(953 b)
Updated: 11-08-17 05:40 PM
File Info
Shadows of Argus (7.3.0)
Updated:11-08-17 05:40 PM
Created:08-17-12 05:12 AM
Categories:Combat Mods, RolePlay, Music Mods

Leap Over Here!

Version: 1.2.5
by: Nynaeve [More]

Leap Over Here!

This Addon plays the Headless Horseman's "Get Over Here, you Idiot!" upon using Leap of Faith.

In the future, I will likely make another addon, to include a random chance to use this phrase, or other phrases. I've not yet decided what sound files to include, but will upload as soon as I do!

It is set to play with Master sound, so it will still fire and be heard, even if you keep your "Sounds" turned off in game, as I do. As long as your "Master Sound" is set high enough, it will still be loud enough to hear.

I am also working on a couple other projects at the moment, murloc and otherwise.

Hugs n Stuff!

Updated toc for 7.3something

Updated for 6.2something and actually uploaded it, this time. Whoops.

Updated for 6.2something

Fixed/Updated toc for 5.4 to work for 5.4.7

1.2.2 Updated .toc

1.2 I probably shouldn't have updated stuff at 5 AM, without sleeping, and in the middle of a hurricane. Fixed the addon selection screen name.

1.1 Updated .toc for 5.xx.
Optional Files (0)

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