Updated: 11-18-14 11:49 AM
File Info
Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3)
Warlords of Draenor Pre-Patch (6.0.2)
Updated:11-18-14 11:49 AM
Created:11-27-13 01:08 AM
Categories:Minimalistic Compilations, Class Compilations, DPS Compilations, Tank Compilations

Akatosh UI [1920x1080]

Version: 1.2.2
by: Akatosh [More]

Uploaded version 1.2.2!
18/11/2014 18:50 GTM +1.

Read the Change log if you have the version 1.2.1 or older.

What I had in mind when I create the interface?
Female Blood elvs, with huge atributes, Coff coff.

o Minimalistic appareance.
o Good amount of information.
o Oriented to PVE, leveling , quest, achievements.
o A good base to modify all elements.
o Pixel perfect.
o Dark colors to avoid eye damage when it is night.
o Custom profiles on Vex Power for all Classes*.
o Pet Battle frames customized.
o Very good appearance thanks to Aurora.
o Movable Frames (click the bedside of the frame and drag were you want).
o Bags organized by sections, (ALT + Right click over the items), more info here.
o Efficiency when performing actions, many shortcuts (Less common actions to access places).
* (You must select in profile manager of vexpower, and fit with your class, for example: I play with a Rogue so -> vex power -> profiles -> rogue / druid (load and update). and in color set load the coustom color for Rogue / Druid (load and update).

What my interface can't offer you:

o A lower resolution than 1920 x 1080 (Really don't try this UI on lower or higher resolutions).
What my interface need improve:

o Eficiency: In terms of eficiency, I know that exist a lot of ways to do, what my UI do, but with less consumption of CPU / Memory, I do my best, but at this moment, my knowledge is limited to that.

o Dependances: I like a lot Kgpanels, but for this same reason, I create dependencies to a lot of addons, to improve their appereance / utility, with scripts that are directly linked to the addon, if the addon don't be enabled / loaded, the most secure that, get a pretty pop-up with tons of errors, make sure to read all the info of this page to avoid that.

o More flexibility: In terms of flexibility, I want make the chat more flexible, the chat actually is limited to 3 tabs and has a very strict configuration, the chat is combined with a lot of panels to make it more "visual", but for this reason, its very strict to changes too.

[1] Make sure (sure much), that you make a copy of your previous interface, for do that, you only must copy the folders "Interface", and "WTF", contained in your WoW folder, after you do that (with the backup in a good place), delete the folders of WTF and Interface.

[2] After do the backup of your old interface, extract the files of "Akatosh-UI", the zip archive contain 2 folders, that you must paste into your WoW folder, when the old folders of "Interface", and "WTF" were.

[3] After you paste the folders, you must rename the folders contained in WTF ->, Account -> [ACCOUNTNAME], [SERVER] and [CHARACTER], be very exact with the names, a simple Cap or coma, that don't match, make that the UI don't work.
[3.1] [ACCOUNTNAME]= Name of your account.
[3.2] [SERVER]= Name of your server.
[3.3] [CHARACTER]= Name of your character.
[4] If you do all the steps well, run WoW, and adjust the system preferences.

[5] In character selection (at least the first time), make sure that you enable all the addons, and the opcion of "load old accessories", is ticked.

[6] Once you are already inside, by default, appear a pop-up confirmation, that ask you if you want apply the config of "Akatosh-Final", you must press yes, or type /reflux switch Akatosh-Final.

[7] If you have macros / binds, that you want conserve, the only that you must do, is take the files "bindings-cache", and "macros-cache" in the folder of you previous UI (by default in): [ACCOUNTNAME] or [CHARACTER], and paste to the WTF / corresponding folder of character of the new UI.

[8] Grats!, installation is complete, it's highly recommended, that you read the next point with the purpose of avoid HUGE problems.

Addon list and important information:


[E]: The addon is edited to fit with the UI appearance, depends of the situation you can disable or no, at first time, try to contac me, to fix any problem that appear with that kind of addons, I modified with custom codes and the authors do not deserve be bothered by a problem, that is possible, it is caused by me.
[N]: Never disable this addon for evade huge errors.
[F]: You can disable this addon with little/none impact).
[F][E] !dbm: (Code altered dbm.lua, Font changed, Continum).
[F][E] AURORA (Code altered Aurora.lua, change the default color to fit with the default color of the UI).
[F][E]Aurora Missing Textures (See below*)
[F] AURORA_RaidManager.
[N] Bartener4 (Kgpanels have script dependencies).
[F] BlizzMove.
[N][E] BLTRaidCooldowns (Code altered Core.lua, size of the icons, Font altered, Kgpanels have script dependencies).
[F][E] Broker_LFG (Code altered Broker_LFG.lua, class colors, position and text altered).
[F][E] Broker_MicroMenu (Code altered Broker_Micromenu.lua, simplified, tooltip position).
[F][E] Broker_RaidBuffs (Code altered Broker_RaidBuffs.lua, class colors, tooltip and updated code to work in WoD).
[N][E] Broker_wDurability (Huge modifications of the code Broker_wDurability.lua, Kgpanels have script dependencies).
[N][E] carBags_Nivaya (Code altered cargBags_Nivaya.lua, edited the font, colors, Kgpanels have script dependencies).
[F] DBM (All modules).
[N] Kgpanels (Really never disable that).
[F][E] Krys_DamageFont (Code altered Krys_DamageFont.lua, change the path of the font).
[F][E] Kui_Nameplates (Serveral code changes here, gradient colored text, castbar, positions, icons).
[F] Kui_Nameplater_Auras.
[F][E] Masque (Code altered to change the default scales to make the Masque_Akatosh, pixel pefect Masque.lua).
[F][E] Masque_Akatosh (Custom created addon).
[F] MoveAnything.
[F][E] nibChatTabs (Custom code to get out the tabs).
[F] nibProfileLoader (After set the config in your character I recomend disable it).
[N] Omen (Kgpanels have script dependencies).
[N] ooMinimap (Code altered ooMinimap.lua, Kgpanels have script dependencies).
[F] Parrot.
[N][E] Prat-3.0 (Code altered EditBox, Buttons and Copy Chat, Textures, and sizes modified).
[N] Prat-3.0_Extras (Prat dependencies).
[N] Prat-3.0_Libraries (Prat dependencies).
[F] Raven.
[F] Raven_Options.
[F] Reflux (Like nibProfileLoader, after configure all chars I recomend disable it).
[F] Reload_UI. (Custom created addon).
[N] SharedMedia.
[N][E] SharedMedia_MyMedia (have custom path of textures, fonts, borders...).
[N] Skada (Code altered, Tooltip default position, Kgpanels have script dependencies, fix for Pet Battles).
[N][E] StatBlock_Folks (Huge modifications here StatBlock_Folks.lua, icons intead of text, simplified, tooltip altered, class color).
[F][E] StatBlock_Memory (Huge modified StatBlock_Memory.lua, simplified, tooltip altered, class color).
[N][E] StatBlockCore (Code changed StatBlockCore.lua, height of the elements, tons of addon dependencies, all brokers basically).
[N][E] Stuf (Fix for Pet Battles), code altere core.lua, modified boders sizes and positions relative to bars.
[F] Stuf_Options.
[F] Stuf_Range.
[F] TipTac.
[F] TipTacOptions.
[F] TipTacTalents.
[F] vexpower (Kgpanels have script dependencies).
[N] vexrunes (Kgpanels have script dependencies).
[F][E] XPBarNone (Code altered Core.lua, modified, borders, colors, tootlip, text removed).
[F][E] Grid2 (Code altered GridLayout.lua , texture of mouseover, borders size).

*Not all textures all included here, I exclude the textures that I don't use, but exist 5 textures, that are custom, path: [MainMenuBar] -> UI-XP-Bar and UI-XP-Mid, [Buttons] -> BLACK8X8, [CHATFRAME] -> UI-ChatIcon-BlinkHilight, [LFGFRAME] -> UI-LFG-ICON-PORTRAITROLES, if you want put all the textures, are free to do it (Click Aurora Missing Textures on the list of adove), but the most secure, that you don't use 99% of them.

The chat config: The chat window at this moment its positioned with a good amount of panels, so the size and the position of the chat is very strict, if you move or change the position, a lot elements don't fit with it, and the chat a very ugly apperance.

Special mention: To the file chat-cache.txt, this file is what contain, all the default size and position (and tabs), of the chat frame, if you create or change to another char, make sure that you put a copy of the original file of my interface (by default in the [CHARACTER] folder in the corresponding folder of your char.

You can view how to change / customize, a few things of the interface on comments section.
To END...:

As the first version, possibly you meet with numerous errors, please say you know about (Feedback tab or PM or if you want contact me In-Game., so I can correct them, but have in mind, that I can't solve all, not all errors can be fixed for my side, or simply, I have not enough knowledge to fix.

Finally, thanks for all the authors, that like me, invert huge amount of time, to make like me UI, a lot of more posible, and thanks for the people that help me all this time in the forums, whitout you, that UI never can be posible to do it.

Any help to improve the UI (Feedback tab or PM), would be welcome (and I need a lot), if you need more directly help, are free to contact me In-Game.

First issues discovered, and how to fix it:

o The Alarm / Battle pet / and other elements appear in wrong side,
To fix that you only must select the Akatosh-Final profile, in profile manager of Moveanything.
o The bars over the Unitframe texture of the player don't show!!. [Thanks Grentor]

o Lua errors (from TipTac).
o When I right-click a the tab of the chat, the dropdown menu disappear.
To fix that you need hold the right click and then left-click.

[1.2.2] /¡\ Recomended a clean Install /¡\

Fixed language bugs (Chat config, Stuff, etc.), addon updates.

[1.2.1] Addons Updates, new secondary stats to track on "Stat panel 2" (Versatility and Multistrike).

***Users with version 1.2 or later of the UI***
If you don't want Re-Install the UI, you only must do the next:

[Config files]

Re-download the UI and pick the next archives of the fresh download:

[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> kgPanels.lua
And replace to their corresponding folders of the interface.

[Addons files]

[ADDONS] Delete the folders: Sharedmedia, Vexpower, MoveAnything, Bartender4, BLTRaidCooldowns, Raven and Raven_options.
And replace to their corresponding folders of the Akatosh UI file.

[1.2] /¡\ Recomended a clean Install /¡\
Removed addons: Staddonmanager, Button_facade, Button_facade_Nefs.
Added: Masque_Akatosh.
Updated the majority of Addons, changes in panels of Kgpanels, Broker_Raidbuffs (modified to the actual situation of buffs and raid buffs), etc.

[1.1.2] Removed addons: Broker TimeToExecute, Broker_CombatDuration and ScrollingWatchFrame (very buggy), ABR-Revived.
Added: Gladius.
Bigger central Bars (they fill the space of removed brokers), I think, that be interesting have bigger bars with the incoming realase of WoD, and the spell purge.
Fixed minor problems with Prat and Clique.

[1.1.1] The Blizzard Pop-Up error when interactuate with the spell book, appear fixed for the side of Blizzard, Aurora Updated, with 5.4.2, I think, that the textures change a bit, and don't fit with the 1.1.0 version of the UI, Thanks to the addon author to keep the addon updated!.

[1.1.0] With that version, I implement a good amount of changes to the UI, continue with the state "trouble hunting".

[1] Raven target bars buffs / debuffs, are replaced by icons, with bars, the information is more detailled, but very limited in terms of how many bars can be shown, and don't be annoying to the user, with the icons, the info is more condensed, less detailled, but at least you can see all, something that don't happens with the bar format.

[2] Pitbull is no more needed, I edit a bit the code of Stuf (the style and size of the borders), and I do a Custom panel on Kgpanels, to cover the color of the quality border target (for example: rare, boss, elite, etc etc).

[3] Grid 2 now is used to manage the raid frames, it give me more tools to show information to the user, with more options to customize.

[4] Simple3DPortraits is no more needed, now Stuff show the portraits.

[5] Good amount of panels of Kgpanels now don't are needed (their function basically, be fix the ugly appereance of the borders of Stuf), but with the edited code that now Stuf has, the theme of the borders is totally covered.

[6] Changed the position and visivility of the tooltip, now the tooltip always is shown, and change the position, depends of how many ammount of panels have Grid2 Layout.

[7] Added a Button to Show / Hide the Whatch frame (quest frame).

[8] Updated versions of Omnicc, Skada, and Broker LFG.

[*] I make a little tutorial to edit the default stat of the "Stat Panels" Click here to see it.

***Users with version 1.1.1 or later of the UI***
Be very difficult implement all this changes 1 by 1, so If you want conserve macros / binds / config, follow the step of poin [7] of Intsllation and make a Clean Install of the UI.

Sorry for the Issues caused by this.
***Users with version 1.0.9 or later of the UI***
Be very difficult implement all this changes 1 by 1, so If you want conserve macros / binds / config, follow the step of poin [7] of Intsllation and make a Clean Install of the UI.

Sorry for the Issues caused by this.

[1.0.8] Fixed a minor problem with the tooltip of the toggle button of "CompactRaidFrameManager", fixed a little issue with the trigger "Exec phase", don't have an scroll area asigned, so appear randomly in one of the 4 scroll areas, instead on the correct and specific asigned area, UI on state of trouble hunting.

Added a tutorial on coments section to customize the broker "TimeToExecute" and the trigger of "Exec phase!" of Parrot Click here to see it.

***Users with version 1.0.7 or later of the UI***
If you don't want Re-Install the UI, you only must do the next:

Re-download the UI and pick the next archives of the fresh download:

[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> Parrot.lua
[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> kgPanels.lua
And replace to their corresponding folders.
[1.0.7] Fixed the problem with target debuffs / buffs (like auras, presences / stances / forms, mounts or misc buffs / debuffs) not all but a good amount of then, don't shown, UI on state of trouble hunting.

Added a tutorial on coments section to customize Raven, and MoveAnything Click here to see it.

***Users with version 1.0.6 or later of the UI***
If you don't want Re-Install the UI, you only must do the next:

Re-download the UI and pick the next archives of the fresh download:

[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> Raven.lua
And replace to their corresponding folders.
[1.0.6] Change the position and the size of the frames (a huge amount of then), basically achievements, loot, criteria, guild, the button of "Moveanything", tooltip of PvP queue, PvE queue adjusted to fit whit the panels (More info Here).
Purged useless information of the savedvariable of Moveanything (the older versions have profile - keys of my alters, nothing usefull.
Fixed a minor problem that show 2 buttons of micromenu when the "Override" frame is visible, UI on state of trouble hunting.

***Users with version 1.0.5 or later of the UI***
If you don't want Re-Install the UI, you only must do the next:

Re-download the UI and pick the next archives of the fresh download:

[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> MoveAnything.lua
And replace to their corresponding folders.
[1.0.5] Fix a problem with the "Pulse" effect, on the debuff bar of Raven, constantly triger when the debuff renew so can be very annoying, UI on state of trouble hunting.

***Users with version 1.0.4 or later of the UI***
If you don't want Re-Install the UI, you only must do the next:

Re-download the UI and pick the next archives of the fresh download:

[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> Raven.lua
And replace to their corresponding folders.
[1.0.4] Fix the problem with Skada (don't gather any information for default), fix the problem with the size of extra action button, fixed minor details with the border of the buttons of the Pet Battle Frame, UI on state of trouble hunting.

Added Changelog in the file Readme.txt.

***Users with version 1.0.3 or later of the UI***
If you don't want Re-Install the UI, you only must do the next:

Re-download the UI and pick the next archives of the fresh download:

[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> Bartender4.lua
[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> kgPanels.lua
[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> Skada.lua
And replace to their corresponding folders.
[1.0.3] Fix the the banner of minimap (texture scale and position) thanks to Dinamit, Darrt and Ämbêr for give me a guild group to fix that, fix the little square that sometimes appear on the middle of the screen), UI on state of trouble hunting.

***Users with version 1.0.2 or later of the UI***
If you don't want Re-Install the UI, you only must do the next:

Re-download the UI and pick the next archives of the fresh download:

[Interface] -> [AddOns] -> [ooMinimap] -> ooMinimap.lua
[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> Stuf.lua
[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> kgPanels.lua
[WTF] -> [Account] -> [ACCOUNTNAME] -> [SavedVariables] -> Reflux.lua
And replace to their corresponding folders.

[1.0.2] Fix a problem with the borders, the texture border "WHITE8X8" have an incorrect path in SharedMedia_MyShredMedia (my fail sorry), so always appear as a green (ugly) color in unitframes like Pitbull, continue with the state "trouble hunting".

***Users with version 1.0.1 or 1.0.0 of the UI***
The only difference betwen 1.0.2 and the 1.0.1 are 1 line of code, so basically you don't need re-download and re-install the UI, the only that you need to do is:

Edit the file MyMedia.lua localed in [WoW folder] -> [Interface] -> [Addons] -> [SharedMedia_MyMedia].

And change the line 12:

LSM:Register("border", "WHITE8X8", [[Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8]])
For that:

LSM:Register("border", "WHITE8X8", [[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]])

[1.0.1] Addon uploaded with less archives that have "useless" info (*.bak files, and cache files redundant), continue with the state "trouble hunting".

[1.0.0] First version of the UI (trouble hunting).
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Unread 11-27-13, 03:51 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hey there !

First I want to say that your Ui is very well build and I realy like it.

Now to things that I have found that dont work as intendet:

-I have no "short buff"-bar above my own Unitframe. (I have them over the Target frame and can see my own short buffs by targeting myself) Dont know whats the issue there.)

-Skada is not showing any information atm.(As you can see on the screenshot above) I'll try to update it manualy and see if it works

-I have a problem with my Questlog. Dont know how to explain it right so just look at the screenshot.

I think at the moment that's all I have on bugs
Again thank you for your hard work on this one

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Unread 11-28-13, 08:41 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Ui is awesome Im wondering Could you make this with three bars instead of two?
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Unread 11-28-13, 10:06 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hey Akatosh !

Thanks for your helpfull answer !

Raven is now working just fine and I love it

But I have still problems with my questlog :/
I went into the options of SWF and played around with them but the quests still dont want to be in the right place. I disabled the addon now so I can do quests Is it ok to have it disabled or will I get error messages from this ?

And is there a way to have the "Blizzard Damage Font" to be permanently disabled ? When I disable it by myself it turn itself back to normal after a bit. I realy just want the scrolling combat text to be visible not both. I hope there is a way to change this

I dont know why but Skada is still not showing any information (Damage or Dps). The windows just stays blank.
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Unread 11-28-13, 11:58 AM  
A Black Drake
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Originally Posted by Grentor
Hey Akatosh !

Thanks for your helpfull answer !

Raven is now working just fine and I love it

But I have still problems with my questlog :/
I went into the options of SWF and played around with them but the quests still dont want to be in the right place. I disabled the addon now so I can do quests Is it ok to have it disabled or will I get error messages from this ?

And is there a way to have the "Blizzard Damage Font" to be permanently disabled ? When I disable it by myself it turn itself back to normal after a bit. I realy just want the scrolling combat text to be visible not both. I hope there is a way to change this

I dont know why but Skada is still not showing any information (Damage or Dps). The windows just stays blank.

The most secure that you can customize it, just with that:

Type /parrot.

A new frame appear in "general" section, just cerciorate that untick that:

Try too in the default game options untick that:

If you don't want see the default floating text of the game, if you want, can disable too the addon named "Krys_DamageFont", that addon just customize the font of the default floating text, so... if you don't show it, makes no sense, have it enabled.

Last edited by Akatosh : 10-26-14 at 04:33 AM.
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Unread 11-29-13, 01:12 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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speel bars

Three spells bars im sorry for not being specific
Originally Posted by Akatosh
Originally Posted by Grentor
Hey Akatosh !

Thanks for your helpfull answer !

Raven is now working just fine and I love it

But I have still problems with my questlog :/
I went into the options of SWF and played around with them but the quests still dont want to be in the right place. I disabled the addon now so I can do quests Is it ok to have it disabled or will I get error messages from this ?

And is there a way to have the "Blizzard Damage Font" to be permanently disabled ? When I disable it by myself it turn itself back to normal after a bit. I realy just want the scrolling combat text to be visible not both. I hope there is a way to change this

I dont know why but Skada is still not showing any information (Damage or Dps). The windows just stays blank.

The most secure that you can customize it, just with that:

Type /parrot.

A new frame appear in "general" section, just cerciorate that untick that:

Try too in the default game options untick that:

If you don't want see the default floating text of the game, if you want, can disable too the addon named "Krys_DamageFont", that addon just customize the font of the default floating text, so... if you don't show it, makes no sense, have it enabled.

For the theme of Scroll Watch Frame.

If you disable the addon, I recomend you remove the panel attached with the addon, named "SFW_Fix".

(Type /kgpanels config -> enable panels -> select the panel -> and then delete.

This panel hide the visibility (and the mouse interactions) of 3 textures of the frame, so if you disable the frame is meaningless conserve the panel of kgpanels.

For the theme of Skada (atleast for me works ok).

Originally Posted by theeone
Ui is awesome Im wondering Could you make this with three bars instead of two?
I'm sorry but I do not understand what you mean when you say 3 bars instead of 2, ¿can you pls give me more detailed information?.

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Unread 11-29-13, 08:38 AM  
A Black Drake
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Re: speel bars

Originally Posted by theeone
Three spells bars im sorry for not being specific

What more spell bar you want?, and where?, I see how can I do, if you put me a picture with indication be more easy.

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Unread 11-29-13, 03:21 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: speel bars

Originally Posted by Akatosh
Originally Posted by theeone
Three spells bars im sorry for not being specific

What more spell bar you want?, and where?, I see how can I do, if you put me a picture with indication be more easy.

Just like you have it just add another row above the middle one would be great and Thanks alot for your time and effort.
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Unread 11-29-13, 04:37 PM  
A Black Drake
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Re: Re: Re: speel bars

Originally Posted by theeone
Originally Posted by Akatosh
Originally Posted by theeone
Three spells bars im sorry for not being specific

What more spell bar you want?, and where?, I see how can I do, if you put me a picture with indication be more easy.

Just like you have it just add another row above the middle one would be great and Thanks alot for your time and effort.
Something like that for put an example?.

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Unread 11-29-13, 11:37 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: Re: Re: speel bars check that out 3 action bars sorry I told you spell bars, the 3 rows at bottom with all your attacks and spells on it

Originally Posted by Akatosh
Originally Posted by theeone
Originally Posted by Akatosh
Originally Posted by theeone
Three spells bars im sorry for not being specific

What more spell bar you want?, and where?, I see how can I do, if you put me a picture with indication be more easy.

Just like you have it just add another row above the middle one would be great and Thanks alot for your time and effort.
Something like that for put an example?.

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Unread 11-30-13, 03:23 AM  
A Black Drake
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: speel bars

Originally Posted by theeone check that out 3 action bars sorry I told you spell bars, the 3 rows at bottom with all your attacks and spells on it
Ok I explain you:

That UI and this UI have the same number of frames, the only that change, be the position.


1 = Player
2 = Target
3 = Target of target

In the UI that you link me the order of the frames be that:

1 - 2 - 3.

In this UI:

1 - 3 - 2.

I hope that I explain me well.
Last edited by Akatosh : 11-30-13 at 03:26 AM.
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Unread 11-30-13, 09:03 AM  
A Murloc Raider
rezsickness's Avatar

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Thanks for the UI. Just started Tanking on my warrior and it works really well thank you so much!!!!

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Unread 11-30-13, 03:26 PM  
A Black Drake
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Originally Posted by rezsickness
Thanks for the UI. Just started Tanking on my warrior and it works really well thank you so much!!!!

Glad to see that you like, I am really happy to see, that people download my UI, an UI in first versions, that probably has errors, and with all of that, they download and comment here to say that they like it.

I care a lot of that people, mercen him, for believing in my project, and for that reason I put in the change log (and the readme file), how to fix every problem what I found, and don't force anyone to reinstall and the disturbs that this entails.

It's a great source of motivation to continue going forward!.

I update all as I can, to fix every error that I found, (sorry file moderators, don't is my intention disturb).

Thanks all !!.
Last edited by Akatosh : 11-30-13 at 03:33 PM.
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Unread 11-30-13, 09:07 PM  
A Black Drake
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I put here a little tutorial to teach how can you do, for move a good amount of default frames of Blizzard UI.

My UI has 2 addons that give you a good amount of freedom to edit the windows position and frames of the default UI of Blizzrd, (BlizzMove and MoveAnything).

The generic frames (like character windows, Ah windows, Game menu, etc, etc.. can be moved just with drag and drop system thanks to "BlizzMove".

But exist another default frames, that are more "difficult to move" we can call it with that form, or just BlizzMove don't add support to move it, for move that frames the best (and easiest way), is MoveAnything, a simple tool that allow you move the frames.

The simplest way to open the addon is (In-Game), push the key "Esc" - Aka Escape), The Game menu appear, then, click the MoveAnything button:

A new window appear, with a lot of sections (shorted by time of frame).

If you click in the "+" symbol, the list expand, and show all the frames what the addon allow you to customize of this type.

In this example (Achievements & Quest).

Here, I explain what mean every section:

If you click on the "mover", appear a little preview of the frame that you select, with a little panel, that contains tools to positioning the frame.

The "Tick", indicates that the frame is in "Edit" mode, and can be moved / resized.

You can move multiple frames at the same time, if you do it, in the "mover" tools panle, appear a number that indicate [Actual frame] / [total frames], you can click on the buttons "-" or "+" to toggle the frame.

A little explain of every button of the mover tool:

You can just drag and drop the frame where you want, and the use the mover tool to put the frame in a position with more precision, to resize the frame click and drag on the little squares.

Once you completed the customization of the frames, you only must click here.

Now to save the config of the Frames, Reload your UI, type /reload ui (on the chat), or just relog.

How can I do for find out a frame??.

The addon have a shortcut to framestack, what is framestack?, a tool that blizzard provide us, to find out the name (and the strata), of the frames (all), to enable the tool just do the next: type /framestack (on the chat of course), or click to the shortcut that the addon provide us, named "FS".

On the version 1.0.7, I configure all the panels to fit with the UI, and dont collide, but if you like change it, or you see a frame that you like with another position / size, just follow that quick guide.

Last edited by Akatosh : 12-01-13 at 12:09 AM.
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Unread 11-30-13, 11:23 PM  
A Black Drake
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Tutorial Raven Tanks.


I explain how you can do for add a bar that track a custom spell, be specially usefull for the specific shields that tanks specs has, like for example Blood Shield of DK, or Shied Barrier of Warriors, etc, etc.

For this tutorial I use a the Blood Shield of the Dk, but you can do that with basically all the spells.

In first place you need type /raven (on the chat).

The main panel of Raven appear.

Now you must enter in the "Bar-group section".

And click on the option "New custom group".

The options dissapear, and now appear a section that allow you put a custom name for the bar group, for do this tutorial, I call the bargroup "test", then press enter or push the confirm button.

Now in general tab, of your new custom bar, go to the Strata section and push the arrow down, select the option "Background", we do that, for evade collide with the borders of Pitbull.

Now enter on the section "Custom Bars", and click on the option "new", to track more buffs, just repeat this step and the next 5), for every spell that you want track.

A new frame appear, by default is ticked the option "notity", but we need the option "buffs", so we click that option.

After select that option, a good amount more appear, you must first click the option "class", and then, you must click the class that you are using, I am using a DK, so I choose that option, but if you are playing a druid for example, you must choose that instead.

Like the last step, new options appear, in this case, a list of the spells, that the addon can track, in my case a full list of DK spells, so I click on "blood shield" = "escudo de sangre", but if you play another class like a warrior druid etc, you must choose the spell that you like track, like shield barrier for example.

In the section "Action on", you need select "player, and in the secction "cast by" too, and then press ok.

with the last action you confirm the hability that you want track, so now, appear a new frame, that allow you to customize the appareance and info of that hability, in my example "Blood shield".

You must change the label that show the addon when the bar appear, more tiny as you can, in that example I use "BS" (Blood Shield), then is very important that you choose the option "Add tooltip number".

For default, Raven creates the bar at the back of the frame options, so I drag the mover of the bar, (or just move the window of Raven).

Now we need change a lot the appareance of the bar, the easiest way to do that, be just copy the configuration of the layer "cooldowns".

Enter on the secction "layout", then in the option "Copy layout from", and select "cooldowns".

Now enter on the secction "Appareance", And untick the option "Use defaults".

Now you must do identical steps to copy the appareance of that secction.

Now go to bottom of this section, and in the secction "Bar Color Scheme", select the options, "Class" and "Custom", I recomend for the first a grey color, and for the second a black color.

Now go to the "Layout" section, on the bottom of the frame, on the section "Display position", You must exactly enter that numbers, Horinzontal = 31,93 \ Vertical 16,26.

Now in the section "layout", we change too the position of the text, you must put this values:

The mover now its over the unitframe of the player, and the most secure that collide with the others bars, but its normal, nothing its wrong, just continue.

Ok, so... How can we do for join both bars?, and the most importat, that the bar of the shield appear the first?.

We must enter on the bar frame "Cooldowns", on the tab "Layout", secction "Attachment", and on the option "bar group", droppdown the menu and in the tooltip select the Bargroup "test", and tick the option "Last bar", and "By columns".

For end, you must enter on the tab "General" of your custom bargroup, and then push Lock !!!.

The final appareance (in combat), be that:

The shield bar (that be a very important spell to track), appear the first, and the rest of the bars on the head, and ordered by timeleft.

On the version, 1.0.7 of the UI, I put a list with a good amount of absorbs, but, if you want track something more, just follow that quick guide.

Last edited by Akatosh : 12-01-13 at 01:36 AM.
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Unread 12-01-13, 12:40 AM  
A Black Drake
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Raven Customize filters.

With the version 1.0.7 that I Upload in a few minutes, I fix a problem with Raven (the addon don't be wrong), only I don't configure it well.

With that change, now the target show all debuffs / buffs, in older versions, buffs like Mounts / Auras / Zones / Stances / Forms / Presences and a long etc... (on the target) that in older versions don't are shown.

But with that change the most secure that the bars can be a lot and fill the screen, can be annoying for the user, so I try to explain here, how can you do, for change that, show less bars.

2 posible ways:

1st: Show only the debuffs that you apply, for example, stay in a raid boss, with 24 more people, for sure put in the boss a huge amount of debuffs, we can choose show only yours, but, but, BUT, if the boss gain a debuff for another source, that debuff don't appear, depends of the situation that information that you don't have, equal a huge amount of dps lossed, or directly a wipe, if you choose that way do the next:

Type /raven (on the chat).

The main panel of Raven appear.

Now you must enter in the "Bar-group section", and select the bar group "Target", and then in the tab "Debuffs", and toggle the options selected, "Anyone", for "player".

Pros: More easy to do it.
Dis: If the boss gains a debuff for another way you don't see it.
2nd: Show all the debuffs, but filter, what debuffs do you want see, and what debuffs do you don't want see.

With that option, you can show all too, debuffs yours, others, boss, all...(like the 1st point).

But with that option you can for example, hide all the debuufs of the other people (ignore all the debuffs that you want), and show your debuffs and the debuffs that the boss don't gain for a player source, like for example.

Type /raven (on the chat).

The main panel of Raven appear.

Now you must enter in the "Bar-group section", and select the bar group "Target", and then in the bottom of the section, tick the option, "Black list", and in the text box, just bellow, enter here every spell that you want ignore, and then press enter.

Pros: You can track your debuffs and see the debuffs that has ben applied for another source than you / other persons.
Dis: Is more difficult to do, and require a few minutes to add the spells.
Last edited by Akatosh : 12-01-13 at 11:18 AM.
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