Updated: 09-24-15 03:02 PM
File Info
Minor patch (6.2.3)
Fury of Hellfire (6.2)
Updated:09-24-15 03:02 PM
Created:09-03-15 03:52 AM


Version: 1.4.1
by: bencvt [More]

Organizing groups is an important, if sometimes tedious, part of running a raid. This addon helps automate the process.

Instead of manually dragging players around in the raid tab, just click a single button to set things up the way you want:

  • Rearrange players so that tanks, melee, ranged, and healers are grouped together. Your priest healers will thank you.

  • Mark tanks and ensure they have assist.
Other features:
  • Split your raid into two roughly equal sides for raid encounters that need it. Manually combing through damage meters to ensure that your heavy hitters are spread appropriately is for the birds. FixGroups takes care of that for you, integrating with your damage meter addon directly. Recount, Skada, TinyDPS, and Details! are all supported.

  • Choose a "volunteer" when you need someone to handle a certain mechanic in a fight using the /choose console command. You can narrow down the candidate pool by using /choose ranged, /choose hunter, etc. This command has many other uses as well. Type /choose in-game for details.

  • Track your group comp automatically. An example comp is 2/4/13 (5+8), which is shorthand for "a group composed of 2 tanks, 4 healers, and 13 dps, 5 of which are melee and 8 of which are ranged."

    • Whenever a player joins or leaves your group, the server message now includes the player's role and the new comp. Example: "Darion (Melee) has joined the raid group. 2/4/14 (6+8)."

    • Add the group comp to your UI if you're running a Data Broker display addon (Titan Panel, ChocolateBar, ElvUI, etc.) FixGroups makes the comp available as a Data Broker object (a.k.a. LDB plugin).

- fix formatting errors in /choose examples
- improve algorithm for guessing what guild rank is for core raiders
- add list of mouse shortcuts to Data Broker Group Comp tooltip
- add "/fg ." as an alias for "/fg sort"
- remove AceConsole dependency
- clean up AceGUI usage

- add core raider sort method
- add /fg last command
- add extra sort methods: alpha, ralpha, class, random
- add option to use alternate role icons
- add total to group comp tooltip
- animate the icon when rearranging
- stop rearranging when another raid assist starts rearranging
- add message when cancelling sort
- add message after /fg nosort
- add an alternate button color for GUI windows to break up the monotony
- improve message when using the clear/skip sort methods
- improve spec detection for DPS Shamans and Druids by looking for augment rune buffs
- improve split algorithm to distribute more evenly
- group 7 is only considered a bench group for mythic difficulty
- add option to disable new version notifications
- change default sort method option to only allow tmrh, thmr, and nosort
- fix error for users who set a custom sort method on a pre-1.3 version of this addon
- fix a couple minor issues with the /fg and /choose GUIs

- pressing escape to close the /fg or /choose GUI no longer pops up the game menu
- fix issue with new version notifications always showing up as "0"
- fix issue with chat keywords stripping spaces
- fix issue with /list not announcing to raid chat
- fix broken /fg tmrh and /fg thmr commands
- fix localization error when splitting the raid is paused due to combat
- display the last /choose, /list, or /listself command in the button tooltip

- ensure raid tab is open when using /fg clear1 and /fg clear2
- stop rearranging when raid is disbanding
- fix bug with keyword matching

- add custom icon
- add partial Chinese translation, thanks @cadcamzy
- resolve ticket #36: missing system messages when players leave/join
- organize config dialog into tabs
- simplify the different ways to click the minimap button
- add GUI for /fg command, similar to the /choose GUI
- add /fg clear1 and /fg clear2 commands to empty out groups 1/2
- add /fg skip1 and /fg skip2 commands to exclude players in groups 1/2
- add /list and /listself commands: works the same as /choose but it doesn't do the extra /roll step
- note the sort mode in tooltip when paused due to combat

- improve spec detection for DPS Shamans and Druids
- improve group-related system messages: modify role changes too
- add option to clear all target markers from non-tanks
- announce group comp after rearranging groups
- note the sort mode in console when pausing/resuming due to combat
- make the /choose GUI easier to close

- add /choose command
- add partial Korean and Russian translations, thanks @kisswow and @mednik
- various improvements to damage meter addon integration, including support for TinyDPS
- add option to enhance group-related system messages to include player role and new group comp
- group comp available as a Data Broker object (a.k.a. LDB plugin), full breakdown in tooltip
- group comp available for parties, not just raids
- group comp includes melee and ranged counts
- group comp correctly excludes sitting players
- when sorting healers last in non-full Mythic and Raid Finder groups, ensure they're in the same group
- when sorting a group with a DPS Shaman or Druid that we haven't inspected yet, note that they'll be sorted as ranged for now
- use Blizzard's standard class order for sorting (as of 6.x: Warrior>DK>Paladin>Monk>Priest>Shaman>Druid>Rogue>Mage>Warlock>Hunter)
- console commands are now case-insensitive

- add mostly-complete German translation, Dankeschön @pas06
- resolve ticket #9: DPS Shamans and Druids are now sorted correctly
- display raid comp (e.g. "2/3/10") in button/icon tooltips
- keyword matching is now case-insensitive
- fix Lua error when config menu gets closed immediately
- fix issue with minimap icon not appearing after resetting options
- more code refactoring

- resolve ticket #2: locale support
- resolve ticket #5: issue with minimap icon lingering, again
- use class colors when printing player names
- remove useless option to always open raid tab when rearranging players
- make the 3 Fix Group buttons (minimap icon, raid tab, options pane) function the same way
- major code refactoring

- resolve ticket #1: issue with chat announcing
- resolve ticket #3: issue with minimap icon lingering
- additional cleanup if addon disabled

- enable announcing to raid chat

- initial release
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