/edit this file with any plaintext editors.

Lua Code:
  1. -- The logging level of FlexBind, any log messages with higher level than this value will be ignored and not logged.
  2. logLevel = NUMBER

Available levels:

1 - Error: Some error occurred and can't be recovered, process stopped.
2 - Warnning: Some bad thing happened but recovered, process can continue.
3 - Info: Useful information should be noticed.
4 - Debug: Verbose information for developer debugging.

Lua Code:
  1. -- The font of FlexBind console.
  2. consoleFont = {
  3.     size = NUMBER,
  4.     file = "FONT_FILE",
  5. }

Version Numbers
FlexBind version includes three numbers:

- The first number increases if World of Warcraft client upgraded, which means the value of ## Interface: in FlexBind.toc is changed.

- The second number increases if new features added.

- The last number increases only on issue fixing.

See more information at

2016-01-11 HE Yaowen <[email protected]>
Version 1.3.1
* Add more binding scheme examples

2016-01-10 HE Yaowen <[email protected]>
Version 1.3.0
* Add console frame in game

2016-01-08 HE Yaowen <[email protected]>
Version 1.2.0
* Add mechanisms to enable binding scheme on conditions

2016-01-06 HE Yaowen <[email protected]>
Version 1.1.0
* Add mechanisms to register slash commands for FlexBind
* Add slash commands to control behaviors of binding schemes

2016-01-04 HE Yaowen <[email protected]>
Version 1.0.0
* First release, implements loading/enabling binding schemes
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